LalalaKirby — Iggy and Ludwig

Published: 2005-11-03 13:25:59 +0000 UTC; Views: 6278; Favourites: 53; Downloads: 16
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Description More Koopa-Kids. Technically this came before the other one, but this one I wasn't so happy with. The IDEA was amusing (originally), but now it's just... poo.

Ludwig is demented. Iggy is smart. There's a more detailed version of how their personalities SHOULD be, but I'm not going into that here. I went into it too much in the LAST one!
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Comments: 23

Hobgoblin9000 [2011-01-29 00:40:31 +0000 UTC]

Are they in Stardust Field or some'n?

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Pharaoh-Ink [2010-01-09 01:40:56 +0000 UTC]

Haha, I always saw Iggy as being the demented mechanical one, as he took to speaking in cryptic rhyme, also he's portrayed as being quite hyperactive in the NSMB for Wii game. Ludwig always struck me as more of a reserved yet cruel sort of character. Sophisticated yet intelligent. Yet he likes to toy with people. Roy's pretty smart too, but in his own sense. I'd see him as more of a street smarts kind of fella. But hey, everyone has their own opinion personality wise. It's fun to exchange ideas. I like the way you drew them. Very unique. X3

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Retro-Specs [2007-11-05 19:02:03 +0000 UTC]

Heh - I never pictured Ludwig doing something like this!

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LalalaKirby In reply to Retro-Specs [2007-11-06 02:16:08 +0000 UTC]

I don't think most people have the view that Ludwig is actively insane like I think. ^_^ It'd be hilarious to see him acting up against his siblings.

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Retro-Specs In reply to LalalaKirby [2007-11-06 02:30:50 +0000 UTC]

Well, I do think he's insane, really. I'll be touching on that in my comic, actually. I picture him as an insane genius composer, and possibly inventor. This is probably why they named him "Kooky" in the cartoons!

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LalalaKirby In reply to Retro-Specs [2007-11-06 09:32:25 +0000 UTC]

Well, the genius bit I've not always been sure of. He definitely likes to be unique, that's for sure. Oddly enough I think the smartest of the Koopalings are Iggy, Roy, and Ludwig, though they represent it in different ways. Roy knows how to handle firepower, Iggy is cautious and tactical, and Ludwig likes to toy with his prey creatively.

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Retro-Specs In reply to LalalaKirby [2007-11-06 23:42:59 +0000 UTC]

Well, those are three definite markings of intellect, in different facets, of course. I think you hit the nail on the head there, though. I never thought of it before, but I guess Roy really is smart in some ways - I can see him being an arms expert, and designing new weapons for the Koopan Armies.

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LalalaKirby In reply to Retro-Specs [2007-11-07 01:24:49 +0000 UTC]

It kinda struck me playing SMB3; he's gone all out with weapons and there are so few safe places to stand. You stand on a fire thing, and there's a cannon firing right at you. He thought it through (and judging from the broken fire-cannons on Iggy's ship, cut into his armoury as well), which he does again in Superstar Saga, if only a little. Roy's actually a smart Koopa, and a heavy one. I'd imagine he'd be worse than Bowser when he grows up.

I also think (warning: open musing and rant time) Lemmy and Ludwig share a few similar traits, but for different reasons. They're both twisted and they both like playing with their prey, but Lemmy does so in a more naiive and childish manner, while Ludwig does so because he's just sick-minded. Lemmy, I think, would grow out of that and go straight to mischief.

I think too much, but somehow I'm not bothered by it.

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Retro-Specs In reply to LalalaKirby [2007-11-07 04:17:32 +0000 UTC]

You write enormous responses to comments - I like that!

And you've got a good point there - Roy's ship is quite littered with weaponry - like he planned it out properly - and it'd be like him to take resources from his own brother! (Heh, I keep thinking of Roy's voice, as "Bully Koopa", from the Mario Bros shows)

I bet you're right - Roy would make quite a dictator - much better than Bowser himself...

I see Lemmy as being the most childish of the Koopalings, though that doesn't make him a fool - I think he has some cunning, which allows him to play with his prey, but in a slightly more innocent manner than Ludwig would. I can really see Ludwig being a little sadistic. In fact, he'll be showing up sometime in my comic, so I plan to demonstrate this a little.

Can one really think too much? That's the pathway to enlightenment. I suppose...

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GemWist [2007-10-13 16:56:08 +0000 UTC]

Cute!Ludwig just looks so darling!!

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LalalaKirby In reply to GemWist [2007-10-13 17:38:46 +0000 UTC]

He was originally going to be sat on Iggy, but I can't imagine that would have been comfortable. I'll probably find some way around that at some point...

