Comments: 14
XDown2EarthX [2012-11-25 02:15:22 +0000 UTC]
I laughed. XD Haha! This is great.
Costume looks great, too!
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Infernal-Blaze [2011-07-19 15:55:35 +0000 UTC]
lol, thats awesome. And your proportions are spot-on.
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Infernal-Blaze In reply to MasterChief42283 [2011-08-15 12:18:44 +0000 UTC]
Yw, I'm actually a new member of the 405th ,and plan to make a set of MJOLNIR mk v armor. Wish me luck!
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Chris-Dahmer [2010-12-31 21:14:18 +0000 UTC]
Master chief's like, " Welp, bout that time of the month ", grandma chief says, " what do you mean? ", Master chief says " Gotta go save the galaxy from extinction by the wipe out of halo " , grandma chief says " didn't you already do that? " , master chief says " I did, but they keep coming back, we got tons more grandma, but it shouldn't be as hard since I don't have to wear that big shitty rock of a suit again ", grandma chief says " you mean the mark V suit? ", chief says " yea, that one ", grandma chief says " but i knitted that for you just last halo...... ", Master chief is like, " OHHHHHH, THAT SUIT, I THOUGHT YOU WERE TALKING ABOUT, UM...UM...UM.. THE MARK IV, NO.... I LOVED THAT MARK V....... " * chief speeds out the door.. *
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pshbling [2010-08-27 11:38:47 +0000 UTC]
I love the armor my friend, long live the 405th.
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XSITION [2010-08-26 22:57:21 +0000 UTC]
Roflol, this is quite funny.
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