His alert ear soon caught the sound of hooves approaching, followed by a battle cry to meet his own. As a thunder of advancing hooves rang over the land Kyanos was struck with the sudden fear of the moment. This was it, his first true battle. Would it be a fight to the death? Even more importantly, would it be a fight to his death? He stared blankly in the direction of the oncoming charge, hardly moving as he waited to see at least the faint shadow of this opponent. By the time he saw him though, it was too late to take any action. Kyanos gave a loud grunt of both shock and pain as he was suddenly slammed in the side with such force that it sent him flying off his hooves. For a mere instant he couldn't even tell which way was up as the darkness swallowed him. That moment didn't last long though when the ground suddenly greeted him with an angry hit to the other side. His breath evaded him, leaving his lungs empty as he opened his mouth, begging the air to come back to him. Before he could regain his breath though it hit him that this was no time to wait for air. He was up against another stallion right now, and this wasn't just any old battle, this could very well be a battle to the death. In almost the same moment he hit the ground he used his momentum to roll over onto his other side and quickly leap to his hooves.
Once standing he was able to give himself just a moment to catch his breath as he turned to face his opponent, narrowing his eyes in a desperate attempt to see more than a blurry, faint shadow. He wasn't even sure that was him, he could be staring at a tree for all he knew. It was something though. The rain drowned out the scents, making his nose completely useless. All he had to rely on were his ears... or more, his ear. Snorting loudly he pawed the ground in a powerful display, though in all reality he was just checking the footing to be aware of how careful he would need to be. It wasn't too slippery yet, but if this fight drew out too long, it would be. If he was lucky maybe he could use it to his advantage.
Never mind, it was time for action! Lowering his head and setting his hooves firmly under him he charged at the stallion. He ran toward him, though appeared as if he was going to run by him, maybe try a ram like the other had. He hadn't been intending for this, only his sight had messed him up. When he came close enough to see just where the stallion was he suddenly reared up and swerved to the side, striking for his shoulder with a fore-hoof while his teeth aimed to grab him by the top of his neck.
Full RP:…
Tier Tracker
+5 Tier
+15 WG
Previously: The Challenge
And another round goes by. This one was soooo much fun. I have never drawn rain at all I'm pretty sure. It was both a pain and a blast to draw. It definitely took a long time for me to figure out how to get it to look right. But with several failed attempts I finally managed to come up with this and I'm pretty happy with it. The longer I drew this, the more details I found myself adding, from the mud and puddles underhoof to the little droplets of rain running down their skin and off Ky's mane and tail. I have to admit I am slightly unsure how I even managed to do half of the stuff I did, but I'm sure glad I did. I had a really cool Sky and then ended up putting clouds that covered most of it, which was disappointing, but you can still slightly see the faint light of the sun very slowly and hesitantly rising. And what's this, it's red. *giggle* Ever heard that saying "Red sky at night, sailors' delight. Red sky in the morning, sailors take warning." Well... yep I went with that to use a red sky to show the rough road ahead of all of our characters. Good luck to them all as they go into war.
But yeah, Ky doesn't like the idea of the war at all, but he's willing to give his all in order to fight for his herd. You can bet he's glad he's got his gift, making it easier to hear things so he can help make up for his failing sight. Especially at this time of night when he can hardly see. This time in the background I threw in Cain and Arturo. Looking through the horsies left I couldn't help but draw them because... well because I've always loved Arturo since I saw him and the chance to show him some love was very nice to have. I didn't do too well with his colors... but I tried. That will be an interesting fight for sure. As much as Ky dislikes him (yeah, he's moved a step up, he doesn't hate him anymore), he is cheering for Cain.
Well, good luck everyone! I can't wait to see all of these entries, they will be awesome I know.
Art & Kyanos (c) NaporieRizia
Cain (c) pony-bones
Artury (c) Katha88