Nermsters — AW | Deadstar | Shadowclan Leader

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    August 20th || Fooooooorrrrmat change....That is long overdue. Relationships are TBA


    STATUES || Alive || Healthy
    ACTIVITY LEVEL || Active || My primary character for AW

     TIME ZONE || Mountain Time

     SKYPE || Sometimes, ask
     NOTES || Yes, Preferred
     CHAT || Depends, ask
     COMMENTS || Yes, Preferred

     ROLE-PLAY EXAMPLE ||  Crowfall of Riverclan from The-Blue-Tides
     "Alright here's the deal, you stay on your side of the border and I won't cut your throat." Crowfall was smirking, 
     standing a top a rocky ledge, the scent of skyclan wafting through the wind, a dusty smell Crowfall was not overly fond of. A sleek silver She-cat stood 
     just barely speaking distance from the tom, while she was on skyclans side of the border, her wide eyes, skewed fur, bushed tail, and squirrel that hung 
     limp in her jaws told that she hadn't been there for very long. The stalky black Tom took a sudden motion forward and bared his teeth, and the she-cat 
     whirled around suddenly blue eyes wide and locked on the tom. He let out a deep chuckle and flicked his stumpy tail when he caught the sent of the rest
     of his patrol catching up. He threw a glance over his shoulder, then turned his golden gaze back to the she-cat who still stood, eyes locked on Crowfall.
     He grinned, scars stretching across his muzzle. "Better run little vixen, or I might just be tempted to come over there and punish you." He let out a
     playful hiss, the she-cat froze for a moment, then took an awkward half step back and took off into the underbrush, squirrel clutch in her maw as
     Crowfall's patrol caught up.

Basic information

    LEADER NAME || Deadstar
    WARRIOR NAME || Deadeyes
    APPRENTICE NAME || Deadpaw
    KIT NAME || Deadkit
    OTHER NAMES || Had no name for about a moon of his life

    PREFIX MEANING || Dead- || Many believed him dead as a kit, he was buried before rising from his grave. His mother named him Deadkit
    SUFFIX MEANING || -eyes || For his striking white eyes, as well as his attention to detail        
     NICK-NAMES || none at the moment

    AFFILIATION || Shadowclan

    SEX || Male
    GENDER || Tom-cat || He/him

    BIRTH SEASON || Green-leaf
    AGE || 28 moons || 2 years 5 months | equivalent of a 26 year old human 

    RANK || Leader

    MENTOR || Rumblingsong | Dark grey tabby tom with green eyes | NPC | Deceased | Starclan
    CURRENT APPRENTICE || Frecklepaw  | Brown tom with yellow eyes, often wears flowers | Nella-Lynn | Alive | Shadowclan


    GRANTED BY || Marshsong | Tabby she-cat with golden eyes 
    GRANTED FOR || Protection

    LOST || Died as a kit || Due to illness


    GRANTED BY || Teashade | Golden tabby she-cat with dark brown eyes
    GRANTED FOR || Dignity

    LOST || N/A


    GRANTED BY || Lionbreath | Golden tom with yellow eyes
    GRANTED FOR || Will

    LOST || N/A 


    GRANTED BY || Icewren | White tom with grey eyes
    GRANTED FOR || Grace

    LOST || N/A


    GRANTED BY || Darkstorm | Grey tom with blue eyes
    GRANTED FOR || Wit

    LOST || N/A


    GRANTED BY || Rabbitwing | Small pale tom with green eyes
    GRANTED FOR || Strength

    LOST || N/A


    GRANTED BY || Palidstar | White tom with pale eyes
    GRANTED FOR || Forgivness

    LOST || N/A


    GRANTED BY || Unnamed kit | A small newborn black kit...who oddly resembles Deadstar
    GRANTED FOR || Family

    LOST || N/A


    GRANTED BY || Death  | Mysterious Dark forest cat, unknown if he is, or was ever, a warrior
    GRANTED FOR || Re-birth 

    LOST || N/A


    BREED ||  Moggy || Oriental shorthair 20 % | Siamese 20% | Unknown 60%
    BUILD || Lithe | Average size | Slim body and limbs | Thick tail

    SCARS || A few nicks across his face and ears

    ACCESSORIES || None | Often decorates his den with feathers but rarely wears them

    FUR TEXTURE || Oily | Dense | Smooth
    FUR COLOUR || Jet black

    EYES || White blue

    SCENT || Rich | Mud | Water | Metal...or blood?

