Comments: 78
Kalia24 In reply to ??? [2019-12-20 17:54:38 +0000 UTC]
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KaptainJay In reply to Kalia24 [2019-12-26 07:37:39 +0000 UTC]
True, but I still hope so for this reality. Its silly but its just me.
Now that I think of it, please don't take this as negative criticism of your work.
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Lajla0 [2018-02-28 22:59:27 +0000 UTC]
LIEN OMG <33333333333 zakochana
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RandomVanGloboii [2016-11-01 23:02:36 +0000 UTC]
Thanks for the nightmares
*covers himself in bed hugging his copy of Throne of Jade*
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Bazil3282 [2015-07-23 09:35:01 +0000 UTC]
Obrazek fajny, ale poważnie wątpię, aby to faktycznie miało tak wyglądać.
Po pierwsze, to w ogóle nie w stylu Lien. Mimo wszystko sprawia wrażenie postaci zbyt wyrafinowanej, aby po zwycięstwie zdecydowała się upokorzyć swoich wrogów w tak prostacki sposób. Zresztą, całkiem nie o tym mówiła, kiedy w "Wojnie prochowej" groziła Temeraire'owi. Wyraźnie zapowiedziała, że pozwoli mu normalnie żyć, już po tym, jak odbierze mu wszystko, na czym mu zależy - niepotrzebne pęta, żeby w takiej sytuacji cierpiał.
Po drugie, co tu robi Iskierka? Przecież Lien nie ma do niej absolutnie nic - obchodzi ją tyle, co każdy szeregowy smok walczący po stronie Brytyjczyków. Nie ma żadnego powodu, dla którego miałaby walkę przeciwko niej traktować personalnie, jako osobistą wendettę, ani też mścić się na niej w ten czy inny sposób. W tej jednej scenie, kiedy się spotkały, Lien bardziej interesowały próby przeciągnięcia Iskierki na stronę Francuzów.
Nie pasuje mi też ten uśmieszek Lien. Za każdym razem, gdy się pojawia, jest bardzo poważna i powściągliwa - jakoś nie umiem jej sobie wyobrazić, szczerzącej się w ten sposób. No i gdzie się podziały jej klejnoty?
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Kalia24 In reply to Bazil3282 [2015-07-23 13:28:14 +0000 UTC]
Ok, może zacznę od początku, czyli jak brzmiało zamówienie na ten obrazek: miała być ofc Lien i usługujący jej (w możliwie poniżający sposób) Lawrence i Granby, a w tle miały być Iskierka i Temeraire jakoś uwięzione/spętane. Przekręciłam trochę wymogi, bo ustawianie smoków w dalekim tle byłoby wg. mnie stratą dla obrazka, a poza tym od razu miałam pomysł na wykorzystanie zdolności parogennych Iskierki.
Mam nadzieję, że powyższe przynajmniej z grubsza wyjaśnia obecność Iskierki, Granby'ego oraz pęt. Co do tych ostatnich, to ich wykorzystanie nie powinno aż tak bardzo dziwić, jeśli przypomnisz sobie, co spotkało Arkady'ego bodajże w Krwi tyranów. Akurat tutaj darowałam sobie łańcuch spinający skrzydła, bo jednak ze względu na pochodzenie Temer miał traktowanie ulgowe - poza tym pęta z uprzęży są dostatecznie upokarzające.
Co do "uśmieszku" - chciałam jej nadać jakiś wyraz pyska: coś pomiędzy warknięciem, sykiem a wypowiedzią pod adresem Temeraire'a. Wyszło jak widać, a wygląda na uśmiech tylko dlatego, że w moim designie Niebiańskie/Cesarskie mają podwiniętą końcówkę pyska.
A jeśli chodzi o klejnoty - nikomu, nawet smokowi, nie polecam udawać się do sauny w biżuterii.
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Bazil3282 In reply to Kalia24 [2015-07-23 15:12:03 +0000 UTC]
Ale wiesz - Arkady w Krwi Tyranów został tak potraktowany nie bez powodu. Nie wynika to tylko z faktu, że w odróżnieniu od Temeraire'a nie jest wysokiego urodzenia - został tak potraktowany, aby dawni stronnicy Yongxinga mogli w spokoju wcisnąć wszystkim swoją bajeczkę o przemytnikach opium, a potem ewentualnie wykorzystać Arkadego jako kozła ofiarnego. Poza tym, skoro nie chcieli, żeby im gdzieś uciekł, nie ma nic dziwnego w tym, że okaleczyli mu skrzydła.
