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Yes, there's Talonflame now, but Talonflame is more of a peregrine falcon while Recoln is more of a kestrel (behavior wise) plus, Talonflame and Recoln's lines are very closely related. plus plus... I made Recoln first. (proof:… ) he did get a major remodel, but I think it looks better.
Recolns were nearly wiped out with the introduction of the chemical DDT, but the population is now stable due to successful breeding programs. Recolns feed primarily on bug Pokemon, ripping the hard body parts off to get to the softer bits. they often feed on the wing. being a falcon Pokemon, they can dive quite fast, however they do not dive very often.
They are very territorial, living in a tree cavity hollowed out by Chiswood and it's evolutions. Recolns will mate for life, and even if one of them dies, they will not find a new partner. one to two eggs are laid at a time in a nest lined with fur from bug Pokemon (many bug Pokemon are fluffy) both parents tend to the young, and will take shifts incubating. Reacolns will viciously defend their nest, dive bombing predators and shrieking to call others in the area to help.
Recolns often "hover" to spy for prey, using Ultraviolet light to see prey urine trails occasionally. they have some of the best eyesight in the Pokemon class.
name: Recoln (reeh-KOHN)
name origins: re[gal]+[fa]lcon
nat number: 1301
regional #: (naraht) 080
gender ratio: male 50%, female 50%
type: nrm-fly
ability: skybend
ab. effect: Pokemon cannot be dragged to earth and does not land when roosting
off field ab. effect: none
dream world ability: none
class: small kestrel Pokemon
height: 2' 11"
length: 3' 07"
wingspan: 6' 04"
weight: 7.6 lbs
capture rate: 45
base egg steps: 10,240
effort value earned: +1 speed
wild hold item: none
base EXP: 1,250,000 slow
base happiness: 35
color category: black
safari zone flee rate: none
safari zone hack flee rate: 30
breeding group: flying
gives live birth?: no
base stat total: 300
evolution chain:
Reacoln ->lv 45-> Skyawk ->use dawn stone on lv 65+ Skyawk while in Naraht region-> Eagend