Alice became worried that her girlfriend Lena was considering leaving her. Lena wasn't, but Alice's paranoia got the better of her and she came up with a plan to make sure Lena would stay with her forever. When Lena woke up from a nap one day, she found herself in a very strange place that felt oddly familiar. Then the booming voice of Alice echoed around her. "I can't risk ever losing you, Lena. I shrank you down onto my foot. I'll make a deal with you. You're currently at the tip of my big toe, if you can make it down to my heel, I will unshrink you. Lena wasn't sure what to think, she was panicking, but realised reaching Alice's heel was her only hope. She began her journey. Eventually days passed, then weeks, then months and even years. Alice kept a close eye on Lena the whole time. "Surely I must be close by now..." she thought. Unfortunately for Lena, she had been shrunk down so much that she was only halfway across Alice's big toe.
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