Personal Art
Featuring Gwihir 443 , Eryx 706 and Iptix 700
Rites of Age: A Lifelong Bond for Gwihir and Eryx
While having all the patience in the world as a teacher, Iptix lacks and sort of it when it comes to parenting. He is very strict when raising his adoptive daughter, so when Eryx runs up to him, claiming she's made a new friend (who he's heard is quite the troublemaker), he's more suspicious than happy.
XP Count for Eryx and Gwihir:
Fullbody: 2
Colored: 3
Shaded: 2
Background: 2
Personal Art: 2
RoA: 2
Total: 13XP
For Iptix:
-||- without RoA bonus: 11XP