masaothedog — 3x4.

Published: 2008-08-15 22:57:46 +0000 UTC; Views: 1294; Favourites: 25; Downloads: 22
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Description Trowa ad Quatre from Gundam Wing. Belongs to Sunrise Animation.

Be sure to look at 's 1x2.

~Forever-Yaoi has permission to repost this in the club.
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Comments: 72

masaothedog In reply to ??? [2009-02-07 00:32:21 +0000 UTC]

Thankyou^_^;. I guess it's pretty memorable!

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Erin88 [2008-09-06 05:58:13 +0000 UTC]

I never did get into Gundam, but damn if this isn't piquing my curiosity D:. Darn you !

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masaothedog In reply to Erin88 [2008-09-06 18:42:13 +0000 UTC]

Thankyou^^. I need to draw more of this.

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StolenPearlDevotion [2008-08-18 18:31:58 +0000 UTC]

Wow, this brings me back. Trowa/Quatre was my first EVER slash/yaoi favorite and you drew them beautifully!

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masaothedog In reply to StolenPearlDevotion [2008-08-18 19:53:01 +0000 UTC]

First ever? Hehe, I'm glad you like it^^. It was the pairing that made me understand the meaning of 'fluff'. And now, because of them, I have a 'fluffy' side even for pairings that wouldn't otherwise have it. Even the pairing I'm in currently... XDSeriously. Maybe TrowaxQuatre have influenced me to treat my boyfriend in a fluffy manner. And not just... you know... get down to business pwp styleXD.

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Shards-of-Kuro [2008-08-16 06:34:02 +0000 UTC]

First of all, you did an amazing job on the eyes. They look light but deep. I love their hair too. Looks shiny and beautiful. Not to mention it's adorable, the whole thing I mean. It's cute and I don't think I've seen something so magnificent as this that had both of these handsome guys in them. In short, your Trowa and Quatre is the best I've seen. I mean it. A very unique way to draw them together.

Take Care!

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masaothedog In reply to Shards-of-Kuro [2008-08-16 22:54:21 +0000 UTC]

Thankyou so much^^. I'm glad to post something coloured once in a whileXD. I'm so glad you feel that way about this<3. I never would have thought I would have drawn fanart for this series again-it's been so many yearsXD.


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Shards-of-Kuro In reply to masaothedog [2008-08-17 04:33:47 +0000 UTC]

You're welcomed! Coloured things are nice. Of course I do! I wouldn't say or type it if didn't mean it. Wow, how long has it been since you've drawn something for this series??

You're welcomed!

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masaothedog In reply to Shards-of-Kuro [2008-08-17 11:48:16 +0000 UTC]

The last time I actually drew and coloured something from Gundam Wing was when I was 14. That's... 7 years ago. It's been a whileXD.

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Shards-of-Kuro In reply to masaothedog [2008-08-18 19:57:43 +0000 UTC]

Wow, that has been long time! Are you planning to draw and colour more from GW, aside from what you already have planned?

On another unrelated note, how was your day? You had school, right?

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masaothedog In reply to Shards-of-Kuro [2008-08-18 20:13:58 +0000 UTC]

Yes, definitely I am.

I have school... and I still have one class and a lab to go. I'm hoping this is the case... But so far, my classes seem very easy. Nothing I can't accomplish easily, anyway. My history class is all lectures and essays. So... perfect for me. Unfortunately, my sociology class involves 'social interacting'. Not so easy for me. But the actual academics don't seem very hard. The tests come from the book. That just leaves Japanese which will hopefully continue to come naturally to me, and geology... who knows. I've always liked that kind of thing, but it depends on the teacher I suppose.

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Shards-of-Kuro In reply to masaothedog [2008-08-20 20:34:34 +0000 UTC]


Best of luck on your Sociology class. It may not be easy to to do the social interacting, but just do your best.

Glad that the rest of your classes seem to be easier (though some sound boring). How was Geology and Japanese?

