korpen9999 — 227th Legion Clone Trooper Phase 1

#clonewars #custom #starwars #clonetrooper
Published: 2017-02-21 05:42:46 +0000 UTC; Views: 3776; Favourites: 23; Downloads: 0
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Description The 227th Clone Legion was a division of the 327th Star Corps, which served under the direct command of Jedi General Robert I'sha and Clone Commander Spilli. This legion was known for having little casualties and high success rates. It's defining moment was the Invasion of Cryos, which set the stage for the legion's reputation going forward. Battalions within the 227th included Sand Company, the 226th Battalion, and Spawn Battalion, the face of the Legion. They served in multiple battles throughout the Clone Wars, and added to the fame of their head division, the 327th Star Corps.

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