Nie ma to porównania ze stosunkami Temeraire - Lien. Ta druga, jak już mówiłem, miała wobec tego pierwszego dużo bardziej pokrętne plany, a poza tym nie zapominajmy jeszcze i o tym, że tak naprawdę zawdzięcza Temeraire'owi życie (przecież to on dostarczył Francuzom lek na trawiący ją chorobę - od której na pewno by umarła). Oraz o tym, że Napoleon ma dług wobec Temeraire'a i Lawrence'a, a Lien przecież liczy się z jego zdaniem.
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TastyRainbow-Boy [2014-10-28 22:49:47 +0000 UTC]
Interesting Concept, but that will never happen...O-O
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Kalia24 In reply to TastyRainbow-Boy [2014-10-29 11:44:55 +0000 UTC]
I hope so... As far as I pity Lien, I woudn't like her to hurt Temer and his friends.
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TastyRainbow-Boy In reply to Kalia24 [2014-10-29 19:02:39 +0000 UTC]
I agree ^^ and Iskierkas Revenge will be cruel xD.
And yes...She was wise and kind..somehow/day. But after the Accident with her Prince she become angry and jaundiced. And as a Servent for Bonparte in the War will not make feel her better. She and Temeraire could so many great things for Dragonkind and the Men....
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Kooskia [2014-10-16 22:21:23 +0000 UTC]
Why i missed this one? XD Gosh it's awesome xD
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Sennish [2014-10-12 08:32:55 +0000 UTC]
Nicee **
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Keyotea [2014-09-27 22:56:53 +0000 UTC]
White stands for misfortune and death in the east.
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Kalia24 In reply to Keyotea [2014-09-28 06:49:47 +0000 UTC]
Yup, and that's why Lien was barely tolerated when she lived in China (she was an albino of the same specie as the black one) - only because of her royal origins in fact. That made her bitter and hateful (as u can see above).
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notecardPasta [2014-09-26 11:34:39 +0000 UTC]
This is very interesting! Lovely work!
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KuroKato [2014-09-26 08:31:48 +0000 UTC]
lien's dream ...
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Kalia24 In reply to KuroKato [2014-09-27 07:16:08 +0000 UTC]
Yeah, I guess so - but still there's one more book, so everything can change (not THAT much though, I think).
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Kalia24 In reply to Vapolord [2014-09-24 06:15:46 +0000 UTC]
There's a fanfic story (book-released this month) going on after books' events, though it's only in Polish.
And I somehow have same feelings too - can't see any other outcome than: "everyone dies" or "villains go to jail, heroes go free". Though I like the books, I'm happy the next one is the last - sometimes I think the author is running low on GOOD ideas for things to happen.
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Vapolord In reply to Kalia24 [2014-09-24 17:18:28 +0000 UTC]
Thats true. Somehow its like "so I wanna write 9 books.... " but then realizing "daym, how shall I fill them. Hah I know! Trips around the whole world. That will do!".Btw do you know if the 9th book came out already? Even if I gonna wait until its translated into german. Even though I understand english perfectly, it just feels wrong to have a whole series with only the last book in a different language. One of the Problems I also have with this series, that it has only like "entertainment"- value. Its not really something that you can learn stuff from for real life. Ofc there are some moments, but overall I would have wished it to have more "value" for real life. Somehow most dragon related books these days are only about the "good guys" and the "bad guys" and a super dude gets teached by a old master and they slay all the bad ones. This is just boring if you ask me. Iam searching for more interesting takes on the topic. It will also be interesting, when peter Jackson starts to make the movies for temeraires books. It could become very nice, but yet I think that the movies won't have like "soul". Am I the only one, that thinks that "the hobbit" somehow has not as much "soul" as LOTR? Its like he has never left his studio and filmed everything at the front of a greenscreen.
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Bazil3282 In reply to Vapolord [2015-07-23 09:59:51 +0000 UTC]
Somehow most dragon related books these days are only about the "good guys" and the "bad guys"
OK, what exactly makes the characters in "Temeraire" series either good or bad guys? The mere fact that they fight with or against our heroes? Which is - you know - thing that every soldier does during a war? And characters like Tom Riley or Lord Allendale - are they good, or bad?
There is no "good & bad" distinction in those books, especially due to the fact that they merely portray a war that actually happened in real history - it is just altered by the presence of dragons. Nothing more. And the battling nations are just as "good" or "bad" as the real-world nations, fighting in Napoleonic wars.
