Información: Así es como se ve Mangled El Lobo Ártico Blanco en versión de mi amigo Rowser, una aclaratoria que quiero dejar en esta info es que Mangled es macho, no es hembra, aclaro esto para resolver dudas que la gente nueva haya tenido acerca del sexo de mi personaje. Mangled se puede ver como una mujer, pero en realidad es hombre, y porque se vea como mujer no significa que Mangled sea travesti, Mangled no es Travesti, como dije antes Mangled es una especie de Hibrido entre dos zorros hembras las cuales son Mangle The Fox y FunTime Foxy más la combinación de la especie Lobo Ártico, antes Mangled se llamaba Mangled Wolfox pero ahora su nombre como tal es Mangled The Wolf.
Espero que os haya gustado.
Arte hecha por: RowserlotStudios1993 .
Mangled pertenece a: Mangled .
Information: This is how Mangled The White Arctic Wolf looks in my friend Rowser's version, a clarification that I want to leave in this info is that Mangled is male, not female, I clarify this to resolve doubts that new people have had about the sex of my character. Mangled can be seen as a woman, but in reality he is a man, and just because he looks like a woman does not mean that Mangled is a transvestite, Mangled is not a transvestite, as I said before Mangled is a kind of Hybrid between two female foxes which are Mangle The Fox and FunTime Foxy plus the combination of the Arctic Wolf species, formerly Mangled was called Mangled Wolfox but now its name as such is Mangled The Wolf.
I hope you liked it.
Art made by: RowserlotStudios1993 .
Mangled belongs to: Mangled .