    VOICE || The voice of scourge

    QUICK DESCRIPTION || Jet black tom with striking white blue eyes


    STRENGTH || 30/100

    AGILITY || 100/100

    SPEED || 50/100

    TACTICS || 80/100

    ENDURANCE ||  100/100

    STEALTH || 100/100

    SWIMMING || 10/100

    CLIMBING || 50/100

    JUMPING || 50/100

    EYESIGHT || 50/100

    HEARING || 100/100

    SCENT || 50/100

    HERBAL KNOWLEDGE || 60/100


    BELIEF IN STARCLAN || 90/100



    Protective || Positive || "Don't you dare speak ill of her that way." | Deadstar is very protective of his beliefs, as well as the things he holds
    dear. He is especially protective of the things that Death threatens, trying to shelter many cats from truths. Deadstar will defend what he believes in or
    loves till his last breathe, although this is a trait that does not often show at first. And only those closest to him truly see it.

    Intelligent || Positive || "I was thinking Coppersnap about what an old tom said to me once. He told me water doesn't dissapear, instead in,
    moves on, transforms, from river, or rain. When a cat passes, he doesn't fade, his body becomes the soil, his spirit becomes the stars, and his mind
    becomes our memories." | Deadstar has always been keen to learn, and when you speak with him he does not seem as young as he is for his knowledge
    is much deeper than most cats of his age. Deadstar also actively seeks to learn, not only about clans, but about herbs, animals, plants, and the how the
    world around him works. He can often be seen studying with his medicine cat, Coppersnap, although he does not stop at anything when it comes to his
    pursuit of knowledge. He can adapt quickly, solve problems, and turn a conversation against someone in a whim. His quick wit also allows him to figure
    out, and analyze the personality pattern of cats he talks with. He also speaks with big words.

    Strong willed || Positive || "Nothing, will get in our way." | This is not a Tom who will  Ashly give in, standing his ground in even the most
    deterring of situations. If he sets his heart on a goal, he will chase it till the end of earth. Deadstar is not easily broken, and rarely falters when he
    speaks, holding himself confidently refusing to be knocked down by others words or claws.

    Attentive || Positive || "I'm listening always, remember that." | Even when you think he may be distracted, Deadstar is always taking in
    information around him, you ask for his attention and you will have it. Sometimes he comes off as a bit frightening when he hears things you did not wish
    for him to. Nothing falls dead on this toms ears, remembering every word you have said to him, and may use them against you at a later date.

    Ambitious || Neutral || "One day Shadowclan will live up to its namesake and we will make our ancestors proud. And I will be the cat to lead
    them to such glory." | Deadstar desires great things for him and his clan. He wants Shadowclan to be strong, his warriors to be feared, and live up to
    their name sake. His ambition often leads him treading on a fine line with the other leaders. Often his desires seem ludicrous, but Deadstar often tells his
    clan to reach farther than ones claws can touch, because only then will you understand your limits. Although many think Deadstar has not yet learned
    his. Deadstar wishes to learn all he can about the world, retain his power, and wants his name to forever be imprinted on history as the leader that lead
    Shadowclan to glory.

    Secretive || Neutral || "A simple accident, could happen to any cat." | Often when Speaking with Deadstar he rarely gives you a direct answer
    to anything, whether it be avoidance, turning the conversation, speaking vaguely or above a cats level of knowledge. He's become very gaurded about
    the information he shares with other cats. Deadstar often will try to appeal to avoid what he does not want to discuss. He is a smooth liar. Deadstar Often
    tries to be deceptive, making him seem like a cat he is not, while many can sense something is off about the dark leader, he can talk a crowd up, making
    a mouse seem like a lion.

    Perfectionist || Neutral || "Do. Not. Move. That. Unless you want your new name to be Halftail." | Everything needs to go as Deadstar sees it,
    from battle plans, to how his den is organized. Deadstar does not appretiate divergence. He's near OCD when it comes to organization.

    Provoking || Neutral || "I met a kit once, much similar to yours, sweet little thing, quiet, but he never listened. Such misfortune comes to those
    who do not listen, trouble just seems too, find them." | He will find everyway to rub you the wrong way, to push you to the egde of your nerves. He
    wants to figure out what it will take to break or make a cat, the strength of there will and figure out their weaknesses. However this provoking also
    makes him excellent at rousing a crowd, turning cats against others and for him.

