KGX347 — The Evening's Kiss

Published: 2011-06-01 15:55:26 +0000 UTC; Views: 1344; Favourites: 26; Downloads: 16
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Description I drew it a month ago. And since this time I was thinking hard how it amend For sure it isn't perfect, but I have any more ideas how to do it in another way. So I hope it looks OK.

I used some reference. Yaoi reference. So I needed to change one of them into a girl When I saw this art, I just knew that I'll do it, even if I know I can't draw backgrounds (in one phrase I used past, present and future time, I am cool).

Btw today is Children's Day in Poland. I have so many sweets!

Q: Does it need a filter?
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Comments: 61

KGX347 In reply to ??? [2011-06-17 15:05:25 +0000 UTC]

Dziękuję, miło mi, że tak uważasz

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bor-chan In reply to KGX347 [2011-06-17 15:33:26 +0000 UTC]


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kuroikoumori [2011-06-13 20:31:42 +0000 UTC]

It looks fantastic. ♥
Maybe I would use purple for the background, but green is great, too! ^_^

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KGX347 In reply to kuroikoumori [2011-06-14 09:00:08 +0000 UTC]

Thank you
Yeah, I think you're right, many colours could fit here. But it's yellow, not green xD it can look kinda like green (I noticed that now), because of these dark clouds I just use this colour, because it is my fav

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kuroikoumori In reply to KGX347 [2011-06-14 16:31:08 +0000 UTC]

You're very welcome!
Oh, now I see. I thought it's green, changing from lighter to darker.
Anyway it looks great without a doubt! So yellow is your favourite colour? ^_^

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KGX347 In reply to kuroikoumori [2011-06-15 12:55:51 +0000 UTC]

Yeah, I noticed that too, no worries^^
Thank you, I'm glad you think so, because on this drawing many people have their own version/preferences to background colour
And yeah, yellow and violet are my favourite colours, and this "news" you'll know again, in the letter (someday *shot*) xD

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Shimari-chan [2011-06-07 18:56:46 +0000 UTC]

Very nice drawing! Cute and yet so pure... Hm... The man is interesting... I would like to see his face

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KGX347 In reply to Shimari-chan [2011-06-10 16:44:19 +0000 UTC]

Thank you! It's nice you think so^^ Hehe, you think this man is interesting? That's curious xD

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Shimari-chan In reply to KGX347 [2011-06-11 15:40:22 +0000 UTC]

Well, ya' know... Untill I see his face his interesting

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tviki [2011-06-04 22:07:09 +0000 UTC]

whoaaa beautiful! *o* I love that you draw it with pencil! It could be very hard work. but you are fantastic

btw In Hungary the childrens day is the last sunday of May so I already ate my sweets

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KGX347 In reply to tviki [2011-06-05 18:04:42 +0000 UTC]

Thank you so much for compliments! It wasn't so hard, it was only tiring, because I needed to amend it digital (colour it, by mouse and without knowledge of program ). Thank you again, dear!

Cool, I think you have amazing day for Children's Day Haha, I ate my sweets too

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Emi1992 [2011-06-04 14:20:44 +0000 UTC]

Wow,naprawde super wyszło ! I tło tak ładnie współgra z ta czernią jest klimacik xD To jest czarna kredka pokolorowane wszystko tak ?:>

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KGX347 In reply to Emi1992 [2011-06-05 18:01:00 +0000 UTC]

Dziękuję!^^ Ja mam bzika na punkcie żółtego tła xD Nie, nie, rysowałam to normalnie ołówkiem i ołówkiem kolorowałam, ale oczywiście wyszło za jasno, więc musiałam to przyciemnić, a potem jeszcze pokolorować tych ludków, żeby ten cień był taki... czarny xD

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Emi1992 In reply to KGX347 [2011-06-08 14:58:02 +0000 UTC]

To pewnie stad tez ten kolor twojego avatara xD To troche sie nakolorowalas, ale warto było

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KGX347 In reply to Emi1992 [2011-06-11 13:34:47 +0000 UTC]

Przejrzałaś mnie Nooo, trzeba przyznać, że tak xD Tym bardziej się cieszę, że uważasz, że efekt był wart wysiłku

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Emi1992 In reply to KGX347 [2011-06-13 14:45:56 +0000 UTC]

heh no a jak < a jak jestesmy juz przy avatarze,to co ten chibi trzyma w reku? dynamit czy parówke?XD >
Nie tylko ja tak uważam :>

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KGX347 In reply to Emi1992 [2011-06-14 16:23:17 +0000 UTC]

Ale mnie rozbawiłaś xD Ten chibi to moja piękna, skromna osoba i nie trzyma żadnej parówy, tylko ołówek xD (narysowałam to na moim pierwszym szkicu z Pandora Hearts: [link] )

