lapis-lazuri — Sphere tattoo

#brain #cephalopod #design #drawing #graphite #horror #michaelcrichton #mind #monster #pencil #pencildrawing #seamonster #sphere #squid #tattoo #tattoodesign #tentacles
Published: 2015-03-16 18:34:27 +0000 UTC; Views: 2173; Favourites: 41; Downloads: 0
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Description Heheh, do you like squid? Or is it too scary?

"So what is this hideous monster, how come its brains is showing, and why are its tentacles coiling around a ball?"
First off, you need to have seen the "Sphere" film / read the "Sphere" book (done both, liked both, in different ways though) AND to put a thought in it to completely get this one. (Oh, I sound so l33t right now, don't I.) Having that said, perhaps those who have will need no further explanation. In case they do, and for everyone else: SEE THE FILM / READ THE BOOK FFS! And pay attention. And use that wrinkled mass of grayish goo inside your skull! (That's right, this is exactly what a brain is like.... although I can't guarantee everyone's brain is really so wrinkled.... lulz for incorrect biological humour.)
So. Squid. Kinda always gave me the creeps although I actually like them (this really counts for all of the cephalopods). And the more I learn about them the more I like them.... and the more they give me the creeps. Awesome creatures. They have 3 hearts, they are extremely agile with those shiny tentacles and also very intelligent. Word was that if they had a lifespan longer than the mere several years nature has given to them they'd have their own civilization and perhaps would be ruling the world by now. I mean, ask Cthulhu XD (Never read that one, I admit.) Also, what appears to be the head of the critter is not really its head, it's its body where most of the internal organs are. But that's not weird having in mind that they actually swim way much faster.... backwards! And they do so by their own tiny reaction engine (same principle as with modern airplains and space shuttles, for example). Anyway, all of that has nothing to do with this drawing.
Maybe it's the tentacles or just their weird look and hypnotizing glare, but the cephalopods have always inspired people into imagining sea monsters. I guess they don't only give me the creeps. Krakens, Cthulhus, generic ship-eating giant squid, you name it. Still, what never seems to have occurred to anyone is what really is the most terrifying of all monsters down there. Wanna know? SEE THE FILM / READ THE BOOK, DAMMIT! XD

And in order to stand up to the temptation to reveal more key details, I'll start talking technical about the drawing itself.
This was designed as a tattoo, not for anyone, just for fun and practice. That's why I also didn't exactly do the finishing work on it. I could have played around a lot more with shading, I could have made it look much more realistic. But I didn't see much point. Okay, and I felt a bit lazy. Besides, this is just good enough to show the idea. Read the damn book, damn it.
Oh, about the brain. This is rather close to what its real wrinkles are like (as said, at least with most people). What I discovered, and it surprised me, is that the two hemispheres are actually not symmetrical at all. I always knew they aren't mirror images, but never knew.... turns out they are just two entirely different balls of spaghetti thrown in there and they seem just as random. I had never given it a close enough look as to notice this. Weird.
Also, it was fun drawing it. Most of the time I was thinking hilarious things like that, essentially my brain is right now cussing itself for the trouble it gave to itself XD

Not much of a reference. Just this: thehollowearthinsider.com/blog…
2B - 6B on A4 paper. About 4 hours I guess.

contest winner #3 lapis-lazuri
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Comments: 14

paws4thot [2015-03-17 14:15:59 +0000 UTC]

Seen the film which has put me off ever holding, much less reading, the book.

Also Cthulhu is an entire mythos, not a single book. Start your search for tales of the Cthulhu mythos with authors HP Lovecraft (creator) and August Derlith.

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lapis-lazuri In reply to paws4thot [2015-03-17 19:34:26 +0000 UTC]

I know, mate. And I'm not likely to read any of them. Although I do enjoy playing some tabletop games in the same universe.

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paws4thot In reply to lapis-lazuri [2015-03-18 10:48:04 +0000 UTC]

Ok, it's your choice. I commented because you made Cthulhu sound like a book title rather than the eponymous elder god of an entire alternate universe.

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lapis-lazuri In reply to paws4thot [2015-03-18 11:18:27 +0000 UTC]

Oh, sorry for that. It was a wayside mention anyway.

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EsotericNightWalker [2015-03-17 02:01:40 +0000 UTC]

Fantastic work!! (Most people I have to deal with at school have MUCH smoother brains, I'm sure! At least they act like it )
And yes, I've seen the movie; somewhat recently, in fact. I've yet to read the book, though...

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lapis-lazuri In reply to EsotericNightWalker [2015-03-17 07:57:56 +0000 UTC]

Thank you! (Heh, feels like evolution is moving backwards these days, doesn't it? ) Did you like it? Cuz it's one of my favourite movies

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EsotericNightWalker In reply to lapis-lazuri [2015-03-18 00:30:26 +0000 UTC]

Humans are DEFINITELY devolving!
I enjoyed it, but the Lord of the Rings trilogy are still my all-time favorite movies I like the medieval type fantasy better than the futuristic/SciFi type fiction. It was still a really, really good movie, though

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lapis-lazuri In reply to EsotericNightWalker [2015-03-18 11:21:21 +0000 UTC]

True true XD
I see. I used to be like that before too, but I think I've kinda lost a lot of my liking for the fantasy universes.... As for sci-fi, it's mostly the ideas it usually incorporates that I like. For me, it's definitely not the sci-fi element which makes the film awesome in the "Sphere" case

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ShadowTheDragonWolf [2015-03-16 19:54:20 +0000 UTC]

Where's the mustache?

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lapis-lazuri In reply to ShadowTheDragonWolf [2015-03-16 21:32:40 +0000 UTC]


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ShadowTheDragonWolf In reply to lapis-lazuri [2015-03-16 21:37:42 +0000 UTC]

Isn't that the squid you told me about? I wanted you to draw it with a mustache. XD

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lapis-lazuri In reply to ShadowTheDragonWolf [2015-03-16 21:39:40 +0000 UTC]

It is, but.... I don't recall such a thing.... and it doesn't fit ):

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ShadowTheDragonWolf In reply to lapis-lazuri [2015-03-16 22:02:20 +0000 UTC]

Doesn't matter, I was kidding anyway when I told you to give it a mustache. XD

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lapis-lazuri In reply to ShadowTheDragonWolf [2015-03-16 22:05:38 +0000 UTC]

Yeah, but I should remember at least as you mention it now....

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