    Childish || Negative || "Fool! This rat is not fresh! Bring me one who's blood is still warm, or I'll use you as a substitution!" | He is still a young
    Tom, and it often shows. Despite His high intellect, and quick wit, Deadstar is prone to Tantrums, and has childish view of perfection. He thinks he must
    be constantly pampered as the leader of Shadowclan and will not hesitate remind others of his rank. Deadstar refuses to admit his wrong doings, even if
    he knows he made a mistake he would rather blame it on something or someone else. 

    Cynical || Negative || "Blood? How much blood will be spilled? That's what your concerned about? Hundreds of cats have already died. What's
    one or two more." | Deadstar's pursuit for power and knowledge had left a bloody wake. His tests on sick and dead cats are disregarding humanity and
    respect for them. He thinks of the bigger picture, disregarding the concerns of the few, for the needs of the many, which often leads in the little guys
    getting trampled. Death is simply a part of life, and scraficeses need to be made for the strong to grow stronger. 

    Vain || Negative || "I have done nothing but good for this clan! And Expect your respect and loyalty as my warrior." | Deadstar thinks highly of
    himself, always has, and can't comprehend why any cat would look down on him, if they do, they are lower than him. Every tom wants to be him, and
    every she-cat wants him. Any action against him, speaking out against him, means you must be a fool.

    Coarse || Negative || "Keep away from me! You smell of dirt, your pelt is filthy, have you no dignity? Did you crawl out of a grave?" | Deadstar
    will say it as it is. He is crude and uncensored, dismissing hurt feelings or possible rousing he will cause. He won't hesitate to loudly point out flaws in
    other cats, perhaps it is to cover up any fears of him having flaws, so he draws attention on he inadequacy of others. He rarely praises, thinking that
    perfection should be a standard.

    LIKES || Forests | Black | Dark fur | Night | Small spaces | Rats | Feathers | Birds
    DISLIKES || Cold | Rivers | Snow | Light pelts | Swimming | Disrespect | Loud noises | Having to raise his voice

    STRENGTHS || Stealth | Intellect | Herbal knowledge

    WEAKNESSES || Arrogance | Physically weak | Can't swim

    QUIRKS AND FACTS || Feather obsession | Often sits in the shadows of his camp | Seems to show up out of know where | He doesn't allow any
    cat in his den | His den is covered in feathers, especially black ones | He uses unorthodox training methods | He doesn't mind dampness, but Deadstar
    cannot swim, and fears any form of water that is fast moving or above his belly | He is a restless sleeper, moving and squirming around even if he isn't


    MOTHER || Ravenlight | Black she-cat with a white chest and blue eyes | NPC | Warrior | Deceased | Starclan 

    FATHER || Otterslash | Brown tabby tom with green eyes | NPC | Warrior | Deceased | Starclan

    FULL SIBLINGS || Unnamed kit | Jet black tom with a white flare on his face | NPC | Kit | Deceased | Starclan 



    MATERNAL GRANDMOTHER || Sootpounce | Dark tabby she-cat with blue eyes | NPC | Warrior | Deceased | The Dark Forest
    MATERNAL GRANDFATHER || Blackscream | Jet black tom with golden eyes | NPC | Warrior | Deceased | Starclan




    PATERNAL GRANDMOTHER || Hollyblaze | Black she-cat with green eyes | NPC | Elder | Deceased | Starclan
    PATERNAL GRANDFATHER || Crookedfang | Dark brown tom with green eyes | NPC | Elder | Deceased | Starclan


    PATERNAL UNCLES || Nightfog | Dark grey tabby tom with pale blue eyes | NPC | Elder | Deceased | Starclan

    PATERNAL COUSINS || N/A             

    NIECES || N/A
    NEPHEWS || N/A

    KITS || N/A


    CURRENT MATE || none
    PAST MATES || none

    CURRENT ATTRACTIONS || Brindlegaze || He finds her visually apealing | Purely a physical attraction

    PAST ATTRACTIONS || Blackflame || A shadowclan she-cat he had a crush on as an apprentice, had his heart broken, and she was over a year
                                          older than Deadpaw at the time. Died during a battle with rogues, didn't find out until about a moon later.

