LorinaDante — Water

Published: 2013-04-08 13:49:24 +0000 UTC; Views: 417; Favourites: 6; Downloads: 1
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Description On the AskCHAANKCorp blog, someone asked all the characters what they were afraid of! That was a great question... and as a result I spend weeks trying to figure out what I was going to do with it...

Here's John's! I don't think I've posted any of his questions here yet... Since he's not on the picture, he was kinda only recognizable by the color of the text (grey), which is always the color I pick for his dialogues! Makes more sense on the blog, I suppose.

Also, pelican eels are the creepiest animals ever creater by nature. Damn these thing freak me out. Looking up references for this drawing was painful.

The blog is here: [link]
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Comments: 8

Fixelle [2013-04-11 04:20:25 +0000 UTC]

Super colo !!!

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LorinaDante In reply to Fixelle [2013-04-11 11:36:01 +0000 UTC]


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HumanPinCushion [2013-04-09 01:00:43 +0000 UTC]

Wow, I love this drawing!

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LorinaDante In reply to HumanPinCushion [2013-04-09 04:59:29 +0000 UTC]

Thank you! It's the one I had the most fun drawing, so I'm glad you like it! (Had a lot less fun looking up references for the fishes though... Making one of the characters afraid of something that actually creeps me out a lot maybe wasn't the greatest plan ever )

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HumanPinCushion In reply to LorinaDante [2013-04-09 23:54:05 +0000 UTC]

God, I hate searching for references! And it's hard to find good ones that show every little necessary detail(that's important).
Ha-ha, I don't blame you for being creeped out by deep sea fish, they're ugly in the spookiest fucking way. xD

(alsoooooooooooooooo I think making a character afraid of the same thing you are isn't a bad idea at all... in fact, I would have probably done the same)

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LorinaDante In reply to HumanPinCushion [2013-04-10 02:31:58 +0000 UTC]

I guess the thing that kinda bothers me a little is that there is nothing in canon to support it (and also that I tend to make John's answers a bit inspired by what I would say a little too often for my taste. I don't even know why)? I mean, I kinda toyed with the idea of having him and Scott answer something about how they were afraid of Jack, but it just felt pretty cheap and uninspired. *shrugs*

But ugh, those fishes. Finding good refs was relatively easy (easier than I expected, really), but sometimes I was just too creeped out to view them in full-size. Mostly the pelican eel. Goddamn pelican eels, with their creepy giants mouths.

... On the other hand, there's a type of fish called a Sarcastic Fringehead, and that will never not be funny.

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HumanPinCushion In reply to LorinaDante [2013-04-10 15:57:51 +0000 UTC]

Hmmm, I understand. But you know, it would have made sense for Scott to be afraid of Jack since, in my opinion he truly is afraid of him. I mean, it would seem ''cheap and uninspired'' to some, but actually in character for others. Idk... just sayin'.

Really? Goodness, they must realllllyyyyyyy creep you the fuck out. xD

Just googled ''Sarcastic Fringehead'' and... damn... that's one weird looking fish. Though... it's actually kind of cool looking.

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LorinaDante In reply to HumanPinCushion [2013-04-10 17:43:57 +0000 UTC]

Oh I agree. I mean, it's in-character, and it's pretty much the only thing I could've answered that was 100% canon, but it just felt a bit too easy. It was really the first thing that came to mind when I started working on that question, and I figured I'd maybe try to answer with something a little less obvious.

Yeah, the Sarcastic Fringehead is actually pretty cool. It was suggested by somebody else, and I ended up not including it in the drawing because it didn't really fit with the other fishes. (Their mouths kinda make them look like little Predators, uh?)

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