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GemWist In reply to LalalaKirby [2007-10-13 17:50:25 +0000 UTC]

Yeah,I've also had trouble drawing koopas because of their shells.If he were sitting on him,maybe hes...sitting...um...between the spikes?That would be hard,since Iggy's back is quite smaller then Ludwig's butt

But,I actually like it like this!And not to get into the subject(seeing as you didn't want to)but I like it better when Iggy is the smart one,and Ludwig isn't aswell!^-^

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LalalaKirby In reply to GemWist [2007-10-14 14:19:57 +0000 UTC]

Their personalities is something I've been looking into; the way the games get it across its not hard to work out what they're like. Ludwig, I'd imagine, has his own intelligence, but he doesn't use it to be a scientist, instead he applies it to his twisted games (He strikes me as demented, and he doesn't always fight the same as the other Koopalings), whereas Iggy might not actually be smart, but it suited my way of thinking at the time of drawing that. Iggy does like picking on people weaker than him though (or in the case of Giant Land, making himself look bigger), which isn't hard to spot.

GreatMaw may be right; I may think too much. Although saying that I know full well I'm not the only one (now) ^_^ There are like-minded people out there... Until it comes to their ages. THEN I think too much. ;D

... Technically this is why I didn't want to get into it. That and the people I know both on DA and in-person would think I'm sad. Owell I dun' care!

As for the sitting thing... If I wanted to do it without Iggy's shell, the scene would probably need setup. Considering I've been musing about chucking out some sort of Mario comic-y thing, I can probably sift this in somehow. ^^

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GemWist In reply to LalalaKirby [2007-10-14 18:26:21 +0000 UTC]

I didn't Ludwig to not be smart,hes just not the bookish,sciency one!And I think your right about the whole giant thing!

AHHH,I must go!

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EddieLawrence3 [2007-09-11 02:19:05 +0000 UTC]

Poor Iggy!

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LalalaKirby In reply to EddieLawrence3 [2007-09-11 08:23:09 +0000 UTC]

He's probably getting used to it.

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GreatMaw [2007-08-25 06:06:28 +0000 UTC]

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LalalaKirby In reply to GreatMaw [2007-08-25 10:57:47 +0000 UTC]

Ahh, as far as 'oldest' goes, from what I can gather Ludwig is older than Iggy.

As far as personality goes, I've been looking into the games. Iggy seems more like a coward, finding ways of making himself look bigger, or picking on weaker enemies, hence Giant-Land and Yoshi's Island. Whereas Ludwig takes great pleasure in toying with his opponents, which is why he chose Pipe-land and even had his own unique style of fighting in SMW, compared to his siblings. I do recall that in M&L-SS he had a complex, toying system before getting into the proper battle with the brothers as well. Thus, demented.

I haven't taken the complete time to really look into the age-ing structures of the Koopalings, other than identifying Lemmy as the youngest, and considering their concept-art as how they grow by comparing them on the scale between Baby Bowser/Lemmy, to Bowser himself. This puts Roy, Morton and Ludwig in the older-scale, and Larry somewhere in the middle.

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GreatMaw In reply to LalalaKirby [2007-08-25 18:08:00 +0000 UTC]

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LalalaKirby In reply to GreatMaw [2007-08-25 18:44:42 +0000 UTC]

P Yup, which is why I didn't want to go into it in the deviation description. ^^

Kinda like Larry's a sports nut. I'm still considering doing a deviation of him acting like David Beckam but I'm trying to save on dignity.

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GreatMaw In reply to LalalaKirby [2007-08-25 19:03:07 +0000 UTC]

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LalalaKirby In reply to GreatMaw [2007-08-25 21:24:39 +0000 UTC]

*laughs* Probably.

Though I am curious, where did you get your ages/personalities from? Sounded like that had been given some previous thought, too, and its always nice to hear new views.

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wackko200 [2006-09-04 13:06:34 +0000 UTC]

Awww...they both look so kawaii! Poor Iggy though...


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hawaiian [2005-11-05 22:08:02 +0000 UTC]

oh man, you drew them much better than my attempt.

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LalalaKirby In reply to hawaiian [2005-11-06 16:56:46 +0000 UTC]

... Not really. Iggy came out terribly here, and the original picture was definitely that much better than this attempt at it. No, I prefer your one, because you use so much more of your own style in it. You don't pretend you can draw the characters exactly, you kinda mix them into your own way of doing things, and that works! Don't doubt that.

That's a skill I'm still learning.

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pchanpiggy [2005-11-04 16:27:31 +0000 UTC]

They is sooo cunnen ^^

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