    ORIENTATION || Heterosexual 
    ACTIVITY || Virgin

    PHYSICAL PREFERENCES || Black fur | Dark tabbies | Stripes | Gold, Yellow, Green or Orange eyes | Tall
    PERSONALITY PREFERENCES || Obedient | Loyal | Strong | Spirited


    BEFORE BIRTH || He was not the 'chosen one', a cat of great bloodline decent destine to become leader, he was simply a kit conceived through
    the love of two lost cats, seeking comfort at worlds end. A random selection, their souls simply connected, he was a match, an alignment, born under
    death, and Death would claim him to be his own, his son and himself. Death craved rebirth. Death was a cat born from the ashes of the Dark Forest, he
    had never seen life, felt its touch, his purpose was to take life, guide the dead to the place of stars or the place of not. But then, he felt it, life. Drumming
    under his paws, a small kit, who's soul was broken, a soul who could be replaced with his own. This was his chance, and he struck, death claimed this
    unborn kit to be his own vessel. He would be reborn. But his plans where shattered, for his attempts at escape had not gone unoticed by the Starclan
    cats. They may have been to late to stop him from binding his soul to the unborn kit, but the needed to act fast to prevent him from claiming the kit
    completely, and being reborn to wreck havoc on the cats of the living world. This had happened before, there others seeking rebirth, a sequence, and
    Death was the last to find his life to claim, he expected what was to come. During the first birth, the rebirth of War, a debate had begun among the cats
    of the stars. "Kill the kit. It's a sacrifice that must be made."  "It would go against who we are, Starclan may never claim the life of a living cat, it is not
    our job." "We must act fast, makes choice then! Standing here, while this unborn is claimed." "Perhaps, we give her life." "life?" Starclan had made
    a decision, to give those who became affected by the attempt reincarnation of the cats of ash, life. As they would a leader, nine lives to protect.
    The downside was that no cat would be able to claim the leadership position, these cats would have no choice but to lead the clans. However is also was
    only an temporary solution, as when those cats lost their lives, they would depend on their ninth, the life of a Dark Forest cat. And so, this unborn kit
    was granted nine lives.

    KIT-HOOD || Deadkit was born before the clans had found there home. At the time the group of travelling cats were residing in a crumbling
    factory. A factory that housed several rouges, one of which went by the name Hook. These rouges welcome the cats to there plentiful prey, and things
    seemed good, and the clans numbers where growing. A litter was born to a queen of Shadowclan decent, her name was Ravenlight, and her mate was
    Otterslash. However all but one of them had been stillborn, and it was believed the remaining kit would not make it past his first moon. The queen
    Grieved for her lost litter, and knowing all the well she would probably loose her only kit Ravenlight did not name her son. And soon, the kit died one cold
    Leaf-bare morning. The clan needed to keep moving and her nameless son was quickly buried. As the clan moved on however, the unspeakable happend.
    Otterslash stopped, somthing was very wrong, and as he turned he relized in shock that somthing was following the cats. A small black Tom, covered in
    fresh turned soil, staggering behind them, and with the little words he knew, the kit was cursing his parents for leaving him to die. The life seemed to had
    returned to this kis, his eyes open now a striking white-blue. Ravenlight stared in horror at the kit, refusing to believe it was hers, her kit had died. But
    Otterslash, with moments hesitation ran to the kit to groom him warm once more, urging the clan to help as they stood in shock at the sight before them.
    The Ravenlight spoke, she screamed how the kit had been cursed, that it was an omen of death. The clan, already terrified, murmured there agreements.
    However Otterslash insisted that no kit could be left to die, and urged his mother to take him back, as he was her son, his son. Finally the queen agreed
    and the young Tom was placed at her paws. Those cold eyes looking back at her, she new something was very wrong, and began to groom the kit with
    rough licks, unlike those of a soothing mother. Otterslash insisted he needed a name. And after a moments pause, Deadkit, was chosen.

