Photo taken in February, 2012 @ Zoo Dierenrijk, The Netherlands
I honestly feel there can never be too much Corsac Fox photos around here They're just such beautiful foxes, and so very photogenic
They tend to get real close these days- especially when you run out of batteries- instead of sticking to high, far away hills, or close to the wall, which makes it impossible to get a clear close up from either side.
Species: Corsac Fox (Steppevos)
Latin name: Vulpes Corsac
Originates from Central Asia.
Current status: Least Concern.
Did you know:
…The fur of the Corsac Fox changes during Winter, not unlike that of the Arctic Fox.
…It’s coat becomes much thicker, and more silky in texture, and becomes stray-grey in color, with a darker line running down the back; this compared to the yellowish fur during Summer, with pale underparts, and markings on mouth, chin and throat.
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