NimtheDragon — Labil The Echidna

#brown #dark #dragon #echidna #hedgehog #light #nim #oc #sonic #labil #vitim #nimthedragon
Published: 2015-05-10 12:17:29 +0000 UTC; Views: 318; Favourites: 2; Downloads: 0
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Description Uh, a pretty dark one...
I love the chara, although her background story is that she was a rape victim more than one time, but because she never said a word her boyfriend broke up with her because he thought she was cheating on him. Her body still holds the pain of the incedents, so she is mainly seen covered in bandges, and all of that got her psychological unstable (Why she is called Labil). 
I bet a psychologist would find a lot of references to my reallife, but that's another story... 

Oc and artwork belong to me
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Comments: 1

misty-mary [2015-05-20 08:27:02 +0000 UTC]

cool <3
und schöner text :*

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