    APPRENTICESHIP || One sun-high, Deadkit strolled up next to one of the senior warriors, Rumblingsong, who had taken leadership of the clan,
    head held high, tail up and chest out. "I'm six moons old, and by clan custom I should be named an apprentice." The sudden boldness of Deadkits words
    caught the old warrior of guard, he starred at the little black Tom who looked strait down the thunder-path in which they walked. The senior warrior
    shrugged and let out a chuckled. "Quite the daring words to use at your superior young kit." Despite this remark, Rumblingsong called a halt to the group
    and leapt upon a rock shelf on the side of the thunder-path. There were minor protest against the sudden haunt, as the mass of cats stopped staring in
    confusion at their senior. "It has come to my attention this little kit, is no longer so little. And despite loosing our home, we cannot allow clan customs to
    die." And so Deadkit was named Deadpaw, at the reluctant look in the all the cats eyes, he claimed the apprentice as his own. As soon as  the ceremony
    ended, Deadpaw was demanding to be trained. "I wish for you to teach me to hunt today!" Rumblingsong was amused by the young eagerness. They
    trained together when ever the clan would stop for the evening, or hunt in unknown land. He was a bright apprentice, attentive, but arrogant, often
    testing his senior, challenging his words. Deadpaw had proven himself a worthy son, yet his own mother averted his gaze from him. How dare she, how
    dare she dismiss her gifted child like this. He had finally voiced his distain with her actions I one morning, hissing at her for showing such disrespect, he
    was her supirior now, stronger, younger, smarter, she had no right to treat him like this. Ravenlight simply stated she was growing tired, tired of all this
    searching for a home that might not even be there. Deadpaw told her off. He was ten moons old when his mother passed away. Her body was broken,
    found strewn across the forest floor as they headed on there way. Many claimed an animal probably got to her, although a definite cause of death was
    undermine. Otterslash was grief stricken. Deadpaw could see something..a cat...Where was he? it didn't take him on to figure out he was dreaming, at
    least so he thought. An empty vast forest of dark trees that twist upward until they vanished into the foggy sky, there where no stars to be seen here.
    The young warrior fluttered about in the forest trying to find some sort of defining landmark, but tree after tree everything looked the same...until that
    damned cat...there he was again! A black figure, he was massive, tall and black. eyes gleaming icy white in the distant pale fog, it was hard to make out
    who that cat was, it seemed every paw step closer to the figure drew him father and father away. Until it struck him, he felt this feeling before at the site
    of his mother. "You did this!" Deadpaw howled. He could feel an icy breathe down the back of his fur. "Did which?" Deadpan whirled around to an empty
    forest, soon awaken by dawns light.

