ID: 9827
Name: You're My Medicine
Barn Name: Medicine
Breed: Nordanner
Age: 5 years
Gender: Mare
Build: medium
Height: 17 hh
Original Design: 9827 You're My Medicine
Dragon Hunter Tack: SAR Official Dragon Tack OR Dragon Tack || You're My Medicine
Arena Tack: SAR Official Arena Tack
Potions: None!
Personality: TBA
Color: Sable champagne pearl angler
Geno: EE Ata prlprl nCh nf AngAng
Note to the breeding admin: if the bullet is RED, do not let the breeding go through!
First and foremost, all foals from my slots must remain the same breed as the parent.
Link me the horse you used the slot to. (for my records)
As of January 1st, 2020 my breeding picture rules have changed. If your rules/rules of the other parent require a breeding picture, then I also require one. Otherwise, I no longer require breeding pictures to use slots to my horses, unless it is otherwise stated next to your slot. It just means your slot was listed before this change ^.^
I require a slot to the foal. If I don't want the slot, I will let you know afterwards But otherwise, please always give me a slot.
***NOTE for all slot holders, please let me know if your slot has been used, thanks!
01. bedfordblack -
02. Argentievetri -
03. RaffiqueArt - A2538 Grimshaw - USED
04. Owlvis - 9999 I am the Walrus - USED
05. MiusEmpire -
06. StonePeak-Stables - 1337 Meet your Maker - USED
07. Anhurs -
08. BeIIoso -
09. HylianWolfLink -
10. RaffiqueArt - 1043 Gibraltar - USED
3. A4544
4. A1656 Cearul
6. A1776 Cedric
10. A4836
------------------------------------------ SSS: unknown
----------------- SS: unknown
------------------------------------------ SSD: unknown
Sire: 575 ES Tristan no current ref -- 2020 reclaim
------------------------------------------ SDS: unknown
----------------- SD: unknown
------------------------------------------ SDD: unknown
------------------------------------------ DSS: unknown
----------------- DS: unknown
------------------------------------------ DSD: unknown
Dam: 1089 Dirty Martini deceased
------------------------------------------ DDS: unknown
----------------- DD: unknown
------------------------------------------ DDD: unknown