maxprodanov — Among a Thousand by-nc-sa

Published: 2018-10-16 16:42:23 +0000 UTC; Views: 40171; Favourites: 1678; Downloads: 243
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A thousand kings forget their word to serve the greater good,

A thousand kings betray their men to stand where none have stood.

A thousand dogs relinquished for promises and lies

What worth is there in all their blood if one true noble dies?

But few are they who fight with pride behind a king they trust,

A king who leads his men to glory or joins them in the dust.

Among a thousand there is one who makes a strong heart quiver

A strong voice tremble and a strong hand shiver.

A man who fought beside me like a brother

A friend to every friend, a son to every mother.

Among a thousand, I have served the one who never wanted to be served

And never valued noble blood, but made nobility deserved.

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Comments: 52

DunkleMaterie [2019-12-06 14:02:58 +0000 UTC]

He does not wear the Crown.

    The Crown wears him.
             Proudly so.

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davidducker [2019-02-11 15:22:46 +0000 UTC]

hail to the king! 

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S9y1 [2018-10-30 17:12:05 +0000 UTC]

Found my new desktop wallpaper. 

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LigerSketch0X [2018-10-18 02:01:34 +0000 UTC]

Such a lovely poem that connects to the narrative of the artwork. I love the dynamic composition, and the use of perspective. Amazing work! ^^

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Wyvern-1 [2018-10-17 17:50:20 +0000 UTC]

Did you write the poem yourself? Either way they're mighty words for a mighty image about a mighty person. Well done. ^_^

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maxprodanov In reply to Wyvern-1 [2018-10-17 19:30:59 +0000 UTC]

Thank you, Wyvern. Yes, I did. 'm glad it resonated with a lot of people  

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Herod-U [2018-10-17 15:05:52 +0000 UTC]

        Cool , I  love  it ...
        Круто  и  интересно  нарисовано , Макс . И - название  красноречивое .

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maxprodanov In reply to Herod-U [2018-10-17 19:31:43 +0000 UTC]

Большое спасибо

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Herod-U In reply to maxprodanov [2018-10-17 22:38:13 +0000 UTC]

        This  strokes  is  looks  not  completely  usual . Is  this  oil  paint , or  what ?
        ( Не на  100 процентов  владею  английским )
        Мазки - это ты рисуешь настоящим маслом , пентерой  или  гуашью ? На  акварель-то  не  похоже .
        Или ты  это  в  программах  используешь  специальные  кисти ? Мне  всегда  казалось  очень  тяжёлым  рисование  с  кистями  и  красящими  веществами . Я пробовал  только  карандашами , акварелью и шариковой  ручкой ...
        А  есть  русский  вариант  этого  твоего  стиха ?
        Твой  английский - это  такое  аккуратное  применение  Гуггл-переводчика , или  английский - в твоих  навыках ?
        А  тебе  знакома  песня  Война  ( Цоя ) ? Обожаю  её
        ( Кто  бы  ты  не  был , где  бы  ты  не  был , между  землёй  и  небом - война ! ) .

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maxprodanov In reply to Herod-U [2018-10-18 03:09:58 +0000 UTC]

Всё нарисовано в Фотошопе с помощью пользовательских кистей. Я болгарин, но я также люблю читать английские и русские книги. Кстати, я обожаю песню «Группа крови».  «Есть чем платить, но я не хочу победы любой ценой. Я никому не хочу ставить ногу на грудь...»

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Herod-U In reply to maxprodanov [2018-10-18 10:41:06 +0000 UTC]

