Fortunately she's a perky scientist, she gets frustrated instead of mad...
helped me out with #heroineappreciationday2021 by doing a render of Polygirl holding what is supposed to be the Tesseract from the Marvel films. I saw at least one other submission (as I set this up) where regular people were being celebrated. I figured that Poly would be a good one for today, not every hero isn't going to be running into danger no matter what their powers are.
Poly is far happier back in her lab or in a mission control room working on some tech or trying to direct the heroes for maximum effectiveness. She's not much for being out in the field but any tech the heroines bring in she loves to dive in and try to figure out how it works.
Anyway enjoy the pic, hope she knows how to contain that much power, and let the artist know wouldja?
The old business will be in another state while she experiments:
Art by
Character by
Heroine appreciation day by
Polygirl's character creation rules by Green Ronin