➤💦FixPrice: $15
5 slots only
Deadline - 2 weeks
When buying through Discord 5% discount!
PayPal Only! (USD)
Auction will end 72 hrs after the first bid. If there is a bid in the last 30 minutes of the auction, the auction time inreases by another 30 minutes;
Winner will get non-watermark files❏ final work;
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NO refunds (withdrawing is not acceptable).
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- If your bet was marked with a green light (Featured), then your bet / offer is victorious (in this case, the sale closed);
- When the time of the auction expires, you'll be contacted within 12 hours. If this did not happen, but you see that the auction time has ended - please write in the notes;
- It may take more than 24 hours to respond, please be patient. If your message has not been answered within three days, you can remind yourself in the comments here or under our profile;
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