Machinations--Enigma — Waddle Dee With a Mustache

Published: 2013-04-18 00:06:12 +0000 UTC; Views: 956; Favourites: 19; Downloads: 8
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Description This here is a picture of a Waddle Dee with a mustache. Oh My God, I better explain this to you.

Waddle Dees are a common species in the Kirby Universe. They are quite often seen as servants to Dreamland's almighty ruler, King Dedede (Not to be confused with King DeeDeeDee) of the Dedede Dynasty. Historians are unable to trace just how long the tradition of Waddle Dees serving King Dedede is, but most modern day estimates suggest it has been this way ever since King Dedede came into power. Note that not all Waddle Dees serve King Dedede, and can be seen on their own in other countries and/or planets. As such, it can be determined that Waddle Dees are either a Space-Faring Race, or an intergalactic parasite trying to conquer the universe.

Where the Waddle Dee came from is a topic of debate amongst the Scientific Waddle Dee community. Many Waddle Dees believe that in the beginning, there was nothing. And then there was Waddle Dee. Others believe that they are the result of thousands of years of evolving, though most scientists refute this theory, as evolving is only for Pokemon. Some even believe that Waddle Dees are not actually entities that originated from anything, but instead cosmic time keepers that will devour the world when time ends. This is the most commonly accepted theory in the Science World.

The Waddle Dee anatomy is something of a mystery wrapped in an enigma. As no one has had the guts to dissect these creatures (Pun Fully Intended), we lack a full understanding of just what happens inside the Waddle Dee. It should be noted that while they have no visible mouths, they can still swallow things via powers beyond our mortal comprehension. Due to the mysteriousness and oddness of this, it is often used to support the 'Time Devouring Overlords" theory.

Waddle Dee Culture is a relatively simple thing. They wake up in the morning, eat, play, sleep, rinse and repeat till death or arrest for tax evasion, whichever comes first. The Waddle Dee seems to hold the Fountain of Dreams as a Holy Site of sorts. Some believe that this is because it's a lovely place that allows everyone on the planet to sleep nicely with dreams of sugar plums and the sort. Others believe that this is because it shall be the tastiest thing to eat when the end times come upon us. This theory is heavily criticized though, as some argue that Mt. Dedede would most likely taste better since it's more crunchy then sweet.

Anyways, now that you've obtained a basic understanding of the Waddle, you've probably asked about this Waddle Dee in Particular, and why he has a mustache. I shall explain this in as short of a manner as possible since your time is valuable.

Watson D. Johnson was born in the year 19XX to a loving couple, Lydia Johnson, and Johnson Johnson. In his youth, Watson had a fascination for trains, which were not on Planet Popstar at the time due to their recent outlawing. Growing up, he became a rebelious youth, ignoring the rules, a troublemaker. Eventually, he discovered the Space Pirate Mafia who, after doing some favors for, were able to hook him up with an authentic train.

Watson was astounded by this, and rode the train everywhere. Since Dreamland lacked any official sort of police force at the time, no one stopped him. However, tragedy would strike the hearts of thousands. The train one night went feral, and began it's rampage through downtown Popstar, destroying everything in it's path.

There were no survivors.

As Watson Dee Johnson explored the wreckage later, after seeing the train enter orbit, he found his parents, dead. As Watson weeped, an ghost appeared in front of him, revealing that they were not his real parents. In fact, his real mother and father, was the train.

It was then Watson Dee Johnson knew what he had to do, as he grew a mustache, and became the first ever police chief of Dreamland. As a tough cop, not playing by the rules, living on the edge, he busted several illegal Pep Breweries, Invincible Candy Rings, and Street Air Rides. For 69 years, Dreamland had one slightly competent police force.

Then tragedy struck.

The train had returned, but not in it's original form. It had feasted on souls, and it's tail was attached to it's head. It was truly a monster of epic proportions. The train began destroying everything and the pants were dead. Johnson knew what he had to do, as he found his Keyblade that everyone has and rode his pony to the final battle. It was there the train revealed itself to be Johnson's parents, but Johnson said he already knew that, as that was spoiled to him by some jackass ghost. The train was flabbergasted, as he then asked if Johnson knew that Snape killed Dumbledore.

Angered by this act, Johnson used the Chaos Emeroolds that he had obtained from a magical girl contract to become Super Saiiyen Johnson, and defeated the giant enemy train. But before Johnson could relish in his victory, the train decided to bite Johnson's head off in a final blow before the train fell to it's death.

The funeral service was short, though tears were shed. Dreamland's only police force was now gone, terror would strike the hearts of Popstar for a long time, until eventually a Pink hero would save them. As the casket was lowered into the ground, the tombstone revealed it's text.

"Here Lies Watson Dee Johnson


"He got ahead of himself."
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Comments: 6

SuncastingSorceress [2015-12-01 00:54:27 +0000 UTC]

This is still funny nearly three years later.

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Miss-Lizzifer [2013-04-18 03:01:56 +0000 UTC]

I'm dying

I'm dead




👍: 0 ⏩: 0

SuncastingSorceress [2013-04-18 02:53:46 +0000 UTC]

can't stop

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

MaybeHawthorn [2013-04-18 02:53:13 +0000 UTC]

I laughed, I cried, I forgot what I was doing when I came here. Truly a modern classic.

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

N0ISULI [2013-04-18 02:51:30 +0000 UTC]

I agree with Cassie
Totally worth the time

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Cassie1083 [2013-04-18 02:06:58 +0000 UTC]

The most beautiful story I have ever read

👍: 0 ⏩: 0