LUNESSENCEMOONS — Pack Protector by-nc-nd

#sonic #wolf #sonicoc #sonicfc #sonicfccharacter
Published: 2020-12-13 01:34:25 +0000 UTC; Views: 883; Favourites: 18; Downloads: 0
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Description Hey guys Lunar here! Wanna see more content then please consider following me where I'm mostly active and don't forget to hit the bell~

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Gift for me and @EchoN30NL1GHT

Now both of us mostly her been dealing with hella lot of art thieves lately and people retracing over her characters for their own personal gain or just to be a troll. Stressing her out and getting me pissed hearing about it. Guess there's another certain wolfo angry about this entire thing too since Sono Cross (lower left) is recently being stolen by Rickard @/frolundaforever | @/KateyWolf and he was JUST a created character as of last year so I don't have a backstory planned yet or whatnot.

Nothingness, create your own characters, quit tracing, quit stealing and get a damn life if you want to make your own character. These are our flesh and blood (created by brains and hands) we've put our HARD work into. They don't deserve to be stolen they don't deserve this stress same with us and countless innocents. Another good reason I don't draw as much of my Sonic characters anymore either because of this and I'm just not as interested like I used to.

Leave my friend and her and my characters alone in PEACE. Sorry for this little rant but it had to be said out loud.

Moral of the story: Kids don't steal period. If you know you can't draw and people know that's not your stuff then don't take it unless you wanna go to court and pay thousands to someone's copyright.

WereSeraph and Sono Cross Kemosuki-Lunar 2020(c)
Axxon @EchoN30NL1GHT
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Comments: 5

OfficialPoncy [2020-12-13 22:54:47 +0000 UTC]

👍: 1 ⏩: 1

LUNESSENCEMOONS In reply to OfficialPoncy [2020-12-14 10:11:53 +0000 UTC]

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OfficialPoncy In reply to LUNESSENCEMOONS [2020-12-14 12:19:58 +0000 UTC]

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LUNESSENCEMOONS In reply to OfficialPoncy [2020-12-14 17:33:20 +0000 UTC]

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djgill892 [2020-12-13 11:21:23 +0000 UTC]

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