Oberon1122 — Will There Ever Be A We by-nc-nd [NSFW]
Published: 2011-11-22 19:35:35 +0000 UTC; Views: 60; Favourites: 0; Downloads: 0
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Description "I walk alone, down the road. Thinking about you.
The bright sun in my face, blinding my view.
The cold wind at my back, whipping around me.
Trying to figure out if there will ever be a we.
You live so far away, and I've heard that long distance never works...
But then again, those people probably dated jerks.
I like you a lot, but then that's my folly,
Because you don't live here, and if you did we'd be jolly.
Never having to be separated again, it'd feel like heaven.
Being able to hug you and know everything will be ok is what I dream of.
Our love would never end and we would be there for each other, forever.
Together forever in a never ending embrace of loving souls.
A never ending kiss of affection, twisted around each other's body.
Warm and tender lust a bloom, gentle caresses that makes our hearts zoom.

I walk alone, down the road. Thinking about you.
The bright sun in my face, the cold wind at my back.
Wondering and day dreaming about if there would ever be a we."
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