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Emi1992 In reply to KGX347 [2011-06-18 08:50:37 +0000 UTC]

hah polecam sie na przyszłosc xD
A no teraz to widze że to ołóweczek
Nie ogladałam tego anime, fajne?:3

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KGX347 In reply to Emi1992 [2011-06-19 09:34:57 +0000 UTC]

Zapamiętam to
No, ja to taka artystka jestem, że tylko ołówkiem potrafię jako tako rysować xD
Bardzo! Ouran i PH, moja wielka faza teraz xD I soundtrack przepiękny. Ale manga jest o wiele lepsza, nawet pierwsze 20 (teraz może do około 40) chapterów można znaleźć po polsku

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Emi1992 In reply to KGX347 [2011-06-22 16:06:41 +0000 UTC]

no ja też tylko ołowkiem,nic innego nie wchodzi w gre A właśnie,zastanawiam sie kiedy coś dodasz nowego :>
to może sie skusze i obejrze :3 Tym bardziej ze porównujesz do Ourana!

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KGX347 In reply to Emi1992 [2011-06-24 07:40:16 +0000 UTC]

Nie ma to jak stary, dobry ołówek! Kurcze, sama się zastanawiam, mam teraz w domu mały remont - a to zawsze oznacza niesamowity bajzel, który przy naszym poziomie niespieszności będzie trwał tak jakoś do listopada xD I jestem out of skaner - a jak chcę skorzystać z internetu, to latam do kuzynostwa Ale spokojnie sobie tworzę moje bazgrołki ;D
Wolne masz, to możesz oglądać na pewno nie pożałujesz, bohaterowie są znakomici i historia dosyć... zapętlona xD To nie jest zabawne jak Ouran, zupełnie inny klimat, ale poziom ogólnej "fajności" jest ten sam

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Emi1992 In reply to KGX347 [2011-06-26 15:58:58 +0000 UTC]

heh , niedługo bedzie juz nie do użytku Ja nie rozstaje sie z moim mechanicznym C: oo remoncik, tak sie sklada ze u mnie bedzie tez,za tydzien i na szczescie wtedy wyjezdzam xD Ominie mnie ten caly rozgardiasz xD Hah,do listopada to chyba niee, z lekka przesadzasz
To gdy juz skaner bedziesz miala dostepny,zbombardujesz DA swoimi rysunkami! bo troche sie nazbiera
Tak sobie mysle ze obejrze,skoro zachwalasz tak bohaterow :> btw nienawidze jak postacie w jakims anime sa nudne jak flaki z olejem, pozbawione jakiejkolwiek osobowosci >< albo jakies ciapy xD
To dobrze ze fabula jest zapetlona,fajniej sie oglada

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KGX347 In reply to Emi1992 [2011-06-28 10:39:37 +0000 UTC]

Ja z miesiąc temu znalazłam mój stary mechaniczny ołówek i... ech, trzeba uznać wyższość techniki! Jak skończyły mi się wkłady i musiałam znów użyc zwykłego ołowka, myślałam, że porobią mi się odciski od temperowania xD Co za szczęściara Wyjeżdżasz na wakacje? Oby ci pogoda sprzyjała!
Ja kiedyś lubiłam tej rozgardiasz, ale to były czasy, kiedy nikt nie kazał mi po nim sprzątać No nie wiem, bo u nas to naprawdę wielce prawdopodobne! Mam jednak nadzieję, że się z tym uwiniemy nieco szybciej
Będziecie mieli mnie dość xD Faktycznie mam teraz dużo czasu na rysowanie!
Na pewno nie pożałujesz (: Bohaterowie mają fajne osobowości, a jeden z nich, Gil, jest w sumie ciapą i beksą, ale przy tym bardzo uroczą A fabuła... każdy chapter zaskakuje i kiedy masz już jakąś wersję wydarzeń, okazuje się, że pojawia się coś nowego i musisz od nowa weryfikować poglądy

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Emi1992 In reply to KGX347 [2011-07-01 07:58:31 +0000 UTC]

Heh z trudno sie przerzucic z czegos lepszego z powrotem na gorsze xD ja już bym chyba nie umiała zwykłym ołowkiem rysować D: A no do kuzynki jade No mam nadzieje ze pogoda bedzie ładna,póki co ,to u mnie leje, wieje i zimno jak cholera ! ><
no ja też! jak bylam mała,zawsze to jakaś atrakcja w domu byla xD Uwiniecie sie ^^
Ja nie bede miala cie dość i twoich rysunków! Inni zapewne tez
CZyli jednym słowem- wciąga niedługo sie za nie wezme :>

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KGX347 In reply to Emi1992 [2011-07-11 17:59:45 +0000 UTC]