You are wrong about entertainment-only value as well. Those books show the world of that era in rather detailed way and you do can learn, how people lived and fought the wars in early XIX century. And if you do know history, the books are still quite decent intellectual fun, when you compare this alternate world to the real one, and see for example quite credible changes in the world's balance of power, that the dragons cause.
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Vapolord In reply to Bazil3282 [2015-07-23 12:47:21 +0000 UTC]
I do like the Temeraire series, don't get me wrong there! The good guys vs bad guys thingy was just about dragon books in general.
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Bazil3282 In reply to Vapolord [2015-07-23 15:06:13 +0000 UTC]
Well, I thought otherwise. Why would you even mention this thingy when talking about Temeraire series?
And I know you like that series (I read it...), but liking the series doesn't mean "loving it unquestioningly".
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Vapolord In reply to Bazil3282 [2015-07-23 15:24:13 +0000 UTC]
My comment was from september 2014. It has been almost 10 monts since then. No clue why I mentonied it back then.
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Kalia24 In reply to Vapolord [2014-09-25 07:30:03 +0000 UTC]
Nope, 9'th book is not out yet - I bet when they announce it' there will be an info in
And fantasy books are... well - fantasy. I haven't seen much releases in this category that have any educational value (other than the one u have to conclude yourself from the actions and thoughts of the characters). For me it's not any negative, since that's what I'm looking for in books - entertainment and breeding ground for my imagination.
As for the movie - after LotR I was very happy that Jackson may do the filming (even now, after 13 years these films are epic). Now, after 2/3 of Hobbit, I don't want him to touch these books and make them into scripts. Human-like dwarves? Romance between an elf and a dwarf? ********** Sorry, but NO. I don't want Lawrence to end up romancing with Emily (though many ppl around would love it - even though it would be a pedophilia or relationship with a more-than-20-years-younger girl, which in real world is looked at bad) or get the history changed in some other ways. And problem with Hobbit itself is more like: "I'll make an epic movie out of children bookstory, but still keep it childish". That just couldn't work fine - putting together sense of danger (like Azog the White, awaking Sauron and Smaug) with silly, clumsy galoots (dwarves, goblins etc.). The film just killed itself with those two contrasting aspects - it's neither thrilling (like LotR) nor funny (like original bookstory).
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Vapolord In reply to Kalia24 [2014-09-25 17:18:09 +0000 UTC]
Indeed, I fear for these kind of "changes" Peter Jackson does. This love relationship between the dwarf and the elf is just akward. And even doh the Hobbit has "ages" of playtime yet it is somehow rushed at the wrong areas. I don't know somehow some parts are way to long and other too short. For example the one where they go down the river in these barrels. This takes like.... and eternety. But iam glad Smaug got quite some screentime at least^^.
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Kalia24 In reply to Vapolord [2014-09-26 06:25:54 +0000 UTC]
The barrel ride was the part "look, we have special effects; oh, look - we have more special effects; oh, and there's Legolas, don't forget". Still I prefer this one to the part about Bard, who got demoted from leader of Dale's ppl to some ferryman.
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Vapolord In reply to Kalia24 [2014-09-27 12:45:06 +0000 UTC]
True. I wonder what he does with the Temeraire series. Could be "interesting".
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Kalia24 In reply to GoogyNoober-2017 [2014-09-24 13:46:08 +0000 UTC]
It's only in paper form, so no links to share, sorry...
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Kalia24 In reply to KeizerHarm [2014-09-22 21:12:18 +0000 UTC]
Yeah, I considered jewellery too (especially Temer's breasplate), but then I thought that wearing anything in steam bath - especially metal-made - may be not a good idea, even if u're a dragon.
Well, if u find any way, let them know - I feel somehow guilty about putting them there...
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Kalia24 In reply to KeizerHarm [2014-09-23 06:57:22 +0000 UTC]
I'd rather count for Tharkay xD
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Kalia24 In reply to KeizerHarm [2014-09-23 16:17:13 +0000 UTC]
Because I think that Temer is too much afraid of losing Lawrence to say/do anything - and they can't speak to each other to arrange some plan together.
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KeizerHarm In reply to Kalia24 [2014-09-23 16:40:16 +0000 UTC]
Initially I would agree with you, but when you are tied up like that and tortured your mind starts wondering off, and desperate needs lead to desperate deeds.
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