I would like to thank so much for the actual art portion of this! please go commission her, she's an incredible artist that deserves every penny you can throw at her!
Name: Verna Tealeaf
Age: 115 (About 34 in Halfling)
Height: 3 feet tall either form.
Monster type/species: Halfling/Hobbit - A race of small humanoids typically known for their simple, agrarian lifestyles and the occasional adventurous type who ventures out from their little enclaves and communities. Well known for rogues, burglars and theives, but rarely anything beyond that.
Teacher of: Home Economics
Glamor item: Amulet of a cornucopia
Current Points: 0
Natural weapons: None
Trained weapons: : Uses a Shortsword and a Shield. Also trained to use her size to her advantage
- Short Stack - The Bad: In spite of her impressive training and extensive combat, she’s still just the size of a 7 year old girl, and as such it’s not hard to both lift and throw her.
- Mortal: She can still be seriously injured like a normal human might be and she’s still capable of having her bones broken.
- The unGlamour - Her glamour form, for comfort's sake, is a little girl. This helps when she's out and about and trying to blend in, it does look pretty odd when a bunch of 15-25 year olds are being led around by a 6 year old or walking around at night as one.
- Paladin’s Honor: Paladins are bound by an individual code of honor for each deity they pledge themselves to, and Verna is no different. Her tenants are fairly simple, but VERY important.
- Thou shalt not disrespect legitimate authority - Paladins must respect authorities and their rules, no matter how strict or unseemly said authority figure might seem. If these figures however, are harming innocents, then all bets are off.
- Thou shalt not act with dishonor - She will not use poisons, She cannot lie, She cannot cheat. However, if lying will somehow prevent harm to innocents, she is allowed to do so.
- Thou shalt punish those who would do harm to innocents - Self explanatory.
should she break any one of these tenants without using a loophole, she will lose all her powers for 24 hours.
Major Skills:
Divine Magic: Good and Protection specializations - She is a paladin of Yondalla, the main goddess of the halfling pantheon. As such, she is blessed with magics specifically to protect herself and those around her. While it’d be one hell of a drain on her, she could possibly save the entire school from a nuclear device with her abilities. She can also use these powers to bless and curse those around her and herself.
- List of her most common spells prepared
- Righteous Strength - By reciting three words in the tongue of the halfling, she calls divine strength to her, giving her the ability to overpower creatures three times the size of a human, let alone a halfling.
- Cat's Grace - Basically removes any weight from her body magically for a period of time, increasing her speed and agility tenfold, not that she needs it.
- Cure Wounds - An iconic spell of divine magic, tends to make use of it frequently.
- Discern Lies - Used usually to catch mischievous students in a lie.
- As the Mountain - One of her signatures. With this spell, she will not be knocked backwards or knocked on her back, and she will be able to take blows and blasts that would otherwise vaporize her.
- Holy Sword - Her weapon becomes an even better killstick, and her sword erupts with burning white fire. This is basically a death sentence for demons/devils.
- Blade Barrier - She holds her hand out in front of her, or points her sword at the ground, and from it erupts a wall of blades, some similar to her own, some much larger. Usually used to create a very convincing reason for large creatures/rampaging students to stop dead in their tracks.
- Sanctuary - One of the more interesting spells in her arsenal. It creates a field of energy whose boundaries are marked with a white ring of light. Within this ring, creatures, students, and teachers alike cannot attack anyone.
Sword and Board - Verna is a master of the shortsword and the shield. She adds an extra dimension to this by using her shield as a blunt weapon.
Stronger than she looks: Verna's very strong for someone her size. She however, mostly uses this power to jump around a battlefield, hefting loads to and from a room, or to get up to and grab her student’s ears for dragging to her office or to the headmistress. She strikes as hard as a muscled human might strike.
Auras: Paladins are known for inspiring all kinds of emotional response from those around them. These are specific spells that are “area of effect” spells. Meaning that so long as you are within a range of 2-500 feet, she can inspire some sort of emotional response in you. Some are good, like bravery, kindness, happiness or even love, and some are obviously bad, like fear, hopelessness, and rage. She’s most often using happiness or fear.
Common Auras she will use:
- Aura of Happiness - This aura makes all around her absolutely ecstatic or just feel all warm and fuzzy inside. This one has a wide radius and she casts it on occasion to help students feel better.
- Aura of Valor - Inspires bravery amongst herself and those around her. Medium Radius.
- Aura of Fear - Those within her radius will be suddenly given visions of her most brutal victories over creatures much larger than them, or even members of their own species. And they will know immeasurable fear beyond measure, at the hands of the Demonbinder. Limited to only a few feet around her, but BOY is it effective.
Minor Skills: Please also put down up to Five minor skills that you would like to add. These are non-combative skills.
Little Acrobat: While she wears what best describes itself as heavy armor, she is still considered VERY agile, as her her own strength is much more suited to her size and flexibility. Outside her armor she is almost impossible to catch if she wants to be.
Hobbit’s cooking: Halflings are in a love affair with food, and as such, she is a serious fan of making her own food, and it’s delicious. This does leave a habit of not using the cafeteria for much of anything other than ingredients.
Pathfinder: She has an innate sense of direction and can easily find her way back onto a path.
The Gods like loopholes: She is a faithful paladin, but she is also not above abusing situations in which “dishonorable” acts could be used to save an innocent life, thus contradicting the code of conduct and making it perfectly okay to do. She is also keen to note that in the grand pantheon of deities, hers is one that tends to make room for stretches in the code. Some of the commandments however, are tremendously difficult to get a loophole around, so she rarely breaks any rule that isn’t the lying one (Normally to protect an innocent).
Verna is a paladin.
