Comments: 16
clouds2nddragon [2011-05-08 02:56:35 +0000 UTC]
shes a sexy leopard
epic job
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Hopalongtom [2008-03-16 15:31:50 +0000 UTC]
You know I like this version more than the new one, it may be less detailed but the style looks better in my opinion!
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mateem In reply to Hopalongtom [2008-03-17 02:54:30 +0000 UTC]
Hmm... yeah, I've kinda slacked on detail the further I get... I dunno. Need to get back into that I guess.
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mateem In reply to Kymera82 [2007-01-13 03:07:21 +0000 UTC]
Yup, stomach definitely needs to bulk. And the whole back part of her makes me wince. Thank you for loving her anyway. ^^
Egads, how on earth did you ever find this? *pokes it* Oldpieceness. Reminds me I need to do another taur, like I've been promising for... two years? XD
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Kymera82 In reply to mateem [2007-01-14 12:36:10 +0000 UTC]
I just did a search on "Taur" and it was (obviously) in the list. She's so gorgeous! If I was a snow-leopardtaur I would want to look like her! The only bit I'd have different is have the hair light blue and the eyes ice-blue. But as she isn't me she's wonderful as she is... I know I'm blabbering *blush* but I think it is just so great, I wish I could draw one like her.
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mateem In reply to Kymera82 [2007-01-18 01:21:32 +0000 UTC]
LOL, actually I have a redo of her on my comp... too bad my monitor has gone kaput thanks partially my #@$%@ cheap desk and to my own clumsiness, but mostly me. So, it's on hiatus until I can find a cheap monitor.
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Kymera82 In reply to mateem [2007-01-18 10:43:24 +0000 UTC]
Damn computer monitors! Well, when you get a new one would you upload the redo please? I'd really like to see it!
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mateem In reply to Kymera82 [2007-01-23 20:07:10 +0000 UTC]
I've gotten it, and I'm working on it every chance I get. Hopefully it'll be done soon! Thanks for the watch, BTW.
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Huskix [2005-04-04 21:39:21 +0000 UTC]
lol, I'm just reminding, not scolding or anything since you didnt even know the word until I told you but its spelled Chakat but otherwise as I said before the piece looks great ^^
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Nekomarunosuke [2005-03-31 03:44:44 +0000 UTC]
Oh stylish character!! I love the face. the background in particular the mountain is fantastic!!
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Peachfuzz [2005-03-31 01:18:30 +0000 UTC]
I think this is awesome! Great job. I love the way you've done the spot pattern, and the background formations are really cool. The only things I would suggest to make this even better is to add some sort of muscle or texture to the beige belly area (It sticks out as very flat against the awesome texture of the rest of the picture) and make the hair a color that sticks out more against the background. I had to look pretty hard to see it. Other than that, amazing work!
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mateem In reply to Peachfuzz [2005-04-01 06:40:02 +0000 UTC]
Yeah, I really should do some stomach muscle studies, it would really develop my style more. I realized all too late that my choice in species was too blanched out for a light background. I did darken the background quite a bit, but as you said, she really doesn't show up all that great. Thank you for the thoughtful critique!
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