When I first drew Maisie, I only had two things in mind: combining Betty Boop, Jessica Rabbit, and Judy from Animal Crossing, and trying to make the opposite of Verosica Mayday. But as I've worked on her, I've realized that I wanted other things to be shown. I want her to be more of the "girl next door" kind of sexy, I wanted her to look like someone who you could sit down and talk to after a long hard day. I want her to look like she could be your hottest dream and your best friend. So I tried modifying her without removing the source material. I tried bigger boobs, smaller boobs, bigger lips, smaller lips, bigger eyes, bigger head-
And finally, FINALLY, I got her looking how I wanted to portray her. Someone who giggles and laughs while having sex because she's having fun. Someone who is just as fun out of bed as in bed. Someone who's singing voice has that sort of bounciness that was popular in the 90's. Ultimately, I wanted her to portray playful sex. Sex for enjoyment and fun. And I think I finally got it down. While I haven't drawn her in this outfit in a minute, I'm glad I revisited it. It shows a good before and after.