Well, not necessarily the stereotypical “stick up their ass” paladin that one might expect, as the church of the main halfling god is a goddess of protection, harmony, family, and maternity. As such, she is very much a stern but matronly figure who has seen many kinds of battle and many kinds of monsters. She is normally seen faithfully in her rather simple robes adorned with the cornucopia, or her armor, blessed to protect against the enemies of her homeland. Her first responses to most students giving her lip or attitude is mostly being...well...matronly. She scolds and praises her students like a parent, and often uses auras to her advantage in making it more effective. She is rather seemingly harsh in her demeanor when regarding punishment, taking a menial task and blowing it up to the point where she makes offenders almost afraid of breaking a rule ever again.
That said...she isn’t a total stick in the mud, she IS a halfling after all. She’s much more predisposed to having classes outside and interacting with students as friends rather than as an authority figure, and is known for having a wonderfully warm sense of humor, and even more known for “fattening up” (feeding) her students during class. She’s also a fan of singing aloud and telling jokes, she’s just very business oriented during classes.
She normally takes control of a classroom the same way she normally would the neophytes in her convent; start with a quick test of their knowledge and then have them apply it in some physical way. Those who try and take advantage of her being a substitute might find themselves in charge of the more...risky actions. It's tough, but it's because she loves her students.
She rarely assumes her glamour form outside of the school grounds for a good reason: Due to her comfortableness with her size, she felt it was better to assume the form of a young human girl. this puts her at a distinct disadvantage in dealing with adults...but she’s smart enough to get by on it.
Character's Background:
The impetuous, adventurous and occaisonally mischeivous halflings all have many things in common, in spite of fiercely individualistic natures of it’s individuals. These common traits are a love of family, hard-workingness, and a strong sense of community. And you would find no better example of such traits than Verna Tealeaf. Her clan, perhaps in jest but definitely in respect to her own nature, would frequently suggest to friends that she’d have been a natural warrior, and a warrior she became. It was never really her intention however, as her first two plans in life were acrobatics and motherhood. As...conservative to the human mind as it is, the concept of starting a new family for halflings is one of the biggest celebrations anyone can come up with amongst halfling circles. So she practiced long and hard to become a lithe and agile acrobat...and to attempt to woo any young fellow she fancied. That is of course, until she fell ill.
The illness targeted her abdomen, and left her close to death. It took powerful, experiemental magic to save her and the while she survived, it was not without it’s flaws. Her womb and ovaries were rendered warped , and her body began to reject the heavily altered organs. As such, she was always in great pain. On top of that, she was distraught for a great time, her dreams crushed before they could even begin. She was about to give up hope until she heard a rumor of a group of warriors that served the greatest mother of all: Yondalla, the founder of their race in the highest peak of halfling territory. She took off immediately for their temple, which revealed itself to be a stronghold in which many are accepted, though few can say they ever join the elusive ranks of their warrior caste. She climbed and she climbed, learning more about the teachings of her people and her goddess, battled and battled to prove her worth and at last was deemed ready to join the paladins as a full fledged warrior. However, like many things in life, there was a sacrifice to be made.
In myth, Yondalla gave up a part of herself in order to be accepted amongst the gods, and as such the new recruits had to do the same. Thankfully it could mean anything, and it most often is anything. Some offer their hair, others offer their wealth, some even offer to read aloud the secrets of their grandfather’s brandy recipe...but Verna knew exactly what she was giving up long before she ever walked to the altar. As her last signed deal of sacrifice, she carefully cut away her ovaries in a painful ceremony, and offered her cursed burden to her goddess as penance for a perceived slight against her. When they were taken away from her body, the wound instantly healed, and for the first time in years...she knew peace of mind, as well as body. She was there given the blessing of Yondalla, and became a stalwart protector of all things, as her matron was, even if it was a thankless job.
Her travels even brought her to the gates of the abyss, where she spent years at a time helping the poor communities that could not defend themselves. Such fierceness and loyalty she had towards these poor souls that she became known as “GuardMother” and “She who stops.” amongst her peers and friends, and “Demonbinder” and “Green Death” to her enemies, in reference to her ability to stop infernal and evil creatures dead in their tracks, and her quick and fierce movement in her well fitted, pale green armor respectively. Finally, after decades of service, she was inducted as an honorary member of the teaching caste for her services, with possible promises of taking over as head mother of the order. However, Halflings are oft known to wander, and she was no different. When the Monster Academy posted listings for a new teacher, she took the chance immediately, and has remained there since.
- If she isn’t in her armor, then she’s in a very flowy set of robes decked out in her goddess’ colors and symbol: the cornucopia. These robes are generally very natural in color.
- She is a halfling. Not a hobbit. Calling her a hobbit makes her mad.
- Verna’s birthday is March 8th.
- When she’s indescribably angry or insulted, her ears wiggle.
- Like many of her kin, her hair is naturally set up to be braided, and is usually in a multitude of braids which are then worn in different hairstyles from there.
- She decorates her hair with wildflowers when she ties it back.
Roleplay Info: dA Notes, Discord and Discord PMs, I am however most active late at night or during the graveyard hours. A window would be 9pm-3am.
Roleplay example: While it's normally at least a welcoming environment, this room was always unquestionably...a classroom in a castle in feel. Largely based on torch and candle light for lumination, and rather sparse in decoration. Today was...decidedly different. The room shone with a lovely natural sunlight from a fairly recent looking set of windows added, and torchlight was scarce. The room was also fiercely decorated with many of a variety of field flower. While the room was based in castle, it did feel like a very homey environment. This also extended to the desks and chairs, which seemed to be all refurbished and comfortable looking. In front of all the desks was an absolutely miniature woman, just about 3 feet high, skinny but strong, going through a stack of papers. Her almond shaped eyes scanning them like clockwork. She looks up at the door, leaning on the desk, a surprised look on her face. "You're early, hon." she calls out.