    WARRIORSHIP || "Deadeyes!" The black tom cat was finally a warrior, Rumblingsong had granted him his wish when he turned exactly twelve
    moons as asked. Deadeyes was pleased, pleased with himself as the crowd of cats chanted his name. Sitting high above all this writhing bodies, eyes
    watching him, it was satisfying. "Ill lead these cats one day." He had told Rumblingsong, the elder warrior scoffed at him. He had been returning to the
    dark warrior, His urging curiosity of who this cat was, why he was following his dreams, treading in his shadow. But he no longer felt as alone as the first
    time he had arrived...others where here, he could see them, more clearly and distance than his dark friend. With a jolt he realized, the cats who where
    walking just out of sight amongst the fog, they where living. And they seemed familiar. Three of them, all around him, weaving in and out of sight
    amongst the dead trees. He couldn't tell if they could see him, they seemed intent on something else, searching as he was. "Who are they." The dark
    warriors voice was an oddly welcomed one, but his tone of voice led him to believe the dark warrior knew very well who those cats where, he was asking
    Deadeyes. "clanmates...but-" "Oh more than that." His voice was dragging and harsh in Deadeyes ears. "those, are your kin. Warriors of ash as you are."
    Deadeyes turned to see the dark warrior sliding around amongst the trees, he was massive, lanky and his face seemed to droop, dragged out as his
    words where. Eyes iridescent white as if catching a light Deadeyes could not see. He narrowed his eyes at the cat watching him carefully as he slunk
    around just out of reach, he was oddly familiar. Deadeyes knew there was no point asking on what the dark tom meant, and he simply watched as his
    'ash kin' faded into the fog. When Deadeyes was a warrior the clan was falling apart. Words of cursed cats began to ripple among the crowds, and with
    there large population they wouldn't be able to sustain themselves so close together like this for much longer. The finally months of the clan was tense,
    then the last of the senior warriors had died to illness, Rumblingsong, and turmoil was set loose. Without anyone to properly guide them, fights broke out
    over who would lead them to there final home, fights over the silence of starclan, and if there was even a point of upholding the warrior code in a land so
    toxic and ruined. It was a full moon when the clans had come across the ruins of an extensive Two-legplace. It was filled with towering dens as high as
    mountains, and stretched farther then the eye could see, however it was crumbling as nature began to reclaim the human dens. And there it was, the
    moon, a cat exclaimed as he saw the Half-bridge. The half bridge was unlike any he had seen before, wider than four thunder paths it shot out to toward
    the horizon, over a massive expense of water that was nearly to big to be called a river anymore. The bridge however was crumbled and broken nearly
    mid away across the water. A full moon peaking just between the two massive spires, the moons silver light cast brilliant light across the cats bellow. The
    first sign of starclan since the prophecy. This was to be there new home. The cats gathered at the peak of the bridge that evening, it was time to discuss
    the reformation of the clans. It had been many moons since the clans left there home, and few still lived to tell the tales of what the clans where like from
    first paw experience. Deadeyes was always fascinated by such stories, stories of leaders such as Firestar and the defeat of the dark forest. he assumed
    many cats however exaggerated such tales for the sake of kits. It was agreed that the original four clans would be reformed, Thunder, River, Wind, and
    Shadow. Deadeyes new even as a kit he would always be a shadowclan warrior, it was his mothers blood decent. Many cats honoured their blood line and
    rejoined clans with family ties, while others, to much of Deadeyes distain drifted among others. such traitorous acts, disrespectful to there ancestors.  
    However when it came to the choice of who was to lead these clans, arguments ensued. many claimed those defended of the clan leaders should take the
    position, others said it should be the senior warriors. Then Deadeyes spoke out, he remembered something his father had told him long ago, these cats
    where such fools, his father knew more than anyone that Deadeyes had a purpose. "what of the prophecy." many cats look on in confusion. "The burning
    skies." Deadeyes quoted, his eyes shining as it came to him, he could feel, feel the precence of a particular friend of his. As if that dark figure was once
    again panting his chilled breathe down deadeyes spine. "It spoke of four names! Names we know all to well among our ranks, yet we choose to ignore."
    His eyes caught on three other cats. "War, Plague, Famine." He couldn't help but smile. " And death, would cleanse the blood. You say these cats are
    cursed! I say they have been gifted!" The crowed once again erupted in protest and fear. "He's right." A senior warrior spoke up. " We cannot forget what
    has brought us here, Starclan. If these cats were meant to lead us, then so be it." Eventually the cats came to a mutual agreement, no one had a better
    reasoning for who else to pick for their leaders. Territories where selected, and divided amongst the clan cats. A few moons past as the leaders settled
    into there new camps, reenforcing clan laws, and ranks, and a meeting was decided to take place once again at the newly named gathering place. And
    the first gathering as a new clan. The first question to come up was when and how the leaders where to receive there nine lives. A river clan medicine cat
    stepped forward claiming to have been in contact with starclan. However at the mention of such a thing he noticed a tension ripple in a few of his fellow 
    leaders. He narrowed his eyes in confusion, but as the silence dragged on he spoke out. " then take us to this place before sun up, so we can be blessed
    as official leaders by starclan." He could feel eyes on his pelt, and Deadeyes fur bristled, something was off... A couple senior warriors offered to assist in
    the escort, but quickly dismissed him after the sense of prickling pelts, and the glare he received from the medicine cat. The Tower was incredible, the
    full moon caught on the shattered sides of the massive two-leg den making it glitter like silver pelt itself, it towered higher than any he had seen in this
    two-leg place. The climb was exhausting, but not as perils as Deadstar would have imagined, they stopped at the peak of the tower, where the moon
    shone through an opening in the den. "What now?" Deadeyes cast a glance around the cats who seemed to shimmer in the light. the medicine cat let out
    an amused purr. "nothing." Deadeyes furrowed his brow and let out a frustrated hiss. "What do you mean nothing you flea bag?" the medicine cat held
    his stare. "unless you think Starclan will grant you an extra nine lives, there is nothing to be done." She turned her head away, and Deadeyes perked,
    she was hiding her face. He turned to his fellow leaders, and it began to dawn on him...kin born from ash, the where born leaders, born where there lives
    and destinies written in the stars.

