Direraccoon [2008-03-08 12:06:35 +0000 UTC]
Is it delicious and moist?
👍: 0 ⏩: 0
4EverGreen [2008-03-04 08:48:04 +0000 UTC]
Top 10 signs that you need to go on a diet.#10. When you jump into an ocean, your body produces tsunamis.#9. You can hide a Latvian village in your chins.#8. Every time you jump on a trampoline it measures at 7 on the Richter Scale.#7. You weigh the same as 20 sumo wrestlers put together.#6. Weird Al Yankovich has asked you to be in a remake of the "Fat" music video as the ENTIRE cast!#5. Your car can only go 10 miles an hour because of your tremendous weight.#4. You're in The Guiness Book of World Records.#3. The weight of your body sunk the city of Atlantis.#2. The Hindenburg crashed when 500 pounds of food went into a 500 pound body which made the blimp unbalanced.And the number one sign that you need to go on a diet:#1. Your body can't fit in the picture of a movie screen, not even an IMAX Digital Screen! I've always wanted to tell a joke like that! An instant fave! Enough said!
BrokenHeart15 [2008-03-03 06:27:46 +0000 UTC]
hmmmm, i thought i had ordered a small jumping castle
GrineX [2008-03-02 17:44:33 +0000 UTC]
chubbyness is always a +