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masaothedog In reply to Shards-of-Kuro [2008-08-22 04:08:40 +0000 UTC]

Thankyou^^. Well, all of my classes are good and mostly review, but I... actually don't like my Japanese teacher muchO_O;.

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Shards-of-Kuro In reply to masaothedog [2008-08-22 21:42:04 +0000 UTC]

No problem.

How has your Japanese class been going? Still don't like your teacher?

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masaothedog In reply to Shards-of-Kuro [2008-08-22 22:54:29 +0000 UTC]

Not a lot. But it is going well. I'm... a little confused as to how a lot of the other people in my class made it to Japanese 2001O_O. They can't speak at a 1002 level, even. I know most of them came from other schools, but... I don't think it would be fair for them to fail this class just because apparently, our curriculums don't match. It's not like they don't try like... some peopleO_O;.

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Shards-of-Kuro In reply to masaothedog [2008-08-23 04:30:53 +0000 UTC]

Oh my. That reminds me of every English (or Language Arts, whatever they call it) class I've ever had. Everyone seems to be ahead of me... Then again, my schedule was always messed up and I didn't attend the proper class until about a week later than everyone else. I catch on fast, though.

You're right about that. I hope your class settles down a bit more better. Well, at least you understand it.

Aside from the confusion there, how are your other classes?

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masaothedog In reply to Shards-of-Kuro [2008-08-23 06:15:36 +0000 UTC]

I like them^^. Because I'm a huge nerd. I like things like history and geology and those sorts of things.

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Shards-of-Kuro In reply to masaothedog [2008-08-24 21:59:54 +0000 UTC]

lol. I like cetain types of history, so I'm not as interested. Do you get a lot of homework?

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masaothedog In reply to Shards-of-Kuro [2008-08-25 00:38:24 +0000 UTC]

Not in History, but I do in Geology, and we really should be practicing Japanese every day.

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Shards-of-Kuro In reply to masaothedog [2008-08-26 16:08:08 +0000 UTC]

Wow, that's great! Homework's not killing you, so I hope that makes this school year for you a bit better.

How is your Japanese class going?

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masaothedog In reply to Shards-of-Kuro [2008-08-26 18:11:38 +0000 UTC]

It's going well. This semester is much easier than last for some reason. I suppose I'm actually able to communicate in Japanese effectively.

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Shards-of-Kuro In reply to masaothedog [2008-08-28 19:40:30 +0000 UTC]

Nice to hear that it's going easier. How are your Geology labs?

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masaothedog In reply to Shards-of-Kuro [2008-09-01 23:19:04 +0000 UTC]

Long and boring><. SO tedious. Converting English to Metric and things like that.

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Shards-of-Kuro In reply to masaothedog [2008-09-04 22:40:21 +0000 UTC]

Sounds awful. Oh, how is your Japanese class? Do you still not like your teacher?

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masaothedog In reply to Shards-of-Kuro [2008-09-04 22:50:07 +0000 UTC]

Still don'tXD. It's okay, though.

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Shards-of-Kuro In reply to masaothedog [2008-09-05 00:16:14 +0000 UTC]

Ah, well, as long as your grades are fine in that class. Are you having any problems in any other classes?

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masaothedog In reply to Shards-of-Kuro [2008-09-05 00:47:02 +0000 UTC]

SociologyXD. I don't know how we're going to have grades! And geology, but just because it's hard to keep up with the grades and such.

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Shards-of-Kuro In reply to masaothedog [2008-09-05 01:54:19 +0000 UTC]

Sociology... Is it because of your teacher? Hm, geology. What re you doing in both of those classes?

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masaothedog In reply to Shards-of-Kuro [2008-09-05 04:03:14 +0000 UTC]

Yes, and my book still isn't here!

Geology is no problem except that I have to turn all of my assignments in onlineXD. And there was a glitch the first week that erased everyone's. Fortunately, he said he's not counting that one.

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Shards-of-Kuro In reply to masaothedog [2008-09-07 07:33:22 +0000 UTC]

What book?