No, ludzie lubią być rozbestwieni xD Ani mi nie mów, u mnie w szufladach całe stosy zwykłych ołówków... xD
Ciekawa jestem, jaką miałaś pogodę, bo jest dziwnie, albo zimno, albo upał... Ja bym teraz chciała ochłodzenie, ale najlepiej takie dwadzieścia kilka stopni... a nie gorąco i burze, fuuuj...
Ale super! Ej, no chyba masz rację, z tą atrakcją xD Na razie wszystko stanęło elegancko w miejscu, ja nie mam biurka, po tapety się nie umiem wyzbierać, chociaż już mam upatrzone... I jeszcze ten upał, mmmm, sama radość xD
Dziękuję^^ cieszy mnie to i mobilizuje to tworzenia
Mam nadzieję, że ci się spodoba i jestem ciekawa, co na to powiesz

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Emi1992 In reply to KGX347 [2011-07-18 14:34:10 +0000 UTC]

to moze czas jaki porzadek zrobic i powywalac kilka?XD
zimno i szaro bylo >< tylko 1 dzien bylo cieplo,to poszlo sie nad jeziorko napisz list z zazaleniem do matki natury xD no teraz pogoda niejest nagorsza :>
hah, musicie sie jakos sprezyc ale chociaz masz juz upatzrone i nie bedziesz musiala szukac ;] no upal w takich chwilach gdy jest robota to potrafi dac w kosc xD U mnie juz remont skonczony
no musze wkoncu zaczac to ogladac ale jakos nie moge sie wziac. najwieksza ochote na ogladnie anme to mam zima

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KodamaCreative [2011-06-02 11:54:56 +0000 UTC]

Oooo jest śliczne i romantyczne ;D! Bardzo fajne C:! I zazdroszczę słodyczy ;3;

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KGX347 In reply to KodamaCreative [2011-06-02 12:31:24 +0000 UTC]

Piękne dzięki^^ Ten pomysł tak mi się spodobał, że musiałam to narysować Słodycze na pierwszy dzień czerwca to podstawa i to dla absolutnie każdego dziecka, nawet tego powyżej 18 roku życia

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KodamaCreative In reply to KGX347 [2011-06-02 12:43:08 +0000 UTC]

.__. masz rację... upomnę się xD!

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KGX347 In reply to KodamaCreative [2011-06-02 14:45:51 +0000 UTC]

No pewnie, że mam rację xD Ja też już nie jestem dzieckiem, ale przecież to taki miły dzień, warto go celebrować

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xXRosiePosieXx [2011-06-01 23:42:06 +0000 UTC]

Wow cool! I think it looks awesome! I like the background! It looks pretty good!!
Yaoi reference? Hmm ive heard of it but im really not that interested in it...(plus its still a new concept/idea to me)
LUCKY! You get sweets!! Awesome!!

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KGX347 In reply to xXRosiePosieXx [2011-06-02 07:28:18 +0000 UTC]

Thank you Yeah, I drew the background! Too bad I am so lame in digital drawing, I could make it even nicer.
Oh, I even don't recommend it to you, honestly I don't think it's good for young persons I just began to read it a half of year ago, kinda from boredom.

Haha, you know, you're right! Sweets = Luck! xD

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xXRosiePosieXx In reply to KGX347 [2011-06-02 14:01:07 +0000 UTC]

You are very welcome!
Wooo! Go drawing backgrounds! Just practice and you'll get better! That's what Im doing with digital drawings
OK good, it just seems inappropriate right now
Yeah! Now you have lots of luck!!

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KGX347 In reply to xXRosiePosieXx [2011-06-02 14:54:25 +0000 UTC]

Uwaaaaah, but drawing background is so hard and boring xD I should learn how to do them in digital too
Yeah, I thought like that for 21 years of my life xD And then I just found something what was just really nice drew and it didn't seem too harsh and strange. But I think you shouldn't force you, it is one of these things what people might do, not have to.
Hahaha, indeed But I eat it so fast!

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xXRosiePosieXx In reply to KGX347 [2011-06-03 04:46:21 +0000 UTC]

Yeah, thats true, but they do accent the picture! Im still trying to draw backgrounds digitally D:
LOL, well if the art and story is good, thats nice.^^
yeah, its just I heard a lot of those type of pairings and certain stories. I honestly dont have anything against those who love opposite genders. They're just like us and are very nice!
Totally lol Oh noes! I has some candy *shares with you*

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KGX347 In reply to xXRosiePosieXx [2011-06-12 19:23:18 +0000 UTC]

You think so? Drawing background digitally is a lot easier and the effect looks better, so it's awesome like that! I just can draw digital xD
Nice you think so Yeah, it is a lot more pleasant when and art, and story is OK - look at Pandora Heart
You wrote is really beautiful, people should think like you^^ Hm, in this point of view, it can teach people how to be tolerant
Aww, thank you so much! Candy!! I have some chocolade, so I share it with you, too

