I was bored, listening to Basshunter, and managed to snag this base and here we are!
Fixed Price : $35
-Payment method: PayPal
-Currency: USD
-First to claim gets them.
-Do not claim as your creation.
-Comment Below or Send me a Note to Claim
-If you have any questions, feel free to reach out and send me a Note or Comment.
-The winner can repost the finished piece but must credit myself for the design and any artist who’s base was used.
-You have full rights to the character which includes reselling but do not sell it for more than the ammount you bought it for.
-You can change design.
-You get the original file(s).
Design by: HeartheHowl
Base by:Userpage of furryfilth -- Fur Affinity [dot] net
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