nightgraue — Midnight Moon

Published: 2006-03-13 21:44:03 +0000 UTC; Views: 1572; Favourites: 16; Downloads: 68
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Description Finally, after months without inspiration, I did a digital Photo-manipulation again. I got inspired by some lovely pics. All in all this piece took me around 7 to 8 hours.

Images used from
Girl: [link]
Moon: [link]
Door: [link]
Castle: [link] (I will add the correct link as Soon as I find it.

Ornamental Borders: [link]

I had a hard time making this, especially finding the right images to compose with and to get the lighting right. I am not really satisfied with the girl, but I am tired. *laughs* Critique is welcome... and please note:

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Comments: 10

erlkoenig [2007-06-30 21:29:41 +0000 UTC]

Ah und wieder mal nicht gesehen das du auch aus Deutschland bist...na gut, dann kann ich mir mein fehlerhaftes Englisch ja sparen.
Aber nun zum Bild, sehr schön, die Atmosphäre - das Licht. Wirklich sehr gut gelungen in zusammenspiel.

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nightgraue In reply to erlkoenig [2007-06-30 21:46:25 +0000 UTC]

Danke für das nette Feedback (um mal ein englisches Wort einzustreuen) auf meine Manip. Mach dir nichts draus. Ich merk auch oft erst hinterher, dass Leute die ich anspreche/-schreibe aus Deutschland sind und ich mir mein Denglisch hätte sparen können. Obwohl, es mach mir eigentlich nichts aus auf Englisch zu schreiben. *hehe*

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angelusmusicus-stock [2006-07-18 18:33:56 +0000 UTC]

Very beautiful, a wonderful use of light

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madalie [2006-05-25 17:33:36 +0000 UTC]

This is incredible! The composition is very well handled, because it's nicely balanced in all areas, including the unique frame .
Great technique on balancing the contrast between light and shadow. The subdued (and slightly gloomy) colours make this piece bewitching.

Magnificent use of stocks, too. I just love the castle. The girl's pose and her beautiful dress add to the atmosphere. I'm definitely making this a favorite.

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Endorphinchen [2006-03-15 15:37:34 +0000 UTC]

gosh, das Licht ist perfekt oô Ich werde mir defintiv mal dein Turorial ansehen, bei mir funktioniert das nie so.

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JohndeLano [2006-03-14 18:42:23 +0000 UTC]

This is reaaaaaally gorgeous! I like the medival feeling of it. The funny thing is that I have plans to do something with rays of light also. But I fully agree with you that it is very difficult. So I'm still in the fase to get those rays looking good. You on the other hand already succeeded! I can only say; Bravo, bravo and keep up the good work. As always very appreciated.

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nightgraue In reply to JohndeLano [2006-03-14 18:53:56 +0000 UTC]

Actually the light rays are really easy to make, I can tell you how I did it. *laughs*

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JohndeLano In reply to nightgraue [2006-03-14 19:11:15 +0000 UTC]

Mmh, I'd like to repeat in English but I don't know the word. In Dutch we would say "Dat is een gewetensvraag". I think that the English speakers would translate that as playing with ones concious? Whaaaaa, the Dutchie is rambling again. Ofcourse I would like to know. It doesn't have to be a step by step instruction because I'm not the greedy type. I only like to compare it with my way of working to check if I'm in the right direction. I can't pay you back, but I promis to worship the ground you walk on. Okay? *laughs very evil*

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Hyroile [2006-03-13 21:47:40 +0000 UTC]

This be reaaaalleh pretteh. >.<

Seriously.. It's fantastic.

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Mournsong [2006-03-13 21:45:21 +0000 UTC]

Ohhh - this is beautiful! I'm a great fan of moonlight night pictures.

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