Painted for a projecteducate article on Lighting in Art.
Painting without Lines: Forms in Light and ShadowLighting in Art Week
... to ‘Sculpting with Values’, because really, that's what this is.
I’ll be showing you how to paint a portrait using values only, rather than relying on lines to mark the boundaries of facial features in the final product, and will also throw in some tips on what makes good lighting, and what to avoid.
As colour is a whole different ballgame, I won’t be covering it at all. Just greyscale values. At most art schools that pride themselves in good teaching methods, that’s exactly what you would be doing at first, and only once that module is completed would you move on to colour. Yes, I know, colours are awesome, but really, stay with me here and give greyscale (and mastering it) a chance.
If you are a traditional artist you are welcome to read on, too, as you can utilise much, if not all, of the information in your work as well.
The term ‘values’ is used for the ran
Model: Tao Fernandez Caino