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xXRosiePosieXx In reply to KGX347 [2011-06-12 20:25:43 +0000 UTC]

Well, actually, i haven't really tried backgrounds that much
Maybe you will be able to do digital soon!
True, Pandora Hearts is a GREAT example
Aww really? We have a family friend who is in a relationship with a man. Both are very nice, funny, and caring people Yes, that would be good if people were tolerant and nice to others

You are very welcome! CANDY! yay chocolate! *munch* Thank you ^^

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KGX347 In reply to xXRosiePosieXx [2011-06-15 13:02:45 +0000 UTC]

Drawing backgrounds is boring and tiring to me
Maybe, who knows?
Pandora Hearts is GREAT in every example/meaning - just always and everywhere!
You see? It's such a normal, human thing, though people in XXI century could be really strange I understand it can be a hard subject, but we should be tolerant and nice to others and at least a little bit try to understand their points of views, as you said (:

Taste it good? I hope so! xD

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xXRosiePosieXx In reply to KGX347 [2011-06-15 15:00:26 +0000 UTC]

It can be boring
Whoo! Who knows! I hope
It is! I think its my favorite
Its normal and that is how some people were created! There really is nothing wrong with it! People can be strange


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leg-o-lass [2011-06-01 20:23:31 +0000 UTC]

I love it! Well done

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KGX347 In reply to leg-o-lass [2011-06-02 07:21:45 +0000 UTC]

Thank you! I'm very happy you like it

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InsomniacNightlight [2011-06-01 17:03:22 +0000 UTC]

What is exactly childrend's day? *Wants to learn*

And I don't think piece needs a filter. I really like it, very beautiful.(:

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KGX347 In reply to InsomniacNightlight [2011-06-02 07:21:26 +0000 UTC]

You haven't a Children's Day? It's a special day for children, when they get some sweets or gifts from adult persons and for example schools, though mainly from own family You know, like the Mother's Day or something like that. Here is more info: [link] (:

Thank you so much!^^ I am too oversensitive

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InsomniacNightlight In reply to KGX347 [2011-06-02 14:49:54 +0000 UTC]

Okay, thanks for the information. I read more up on where I live and it's not exactly called "Children's day" for us.

What I read: "Children’s Day observations in the United States predate both Mother’s and Father’s Day, though a permanent annual single Children's Day observation is not made at the national level."

Yeah I learned something^^. I guess our children's day is way different from yours. Your Children's day sounds funner though^^.

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KGX347 In reply to InsomniacNightlight [2011-06-02 15:06:44 +0000 UTC]

No problem, I'm glad I could show you something new I see, that's why you was surprised that a day like that exist.

It means that Children's Day in US isn't for a whole country and it isn't a "famous" special day? If yes, that's too bad, it is nice way of showing some attention to kids and make them happier.

For sure every nation has another way of celebrate some holidays/special days (: I am glad that people make a few days in a year funnier and nicer than usual days

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InsomniacNightlight In reply to KGX347 [2011-06-02 15:10:44 +0000 UTC]

Yes, and I think it's kind of cool that every country has there own unique holiday special to themselves.

And in the US our biggest holiday put out for kids would Halloween. Oh my gosh, I get so much candy I sometimes can't even eat it all ._.

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KGX347 In reply to InsomniacNightlight [2011-06-02 15:18:06 +0000 UTC]

That's right, even if everybody has the same holidays like Christmas for example - every country has another way of celebrate it

Haha, you see Sweets are awesome, don't complain We haven't Halloween, we have "instead" All Saints' Day and it's rather melancholic day full of memories and contemplation. A month later we have also St. Andrew's Day, and then people make some party

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InsomniacNightlight In reply to KGX347 [2011-06-02 15:32:32 +0000 UTC]

Well I guess it's nice though to have a day of contemplation. Like we have Christmas Eve or Good Friday(but it only applies to christians though ). It's kind of weird though that not many people here celebrate All Saints' Day since our main religion in the US is Christianity.

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KGX347 In reply to InsomniacNightlight [2011-06-02 15:48:04 +0000 UTC]

Well, yeah, even if it is kinda sad day, it's a day free of work and school and a whole families can spend this day together and visit their close persons graves. You're right, though Christmas Eve is quite happy day, we have presents right after Christmas Eve's evening meal ;D Yes, that's curious, but even better that people could think so many holidays xD I think it is because world's history, you know, some beginnings are common and similiar and later every has their own story.

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InsomniacNightlight In reply to KGX347 [2011-06-02 16:04:39 +0000 UTC]

Yes that's true.

And ya'll open presents right after the evening meal of christmas eve?! *Gasp* No fair! We have to wait on Christmas day morning.

That's crazy. I love the comparing and contrasting of different holidays. You live in Poland correct?

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