It's like when a flower sprouts from its bud
It's like when you hear a new born baby' cry in the middle of the night.
It's like the comparison between a butterfly and its previously lesser form
It's's like when you hear that your favourite grandfather died over the summer, and you have to deal with the silence of his house when you come to visit his wife.
Change is like hearing about how people here and there are being torn apart by the very people that swore to protect them.
Change is like witnessing that yourself
Change is...change is like when you break it to your parents that you've been accepted. Accepted into that dream school you've always wanted to be a part of.
Change is when you leave your old school, a big fish in a small pond, and come to a new one, still a big fish, only to be surrounded with even bigger ones in an even bigger home.
Change is learning your parents are separating. Change is learning you have a cute little baby brother on the way in a few months.
Change is breaking up. Change is getting married. Change is living, as well as dying.
Change is abstract and paradoxical.
Change is necessary.