OfficialSassy — Sketchy Rita

#rita #pawpatrol #pawpatroloc
Published: 2022-09-16 00:14:07 +0000 UTC; Views: 4612; Favourites: 53; Downloads: 0
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Description I did a quick sketch and decided I wanted to try another style. It...didn't quite turn out as I was hoping, but at least I tried something new. I originally went with white as the highlight color, but FuschiaFlare had some great feedback about changing it to white-teal due to the contrast, and it worked pretty well! Thanks for that!

Anyways yeah, small and curly baby. I swear she'll have a ref eventually if I can ever get my head away from Xenoblade 3.
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Comments: 1

stardustsubway [2022-09-16 16:24:06 +0000 UTC]

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