Halloween space-time as the one of the see-through, cobwebby, lucid veil between dimensions -- always.
©Nica Breeze, 2019. All rights reserved. Any copying or partial reproduction of my art is off limits. By this I mean also, and especially, any sneaky way of repeating my themes, or styles, written and visual. It's obvious to me. It will be obvious to everyone. Don't put your name at risk.
Short quotations from my poetry and prose, with proper credits, are fine. If you’re still compelled to make visual art closely resembling my creations — then it’s officially fan art and cannot be used for profit. You will have to make a statement that your artwork is based on the one (or a few) by me, and give a link to the original(s). And if there’s too much similarity then isn’t it redundant and boring?
Consider also, that my art is based on my personal experience. Trying to sell it as yours, both literally and figuratively, is inappropriate. You did not have to pay the price of living through it, and getting out as one piece. You have no right to exploit it. If you’re empty it’s not a good excuse to attempt a SOUL THEFT. Just look inside and see what happened to your own.
It makes me happy to inspire you — this is what I’m here for. But please note the difference between inspiration and imitation. Grow your own wings, and fly! Wings may not be your thing at all — then find what’s yours and yours only: gills, tapetum lucidum, dermal denticles, clairessense, etc. It’s much better, trust me.
Thank you. Enjoy this day.