Ah, you have an understanding teacher then. Some would still count it and take points off for it being late.

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masaothedog In reply to Shards-of-Kuro [2008-09-07 17:38:59 +0000 UTC]

Oh, I meant my textbook. It just got here... all of them did... But I think I got some of the wrong ones... This is the last time I get these things online><.

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Shards-of-Kuro In reply to masaothedog [2008-09-26 04:51:31 +0000 UTC]

Did you get that problem fixed? Were the textbooks all there? Were they the right ones?

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masaothedog In reply to Shards-of-Kuro [2008-09-26 04:56:09 +0000 UTC]

Yes, yes, yes^^. All three. It all worked out.

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Shards-of-Kuro In reply to masaothedog [2008-09-26 05:48:15 +0000 UTC]

Cool. So does that mean you will order them online again?

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masaothedog In reply to Shards-of-Kuro [2008-09-26 05:59:33 +0000 UTC]

Hopefully I will for next semester.

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Shards-of-Kuro In reply to masaothedog [2008-09-27 04:48:48 +0000 UTC]

And hopefully it works out too. It would suck if you got the wrong books or something. Has that ever happened to you?

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masaothedog In reply to Shards-of-Kuro [2008-09-27 16:48:53 +0000 UTC]

It did, but I only paid a few dollars for it, and I just went to the school bookstore the next day. I panicked a little, but it was all fine.

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Shards-of-Kuro In reply to masaothedog [2008-09-28 03:51:06 +0000 UTC]

You handled that well. I'm sure others would have been angry about that. I hope that doesn't happen again.

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masaothedog In reply to Shards-of-Kuro [2008-09-28 04:44:55 +0000 UTC]

If I had paid full price for it, I would have been really upset. Mostly panicky and scared...

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Shards-of-Kuro In reply to masaothedog [2008-09-28 07:00:36 +0000 UTC]

Yeah, that would suck. How come you didn't have to pay full price for it?

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masaothedog In reply to Shards-of-Kuro [2008-09-28 14:13:28 +0000 UTC]

I got it off of ebay's half.com thing.

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Shards-of-Kuro In reply to masaothedog [2008-09-29 07:28:42 +0000 UTC]

Smart. Ah, you have school today too! (I think.) Good luck.

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masaothedog In reply to Shards-of-Kuro [2008-09-29 21:07:39 +0000 UTC]

I do have school today! I only have 1 and 1/2 classes left, though. And I think I'll be online for thoseXD.

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Shards-of-Kuro In reply to masaothedog [2008-09-30 04:36:36 +0000 UTC]

How was school?

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masaothedog In reply to Shards-of-Kuro [2008-09-30 16:08:33 +0000 UTC]

Pretty good aside from getting only 79 on my sociology test. I was so mad. That's lower than my lowest acceptable grade for myself. And I feel like there was nothing else I could have done about it to get a higher grade.

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Shards-of-Kuro In reply to masaothedog [2008-10-01 04:31:33 +0000 UTC]

Probably not. You studied as much as you could, and it was a multiple choice exam too. Those are tougher than an essay exam. And it was in that class. You still passed, and it wasn't an F. You did well on it.

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masaothedog In reply to Shards-of-Kuro [2008-10-01 19:54:43 +0000 UTC]

Aa, well, I found out we were a little misguided about the test, too. So I emailed her. The only A in the class was a 90, and there was ONLY one. She told us the wrong things to study, actually.

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Shards-of-Kuro In reply to masaothedog [2008-10-02 04:35:41 +0000 UTC]

That has got to be the worst way to not get the grade you wanted to get. She won't let you guys retake it or something?

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masaothedog In reply to Shards-of-Kuro [2008-10-02 16:07:05 +0000 UTC]

I'm about to find out. She just emailed me back... I'm so nervous!!!

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Shards-of-Kuro In reply to masaothedog [2008-10-03 04:16:16 +0000 UTC]

She did give you all the wrong materials to study, so she should. So will she?

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