        ... Знаешь  ли , - Встречный  из  Болгарии , Что за Моим  Горизонтом , - я  не  хочу , чтобы  выглядело так , будто  я  льщу  или  делаю  комплимент ...
        Но  я  - обладатель  крови  народов  трёх  стран , житель  города  Донецка  в  Донбассе , человек  высокого  уровня , благородная  личность , которую  в  каком-то  будущем  покроют  клеветой , захотят  казнить  и  будут  сами  казнены  мной ... И я скажу  тебе , кто ты  передо  мной  сейчас .
        Ты - один  из  пары-тройки  лучших  мужчин , которых  я  встретил  в  Дэвиант  Арте . И  я  с  удивлением  созерцаю  тебя  с  твоим  изысканным  поведением  и  твоими  красочными , яркими  и  густыми  талантами . Потому  что  в  России  таких  мужчин , видимо , больше  не  осталось . В  той  стране  остались  такими  только  женщины , - а  мужчин  таких  выкосили , развратили  и  сломали  Патриархальный  Строй , алкоголь  и  культ  тюрьмы .
        Да  ты  знаешь  ли  вообще , что  в  России сейчас , - на  самом  деле , в  глубине  сердца , - люди  любят  Тюрьму  больше , чем  Бога ? В  российком  языке  десятки  лет  назад  особое  и  важное  место  заняли  слова  из  языка  арестантов  и  воров , - всякие  грязные , чёрные  и  ругательные  слова  чисто  тюремного  происхождения : их в  разговоре  используют , -  в  самых  разных  ситуациях , - даже  женщины  и  дети . А  всякие  воры  в  России - в  глубоком  общем  почёте , и их  воспевают  в  народе  и  в  официальной  культуре .
        А ты , помимо  прочего , ещё  и  слишком  приветлив  и  любезен , общителен , чтобы  я  мог  сравнивать  тебя  с  кем-либо  из  россиян .
        А  общество , в  котором  я  вырастал ,  было  очень  глубоко  изображено  писателем  Джорджем  Мартином , - это  мы  тот  самый  дикий , разбитый  на  племена , холодный  и  без-сердечный  Народ  За  Стеной , который  первый  попадёт  под  удар  тёмных  сил  Апокалипсиса .
        Захочешь  ли , чтобы  я  рассказал  тебе  больше , - об  Украине , России , Болгарии , тебе , себе  и  Игре  Престолов  Мартина ? Если  Да - я  буду  польщён , когда  получу  от  себя  соответствующее  сообщение  в  Ноутс-Записках  этого  сайта .
        Спасибо , вообще , за  твои  блестящие  манеры .

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abff [2018-10-17 14:19:56 +0000 UTC]

Fabulous artwork, and very inspiring poem - thank you!

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CrisisarmTD [2018-10-17 14:14:19 +0000 UTC]

This here.... is the great and mighty artwork I have seen thus far. Very few of these kind of artwork reveal themselves in the deviantart home page, goes to show just how great it is if people can see this as soon as they come out online. This is a very inspiring work, keep it up good sir.

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maxprodanov In reply to CrisisarmTD [2018-10-17 14:28:51 +0000 UTC]

Thank you for the kind words

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RobbieMcSweeney [2018-10-17 13:45:47 +0000 UTC]

This is a really well rendered piece. You certainly know how to paint, and use composition! Just something I saw that lacked a bit, was the design of the arms and armour. It might be worth checking out how swords work as a weapon and the reason why they're shaped the way are. This goes the same for the armour in particular. I bit more research in how armour is shaped for the human form, and what period you base your design on will go a long way. For example, the king as the main character, has the typical, sword and no helmet. The head is the most important part to protect, and swords are a secondary weapon. Might be worth checking out some late 15th/ early 16th century armour and fashion. Sorry for the rant! Hopefully this might be useful. Let me know if you need a little bit of help! 

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maxprodanov In reply to RobbieMcSweeney [2018-10-17 14:28:12 +0000 UTC]

Thank you No doubt it is a bit on the fantasy side, rather than being completely practical and historically accurate. For the king in particular, storytelling kind of demanded an exposed face and crown, even though it's absolutely impractical in a fight But I would love to paint a completely gritty medieval scene with mud and heavy armor all around.

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RobbieMcSweeney In reply to maxprodanov [2018-10-18 10:12:13 +0000 UTC]

Cool! It's still possible to do the exposed face and crown with the helmet It's worth checking out Sir William Phelip's effigy, he has a crown and open-face helmet. You can still go about facial expressions etc. Fantasy armour doesn't necessarily need to be accurate historically, but armour and and weapons work in a particular way, and illustrating that helps the reality of the scene. It also diverts from the typical fantasy tropes you see in tv and film. Game of thrones is a good example of very bad armour design. Oh, just a little tip, armour was really quite light, and kept in good condition. You can easily run around and do everyday things in full plate harness. There are tons of misconceptions with medieval warfare. Hope I don't come across stern or anything haha! looking forward to what you illustrate in the future!   

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knyte [2018-10-17 13:38:20 +0000 UTC]

An incredible piece. Well done!

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RebellingLemming [2018-10-17 13:34:59 +0000 UTC]

Great art!

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Wolfguard22 [2018-10-17 13:11:16 +0000 UTC]

Very cool piece.

