This tree belongs to the Dark Fairies. Just because they are dark, doesn't mean they are "bad," the dark sides of our Selves can be useful, they help us. They help us change and grow. You cannot grow unless you are dissatisfied, angry, sad unless you see areas of your Self and your life you're unhappy with and want to change. The Dark Fairies help me evolve and change all the time. The Fairies of the Light are the ones who tell you what things are fine, and don't need fixing, which is useful too. Unfortunately, the people who are blinded by Light, want to stay positive, they want the status quo, even if the status quo is hurting someone else, or even if it's hurting them but it was just be too much work to change it - "everything's fine, don't worry, be happy," so, instead of working to change, they just sit back, relax, and slowly die in whatever pool of mediocrity they're stuck in, while people around them suffer. The people of the light turn a blind eye to racism, injustice, sexism, poverty, classism, homophobia, transphobia because they're happy with their mediocrity and they don't want to have to work to change someone else's discomfort - or to admit their own.
But those of us who will look Darkness in the face, we work to change that which is unjust. We work to change those parts of us that the people of light have tried to blind us to for generations - like being born LGBT, or being racist or sexist. It takes looking darkness in the face to see that you've been lied to, or that you're ancestors did a great disservice to others by enslaving them or creating a class system and institutional prejudice that is unfair. And, it's true, we can't fix everything all at once. Even with the help of the Dark Fairies, we cannot just make everything all better, we can't do it all in one generation - but the people of the darkness, who have wanted a better life, have worked for hundreds of years, they created the Magna Carta, the French Revolution, the American Constitution, Civil Rights, Feminism, Gay and Trans liberation, Marriage Equality. And while some of those people fought for their own benefit as well, and reaped the rewards, some never got to enjoy the freedoms they fought for. Some of the people who fought against slavery never got to live in a world without it. Some of the women who fought for Choice, were too old to need abortions, they fought for their daughters, and so many of those daughters are now spitting right back in their faces because they don't realize that equality for women cannot be had without Reproductive Freedom, and access to Reproductive Healthcare. Some of the suffragettes died before women won the vote, Civil Rights workers died before the end of Jim Crow, peasants who fought for Democracy long long ago, who didn't even know there was a word for what they wanted, who helped create the conditions that made it possible for true democracy to flourish, died long before America, or even Iceland (the first modern democracy) came into being
It's like, when you eat an almond; the people who planted the seed in the ground, to grow the tree that almond came from, never got to eat any of the almonds from that tree themselves, because it's takes so long for almond trees to grow and bear fruit. They planted the tree for us. For the future generations. The Dark Fairies, they look ahead, they see what is broken and needs fixing, they see the horror of our human society, and they help us, they whisper in our ears, the tell us how to fix things that aren't working. The Light Fairies tell us how to keep things that are working. The Dark Fairies help us fix what isn't - and so it is sacred work to spend your time, energy and love, accomplishing goals that won't come to fruit until your dead. We do these things for succeeding generations. And, if you're a young woman, a young POC, a young member of the LGBT community, you owe the freedoms you enjoy now - however limited they may be compared to the freedoms enjoyed by strait, white males, still they are more than they were when i was born - to people who worked very hard to create them for you, even if they themselves died before they could fully enjoy those freedoms themselves.
This Maniuplation was made from this photo, which is the gift that keeps on giving:
Dark Fairy Tree I Electric Fairy Tree Fanggaiaclops
Fairygate on a Spring Morning Autumnal Fairyland