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Cubism is about seeing multiple sides of objects at the same time, which basically makes them a three-dimensional representation of four-dimensional space. In the case of this image, being digital, it's actually closer to a two-dimensional representation.
In my head, due to her existing in multiple places simultaneously, she's actually calling her future self, while her future self simultaneously answers her. I imagine she's warning herself that two strange men have been following her.
Not sure it's the best story, or how well it ties into the actual mechanics of four-dimensional space, but that's what I imagine when I look at this.
Been playing with this for the last day or so. I have a few different versions: a high-contrast one, a black-and-white one, a sepia one, an orangish/washed-out one, and a colder/bluer one. I guess the problem with interesting images is that you want to go every direction you can with them, and it's painful to know that all of them will wind up good. A huge part of me just wants to flood the world with every variation of every important image I have on my desktop, but I know that each one would devalue all the others--they would seem less special.
So to the right of this is a little download thingy. For 50 cents, you can download the other four versions of this (with a few more that are slight variations) at full-size, to use in any commercial/non-commercial pursuit you want. Seemed like a good way to give you resources/behind-the-scenes-y stuff without taking up a whole lot of space.
Oh, fittingly enough, my girlfriend's been reading Phillip K. Dick's short stories all week. I haven't read much of him, but I have a feeling this would fit in there pretty well.
As always, hope you like it.