    LEADERSHIP || Shortly after taking over leadership of Shadowclan, territories where decided. They had originally agreed to settle things
    peacefully, and negotiated terms in who would claim what over several full moon meetings. But times of peace did not last long. A fued broke out
    between Warstar and Deadstar over a chunk of territory that was flourishing with prey and lush forest. Deadstar being arrogant, cocky, and new to his
    position as leader, declared war upon Thunderclan if Warstar refused to give Shadowclan what was rightfully theirs. A battle broke out, it was short, but
    raged like wildfire, yowls and screams cutting across all territories. It ended before the evening was over, after the death of a single Shadowclan warrior,
    no other casualties where had and a retreat was called. Shadowclan knew they would loose to the shear power that was Warstar in a fight. they spent
    several moons recovering from the battle, and Deadstar laid the blame on a young warrior by the name of Whitestep. After the white tom had been
    spotted during their attempted raid. Whitestep disappeared shortly after the loosing battle, only to be found washed along Shadowclans shores. Deadstar
    declared Whitestep was a spy for Thunderclan, as he was of their decent, his loyalty was split. And his death was due to his own shame. Deadstar finally
    had appointed a warrior by the name of Adderfang to be his deputy, finally the clan seemed to be recovering, and they where being set toward a track of
    greatness. this moment of tranquillity was short lived after a short potral led to the death of his deputy, Adderfang was slain by a sick dog when
    attempting to protect his leader. In shock, Deadstar returned the body to his clanmates and declared Starclan an enemy, that they where on their own,
    and this was a sign of that. No deputy was named, and now Deadstar plots the destiny for his clan, to prove himself a strong leader.


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    THEME SONGS || O'Death

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Comments: 92

Nermsters In reply to ??? [2015-09-17 00:26:23 +0000 UTC]

currently I won't be accepting Rp's, mostly due to my very slow response time ;.; got a lot to work on. Feel free to make a starter and I can get around to it when I can.

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MelissaBlackWolf In reply to Nermsters [2015-09-17 00:28:34 +0000 UTC]


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DatDeer [2015-09-09 22:36:19 +0000 UTC]

would you be interested in an RP, maybe one that could happen at a border or after a gathering?  

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Nermsters In reply to DatDeer [2015-09-09 23:33:31 +0000 UTC]

For sure! Where would you like to rp? Comments on the journals or through notes? Or other methods?

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

DatDeer In reply to Nermsters [2015-09-10 00:04:59 +0000 UTC]

I'm down with what ever you would prefer

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Merilda16 [2015-08-05 18:16:45 +0000 UTC]

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Nermsters In reply to Merilda16 [2015-08-05 19:03:54 +0000 UTC]

haha, its how i saw him c;

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Merilda16 In reply to Nermsters [2015-08-05 20:06:15 +0000 UTC]

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Ca55tamere [2015-08-05 02:31:16 +0000 UTC]

it looks amazing~

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Nermsters In reply to Ca55tamere [2015-08-05 02:42:42 +0000 UTC]

thank you!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Ca55tamere In reply to Nermsters [2015-08-05 02:44:50 +0000 UTC]

your welcome 

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SpittingInsanity [2015-08-04 20:35:50 +0000 UTC]

looking good ~

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Nermsters In reply to SpittingInsanity [2015-08-04 20:44:56 +0000 UTC]

thank you! Glad you like him~

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

DigitalFroxe [2015-08-04 19:03:09 +0000 UTC]

Hnnnng The new art.. It's so precious oh my god ;;;

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Nermsters In reply to DigitalFroxe [2015-08-04 19:28:30 +0000 UTC]

eeeh, thank you! Glad you like him, tried my best to retain the original Deadstar

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

DigitalFroxe In reply to Nermsters [2015-08-04 23:11:36 +0000 UTC]

It looks amazing ;~; I need to get around to drawing Plague/Pestilence 

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Nermsters In reply to DigitalFroxe [2015-08-05 01:15:50 +0000 UTC]

ooh yes, the dark forest warrior, you should do it for sure!

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InvaderSpotteh [2015-08-04 18:20:18 +0000 UTC]

hehe such an interesting character uvu
owlpaw is nervous about him 
i myself am very interested in how he actually is C:

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Nermsters In reply to InvaderSpotteh [2015-08-04 18:23:07 +0000 UTC]

hehe, thanks, i have to update his relationships soon, talked to so many cats. Also might tweak his personality, things change as i rp with him and he grows. Nothing drastic though.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

InvaderSpotteh In reply to Nermsters [2015-08-04 18:24:47 +0000 UTC]

yeah yeah I know what ya mean~ ^^

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MelissaBlackWolf [2015-08-04 18:18:22 +0000 UTC]


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Nermsters In reply to MelissaBlackWolf [2015-08-04 18:22:30 +0000 UTC]

thank you~

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MelissaBlackWolf In reply to Nermsters [2015-08-04 18:23:40 +0000 UTC]

you're welcome~

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

JSyle [2015-08-04 18:18:01 +0000 UTC]

BRO, THIS LOOKS AMAZING!!!! <3 Keep "experimenting" XD You already look like a pro XD

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Nermsters In reply to JSyle [2015-08-04 18:22:25 +0000 UTC]

thank you! haha, Gimp is such a pain in the ass, not as much as a learning curve as Photoshop, but i liked PS more.

