MeetingGemini — SA | Chapter 1 | Mountains Misgivings

Published: 2016-03-05 16:35:47 +0000 UTC; Views: 552; Favourites: 27; Downloads: 17
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Description Read the rp here: starborn-alignment.boards.net/…

They'd scarcely the time to begin their plan before the wolves were upon them. 

Yeshua watched as one such beast quite literally materialized from nothing, a silver streak of teeth and fur that barreled through the snow like an arrow, colliding with the Ambassador's flank. It snarled, deep and low in its throat as it clung to her pelt and snapped its great drooling maw. Yeshua froze, and then he charged, head bowed to strike the animal in the ribs. It was thrown careening through the air, and landed upon its feet - no worse for wear, somehow. Yeshua's wings unfurled, one shielding Embryss from view and the other obscuring Abram. The hope was that it would collect the focus upon himself, drawing all of the animal's wild ire. Indeed, her red eyes locked on target, and her form shivered magically as she renewed her attack.

"Not a wolf." Yeshua choked as he raised upon his hind legs, boxing at the animal's maw. It snapped and snarled and yelped, but it did not relent, waiting for the moment when the Councillor slipped and it could clamp its jaws upon his fetlock. The stallion bellowed, jerking, tendons torn- "Gytrash!"

Before his eyes the battle ensued, no warning other than their howling on the wind. For a monet he had froze, though he'd already frozen meer hours ago truthfully. Adrenaline surged through his veins as he watched, breaking from the trance and joining in to help. They were no different from the coyotes he'd once fought back in the sand covered hills of Sedo. Or at least he thought. The mountain had already taken so much from them, but he refused to die in such a way. To be taken so easily by an enemy he thought he could defeat. 

As Yeshua took form defending those behind them, he waited for that perfect moment. The single second Ray knew he could take down the beast was upon him, though it came quickly he had little time to prepare. As Yeshua drew its attention he steadied himself, and as it attacked, so did he. The Gyrtash tore at Yeshua's leg as Ray Charaged straight through its side tossing it into the harsh snow, hoping to break any bone he'd come in contact with. Though his efforts were little as he watched it regain its strength and pick itself back up from the snow. 

"Damn it..." He mumbled under his breath as it came out in a cloud of icy air that was carried away with the winds. "Alya please help us now.." He said a bit louder as Ray watched the creature turn its attention towards its attacker. Glancing between the beast and the fellow diplomats he'd came with, with the sudden decision, he turned and trudged a few yards away from them, hoping to lead it away. As the ploy worked, he found out quickly he was too slow in this wastland.

It leaped for his hindquarts, and as he felt the claws rake down his hide he let out a cry. The warm blood soaking through his coat and freezing soon after, it stung but went quickly numb. The moment had felt like slow motion. He knew it was coming but it seemed inevitable. The beast hung on and he watched as crimson stained the snow once more. He bucked and trashed, trying to throw it from his body. Hearing in the distance their new visters were soon to be upon them, he had to act quickly, or just outsmart this creature before it was too late. Picking himself up he reared, letting himself fall back onto the beast, smashing back into the snow.


Version w/o snow: Chapter 1 no snow

Download for better quality/zoom in cause this file is massive

3 bay flaxen equines walk up a mountain with a chestnut roan, guess which one gets targeted by a gytrash first? not the roan

this took longer than it should have

+4 fullbodies = 8 ap
+4 Shading = 8 ap
Simple bg = 1 ap
Rp inspired = 2 ap 

total = 19 ap

(i was unsure if the gytrash and bg silhouettes counted for anything?)

Chapter Bonus:
+10 ap
+10 cs
+8 fvr

total ap: 29
total cs: 10
total fvr: 8

Yeshua Queerly
Abram Jennycallie  
Embryss stoiske
Rayder MeetingGemini

silhouetted in bg 
Fox tarried-sea
Kell ThePaisley
Muiris  PaleMoose

All characters belong to owners listed above, art belongs to MeetingGemini

do NOT copy, edit, trace, steal, ref, or reupload as your own 

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Comments: 12

queerly [2016-03-14 08:20:54 +0000 UTC]

Christ almighty this is gorgeous. The colors, the motion, the EMOTION ;___; The dynamic poses (and just general feel of the entire image) is candy for my eyeballs and I keep looking all over this. <3 I'm cheering you on Rayder, GET THEM

(omg the little teeny WFs in the distance..)

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

MeetingGemini In reply to queerly [2016-03-14 19:21:41 +0000 UTC]

ahhh thank you so much ah ;w; <3

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

BlueUnicornJ13 [2016-03-11 15:24:26 +0000 UTC]

This is amazing!~ 8D
Everyone looks fabulous in your style, and I love the different poses and expressions~

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

MeetingGemini In reply to BlueUnicornJ13 [2016-03-12 03:08:21 +0000 UTC]

ahhh thank you ;v;

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

BlueUnicornJ13 In reply to MeetingGemini [2016-03-12 16:12:22 +0000 UTC]

You're welcome!~

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Jennycallie [2016-03-11 05:23:45 +0000 UTC]


This is so gorgeous, so epic

Thank you for including Abram eeee

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

MeetingGemini In reply to Jennycallie [2016-03-12 03:08:07 +0000 UTC]

thanks! no problem c:

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

seahaze [2016-03-06 23:35:34 +0000 UTC]

Ahh! I love this so much! This was a super dynamic angle to draw from, I get cowardly when it comes to complex scenes like this. Man those Serorans look badass! Abram seems all angsty, and Yeshua and those wings... I love the pose they're in, like he's trying to make himself look as large as possible. Beautiful beautiful job! (I'm going to put this in my "art for me" folder even though Fox is only a silhouette just so I can keep track of our RP art )

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

MeetingGemini In reply to seahaze [2016-03-08 04:49:33 +0000 UTC]

Ahh well thank you so much!! 
I get nervous with such dynamic stuff as well but this scene was so crazy there wasnt any other way to do it haha 
i would have liked to of drawn the war forged in this piece like the serorans but my god that would have been insane

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Kytt3 [2016-03-05 20:49:03 +0000 UTC]

Ah duuude you have put sooo much effort into this. I really wish I could've put in more effort with the RP and art but time here has been very scarce.
I just gotta say Duuuude Yeshua looks BADA$$. And Abram looks so lovely. You nailed Embryss to a T! This all looks so awesome - just how I pictured the scene. Thanks so much for the inclusion - awesome work

👍: 0 ⏩: 2

seahaze In reply to Kytt3 [2016-03-06 23:39:04 +0000 UTC]

Hey stoiske we haven't gotten to chat much, but wanted to let you know, no problem with the RP, I know how you feel (sometimes I barely have time for any personal art D: ) Real life comes first. Embryss is a babe, I'm glad she could join in at all!  

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

MeetingGemini In reply to Kytt3 [2016-03-06 02:00:39 +0000 UTC]

Ahh thank you so much ;w;
yeah this took longer than it should have tbh but i had a lot of fun with the poses an stuff
im just not very good at painting snow and action shots |D

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