Owner : Qube-Core
SB: 25 USD ($)
MIN: 2 USD ($)
AB: 45 USD ($)
(sb + chibi version)
(„• ᴗ •„) AUCTION ENDS 24H AFTER SB („• ᴗ •„)
Auction timer:
I will send :
Files with and without background (.png, .jpg), 500 DPI
- PayPal;
- CryptoWallet ( Bitcoin, ETH, C98, Luna) ;
- Buymeacoffee;
- Patreon;
- Payment should be done within 24h.
Rules :
- Allowed to resell/trade/gift the adopt;
- Do not hide comments:
- Don't bid/claim if you are not sure;
- Allowed for commercial use;
- You can also use just the outfit if needed.
You can make one free easy edit (free edits should not change anatomy, breast size, etc.). All edits after the free edit are $5. I can refuse the edit without giving a reason. All edits will be done after payment of the adopts.