NajikaSun — Charcoal

#samcybercat #najikasun #undertale #undertale_game #undertalesans #undertalefanart #undertale_sans #sansby #undertalegrillby #undertale_grillby #sansxgrillby
Published: 2016-08-14 05:31:12 +0000 UTC; Views: 762; Favourites: 29; Downloads: 0
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Description Sans/Grillby fusion, as requested by !

Just as a side note I am always thirsty for this couple and thank you for giving me an excuse to draw completely self-indulgent art *v*


Alright, here's my headcanons for this guy:
*Charcoal is very confident and cocky, due to an influx of self-esteem (Grillby's confident in his skills, boosting Sans' self-esteem) and a newfound openness (Sans' social butterfly-esque nature boosts Grillby's more reserved/shy tendencies)!
*He's absolutely hysterical. Like, he actually tells good jokes, unlike Sans' awful puns.
*He's a fusion of the two, which boosts their best aspects! He's a real good cook, he's funny, and he's good looking, like wow.
*They'll unfuse if anything causes one to overpower the other, or if their own weaknesses are brought up and exposed. Examples: Something happens to Papyrus, Sans freaks out, their fusion breaks apart because Sans can't hold himself together anymore.
*His weapon of choice is blue attacks, but if he is threatened and is able to hold himself together, he can summon fire-breathing Gaster Blasters!
*He's actually shorter than Grillby - Sans is too smol to increase the size of their fusion.
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Comments: 9

WolfFoxGemini [2017-03-13 07:49:14 +0000 UTC]

"Sans is too smol to increase the size of their fusion" true... very, VERY true

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

NajikaSun In reply to WolfFoxGemini [2017-03-13 21:44:01 +0000 UTC]

Heck yes, he's such a teeny tiny

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

WolfFoxGemini In reply to NajikaSun [2017-03-13 22:37:00 +0000 UTC]

And I gotta say, you did an AMAZING JOB ON THIS!!!

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NajikaSun In reply to WolfFoxGemini [2017-03-14 01:40:49 +0000 UTC]

Thanks a ton!  I've gotta draw him again sometime.

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theolivethief14 [2016-10-24 06:23:57 +0000 UTC]


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NajikaSun In reply to theolivethief14 [2016-10-24 07:37:07 +0000 UTC]


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SamCyberCat [2016-08-14 15:13:40 +0000 UTC]


As soon as I saw you had a fusion prompt posted I just knew I had to ask for these two from you. And the result looks suitably brilliant! It looks like Charcoal has a wonderful combination of Grillby's chill and San's sassiness. Or is that the other way around? 8D Regardless, he looks great! I adore the colours in the flaming hair and am so glad that this character now exists thanks to you.

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NajikaSun In reply to SamCyberCat [2016-08-15 00:05:37 +0000 UTC]

Aww, thanks!! <3 It was super fun to combine the OTP, I had so much fun with this prompt!

I like to think that both Sans and Grillbs have some sass and some chill, and they both kind of gain from each other. This fusion's got a lot of confidence too! And a lot more colors!

Fun fact that I think you'd like - while I was designing Charcoal, I debated just flat out giving him Clive's outfit! His outfit reminded me a lot of a combination of Sans' (blue jacket, shorts, long socks) and Grillby's (vest, tie, white collared shirt)! But I figured he needed his own design - I kept Clive's coat though, but gave Charcoal a sweater vest and a bow tie instead in the end.

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SamCyberCat In reply to NajikaSun [2016-08-15 15:36:34 +0000 UTC]

Well, Garnet did say that fusions combine every element of all the parties involved - so it makes sense he'd have all of their sass and chill together.

And yes, I'm glad you shared with me that he was going to be dressed like Clive! He still as the essence of the style, but I think that sweater vests and bow ties are more stylin' anyway. Sorry Clive. ;D

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