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SketchNya [2018-10-17 11:01:35 +0000 UTC]

i draw robots can you ckeck this pls www.artstation.com/artwork/XBB…

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BenRG [2018-10-17 10:01:09 +0000 UTC]

"No man of woman born can defeat the king!"

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AltoArts [2018-10-17 08:01:46 +0000 UTC]


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Crimson-Quill-086 [2018-10-17 07:06:20 +0000 UTC]

There is power in this artwork. There is power in this poem.
The story here will stay with me; whichever way I roam.
A picture paints a thousand words-so often it is said,
And what better way to show us both the living and the dead?
My praises to this picture, and my respect towards your art.
These pictures pierce the viewers soul-lie straight within the heart.

This one is a brilliant picture. I'm leaving it in my favourites. A masterpiece.

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maxprodanov In reply to Crimson-Quill-086 [2018-10-17 07:43:53 +0000 UTC]

Wow, I hardly deserve such a kind comment Thank you.

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Crimson-Quill-086 In reply to maxprodanov [2018-10-17 16:10:18 +0000 UTC]

You're very welcome.

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Guilty-10-Games [2018-10-17 06:48:59 +0000 UTC]


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Romalt [2018-10-17 05:48:59 +0000 UTC]

Fitting poem to the great picture. Who is this poem by?

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maxprodanov In reply to Romalt [2018-10-17 05:54:56 +0000 UTC]

Thank you. I wrote it to accompany the picture.

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Romalt In reply to maxprodanov [2018-10-17 06:00:06 +0000 UTC]

Thank you, very  thoughtful and beautiful poem as well as picture.

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TheBritWriter [2018-10-17 05:33:56 +0000 UTC]

At first glance I thought it was aargon's last stand with city of gondor in the back. 

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Ururuty [2018-10-17 05:12:53 +0000 UTC]


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Th3F0rge [2018-10-17 02:51:13 +0000 UTC]

one for the books.

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maxprodanov In reply to Th3F0rge [2018-10-17 05:55:31 +0000 UTC]

Thank you

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cyberdemon107 [2018-10-17 02:25:03 +0000 UTC]

In reality: peasants, you're conscripted to die for me

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Zaloffshat [2018-10-17 01:57:17 +0000 UTC]

This is EPIC! Nicely done!

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kennerDesigns [2018-10-17 01:03:32 +0000 UTC]

Amazing level of detail here. Quite an epic scene

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Subaqueous [2018-10-17 00:05:09 +0000 UTC]

Amazing painting, wonderful prose; I especially like the line, A king who leads his men to glory or joins them in the dust. 

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maxprodanov In reply to Subaqueous [2018-10-17 06:25:20 +0000 UTC]

Thank you. Not many of those around It was partly inspired by the character of Marcus Aurelius from an earlier age - a rare kind of ruler who was admired by his men because even though he had achieved greatness, and could afford any pleasure in the world, instead chose to carry the full burden of any task, and bear all the responsibility for failure. He lived according to the high standards of stoicism, but didn't scold anyone for failing to meet these standards. An interesting person to meet.

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Subaqueous In reply to maxprodanov [2018-10-19 01:13:25 +0000 UTC]

You're welcome! You spurred me on to read about Aurelius.

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Crimson-Quill-086 In reply to maxprodanov [2018-10-17 07:07:07 +0000 UTC]

All too rare a character in both history and today...I hope we can still learn.

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soadpedro [2018-10-16 23:48:18 +0000 UTC]

Beautifull indeed.... may i use this illustration for a card game im making with a friend?

My blessings

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zacharyknox222 [2018-10-16 23:31:01 +0000 UTC]

i love it!

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zacharyknox222 [2018-10-16 23:30:56 +0000 UTC]

i like it!

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RioFluttershy [2018-10-16 21:54:56 +0000 UTC]

Amazing ^^

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inisipis [2018-10-16 19:36:12 +0000 UTC]

Beautiful illustration.

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ThanArtos [2018-10-16 18:42:19 +0000 UTC]

Fantastic composition skills!

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ElizavetaS [2018-10-16 18:16:45 +0000 UTC]


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FaolSidhe [2018-10-16 17:48:06 +0000 UTC]

The drawing is nice, but the poetry is awesome.

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RikkuTakanashi In reply to FaolSidhe [2018-10-17 09:18:59 +0000 UTC]

I agree. The poem added a really nice depth to the painting making it look more then a generic medieval war scene and instead like a epic battle to protect a noble kingdom.

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