I found my favorite notebook with my next gen drawings in it. So I drew the kids of Twilight Sparkle and Flash Sentry: Lavenderfall and Topaz Glare.
Name: Lavenderfall
Nicknames: Princess Lavenderfall, Lala, Lavender, Fall
Age: 20 years
Gender: Female
Species: Pegasus
Parents: Twilight Sparkle and Flash Sentry
Big Brother: Topaz Glare
Friends: Humming Heart, Stormy Appletree (Stormy), Peanut Butter Pie (Peanut)
Talent: Writing poems
Pelt color: Light purple
Mane color: Dark blue with a gold stripe
Eyes color: Fuchsia
Cutiemark: A feather-pen
Personnality: Lavender is a quiet and simple pony. She likes to read and write like her mother, Twilight. She is a clever pony but sometimes, she can forget important things. She does whatever she wants to.
History: later
Pet: Cloud the Bluejay
Name: Topaz Glare
Nicknames: Prince Topaz Glare, Topaz, Snake-eyes
Age: 25 years
Gender: Male
Species: Unicorn
Parents: Twilight Sparkle and Flash Sentry
Little Sister: Lavenderfall
Friends: Sapphire, Martini, Shooting Star, Appleleaf, Blossom Frosting (his crush)
Talent: Fighting
Pelt color: Light orange
Mane color: Purple with a dark pink stripe
Eyes color: Yellow
Cutiemark: A shield and a spear
Personnality: Topaz is a quiet stallion who likes to protect everyone. He is pretty clever but he hate reading and writing. Sometimes, he can act like a little foal when nobody is watching
History: later
Pet: None