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JSyle In reply to Nermsters [2015-08-04 18:24:14 +0000 UTC]

lol yea, i've tried using it before XD i really like paint tool sai, you should try that if you haven't already

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Nermsters In reply to JSyle [2015-08-04 18:32:57 +0000 UTC]

hmmm maybe, is it mac compatible? 

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JSyle In reply to Nermsters [2015-08-04 18:50:37 +0000 UTC]

i believe so but i'm not 100% sure

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Nermsters In reply to JSyle [2015-08-04 18:52:02 +0000 UTC]

Ill go check it out! thanks!

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Ca55tamere [2015-07-30 07:05:05 +0000 UTC]

I'd love to rp with him someday~

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Nermsters In reply to Ca55tamere [2015-07-31 03:17:39 +0000 UTC]

For sure! Send a starter if you ever get an idea~

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Ca55tamere In reply to Nermsters [2015-07-31 03:41:05 +0000 UTC]

on the journal or viva note?

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Nermsters In reply to Ca55tamere [2015-07-31 04:47:45 +0000 UTC]

what ever you would prefuer, generaly i do personal rp's through notes, easier to keep track of

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Ca55tamere In reply to Nermsters [2015-07-31 05:58:22 +0000 UTC]

alright I'll send one

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NoxiousZombie [2015-06-10 17:11:46 +0000 UTC]

Wanna rp owo?

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Nermsters In reply to NoxiousZombie [2015-06-11 16:27:33 +0000 UTC]

Did you accept my invite? Says foxjaw ain't in shadowclan yet. So accept both my invites! After that Ya! For sure I'd love to rp. Journal or notes?

👍: 0 ⏩: 2

NoxiousZombie In reply to Nermsters [2015-06-17 08:34:01 +0000 UTC]

Want me to note u for the role-play or would you rather the journal? :3

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Nermsters In reply to NoxiousZombie [2015-06-18 20:17:42 +0000 UTC]

replied to your journal one! hehe sorry I'm late

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NoxiousZombie In reply to Nermsters [2015-06-11 19:10:27 +0000 UTC]

I got the one for putting her in the gallery, but I'm still not a member of the group yet i don't think?

And whichever you like~

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Nermsters In reply to NoxiousZombie [2015-06-12 03:36:13 +0000 UTC]

Hmm, well I'll resend the invite.

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NoxiousZombie In reply to Nermsters [2015-06-12 03:57:33 +0000 UTC]

Got it, danke~

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SilentArtist137 [2015-05-31 04:55:46 +0000 UTC]

I understand that you decided to keep him, but are there any other cats open for adoption? I'd definitely be interested!

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Nermsters In reply to SilentArtist137 [2015-05-31 05:20:38 +0000 UTC]

Currently the only avalible cat for try-out is Shadowclans medicine cat, Coppersnap, read how to try-out for him here~ nermsters.deviantart.com/art/C…

Good luck!

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SilentArtist137 In reply to Nermsters [2015-05-31 05:28:32 +0000 UTC]

Okay! Thank you

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Nermsters In reply to SilentArtist137 [2015-05-31 05:43:29 +0000 UTC]

No prob

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gabbycat17 [2015-05-25 15:17:03 +0000 UTC]

I'm so envious of the amount of work/thought put into him! Amazing work! *_*

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Nermsters In reply to gabbycat17 [2015-05-25 15:19:14 +0000 UTC]

Thanks! I love my little bastard, but there is still much I have to develp through rp :3

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gabbycat17 In reply to Nermsters [2015-05-27 19:01:50 +0000 UTC]

Haha no problem~

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MadMarbles13 [2015-05-14 20:51:52 +0000 UTC]

Holy sweet jesus i love this guy!!! I can't help but think of Church from Pet Sematary when i read his history!!! 

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Nermsters In reply to MadMarbles13 [2015-05-14 21:21:56 +0000 UTC]

Haha, pretty much! Going to finish up hist bio sooooon. I'm Just such a lazy bum

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