OverlordJC β€” Bad Ending:1

Published: 2011-03-25 05:19:22 +0000 UTC; Views: 23517; Favourites: 934; Downloads: 424
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Description Bad Ending#1

* I'll let you insert your own QB laugh/Lavos scream here

If you watched episode 10, then you'll get the idea here xD.

The picture

I actually felt like making something like this right after I finished watching ep 10. I wanted to figure out something clever between the two series, but I didn't want to actually lose the idea, so we'll just call this the first shot at the idea, and expect more to follow.

I got a bit of nostalgia drawing you know who, over on the right - but then I remembered That particular ending was also nightmare fuel

Anyone remember playing Chrono Trigger as a kid? The excitement of time traveling! But then... remember when you found out that your very existence is the only thing standing between the future, or the end of the world as it was prophesied.

...and when you failed, you didn't just get a game over screen, ooooooh no. This game REALLY let you know you F*CKED UP and you let everyone in the world EVERYONE IN THE TIME STREAM, down.

Good times <3
[link] <--- do the time warp again

( Remember when it was in the news that this ending was actually giving children nightmares, and they were threatening to take it off of store shelves LOL, who says you need graphics to scare children)

I'll never get that scream out of my head

Tools: Photoshop CS 3, Tablet

Magika Madoka (c) Ume Aoki / Gen Urobuchi
Chrono Trigger (c) Akira Toriyama / Square

Realizing You've doomed us all into the paralyzing cold oblivion of a crashed time line, dooming our souls into an unspeakable state of unending purgatory (c) Unsuspecting children who suck at level grinding/ Kids without Nintendo Power subscriptions.
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Comments: 88

Hexidextrous [2017-03-14 06:26:23 +0000 UTC]

Oh yeah, like that gave children nightmares. I remember they said the same thing about Sonic's drowning music, the game over from Sonic CD,Β Giygas, the Moon from Majora's Mask, and the Boos in Mario 64.

Also, Walpurgis Lavos then? Or Lavos Gretchen?

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Fario-P [2016-10-04 04:35:40 +0000 UTC]

aaaaaaaagh both of my favorite things in one piece

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bernstormfighter [2016-07-02 18:02:12 +0000 UTC]


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Der-groBman [2016-03-10 17:10:50 +0000 UTC]

I actually tried to fight Lavos early. I was doing good, then he went Magus on me. It would have been easy, except I hadn't fought Magus yet, so I was woefully unprepared and under leveled for the inevitable curbstomp.

On the subject of this piece of art, well, there is probably nothing I could say that can do it justice. It just looks good, and captures the emotion of these two really well.

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Gargomon251 [2015-05-15 07:48:19 +0000 UTC]

I didn't even know who that girl was supposed to be until I read the very bottom with the copyrights...

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Evertide [2014-09-12 23:22:45 +0000 UTC]

I knew it!Β  I KNEW someone else out there realized these needed to be drawn together!

Fighting the future, and FOR the future.

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Ninplanet123 [2014-02-13 06:15:09 +0000 UTC]

How... just HOW did I never find this masterpiece before?!

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tenko72 [2013-12-23 14:41:38 +0000 UTC]

Great crossover! I really like the idea.
Their expressions here're crushing.

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TessArte [2012-11-22 10:05:24 +0000 UTC]

huaaaaa ;_;

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ClaesXimenes [2012-10-07 19:32:31 +0000 UTC]

Right in the feels!
Q__Q I love how you drew Chrono. I can see the distress in his face.

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SeiuchiKing [2012-09-19 03:45:23 +0000 UTC]

simply the greatest thing I have seen... which I can only say because it came from two of the greatest things ever. I love it.

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cards344 [2012-08-15 00:10:01 +0000 UTC]

This now my background image.

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RobotMaster3 [2012-07-14 05:27:42 +0000 UTC]

"I'll let you insert your own QB laugh/Lavos scream here"

I'm now imagining hearing both of those at the same time, blending into an unspeakable horror.

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BomKosh [2012-05-30 12:57:49 +0000 UTC]

Sadly, I never had Chrono Trigger as a kid. The SNES was my first console, yes, but it was only given to me by my cousin.

Beaten the game on BSNES recently, and this ending was my first one.

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Tscroggs [2011-12-31 22:13:34 +0000 UTC]

And one of the more remarkable thing about the heroes from Chrono Trigger is that most of them decide to save the future immediately after discovering what is going on. This is despite the fact that they, everyone they know, and every relative the could -personally- know will be LONG dead before any of it happens.

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DX099 [2011-10-11 09:27:28 +0000 UTC]

Mmmh, i've heard so much about that bad ending that before getting to Lavos, I leveled-up as a bastard to the point Crono itself could take Lavos without help and just a few potions, but now i kinda regreat not to have lost... Strange... Anyway, the picture is awesome !

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ayuICHI [2011-08-04 16:22:29 +0000 UTC]

Wow, absolutely beautiful work!

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MishaRoute [2011-07-24 20:25:14 +0000 UTC]

greatest (c) note ever lmaoooo xD

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Onioncake [2011-07-23 23:06:35 +0000 UTC]

Homuhomu's hair looks like mine every morning when I wake up.

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Leonidas666 [2011-07-22 13:55:04 +0000 UTC]

Chronno Trigger!!! YEAH!

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DukeMills [2011-07-09 01:37:17 +0000 UTC]

I was one of those children that had nightmares. And I had how news reporters oppressed and blamed the videogame industry for that because Hollywood bullshit movies are 100 times as fucked up as any videogame back then. So what? I had nightmares, big deal, I STILL loved the game even after those nightmares. And if you beat the damn game you won't have nightmares.

/End Ranting/ Yeah this is absolutely magnificent. You captured the emotion perfectly and my friend is showing off your art on Facebook because he and I really enjoyed this.

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Zekkentak [2011-06-19 20:24:01 +0000 UTC]


I remember seeing this ending at the age of 9, not on the SNES no.
But downloaded right onto my families computer instead.

My big brother completed the game and both of us were all so full of joy.
Then we saw the 'New Game+' and both of us decided to start again, just for the fun of it, you know?

By the time we got to the machine at the start, we saw the warp on the right and opened it up.
Both of our eyes bulged as we realised we were about to fight Lavos with only Crono and Marle with no equipment at all.

Worse yet, the volume was blasting onwards through us once we saw the scene...
I never thought the same about 'childish' games ever again..

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Lightrail [2011-06-19 07:30:25 +0000 UTC]

Don't know why I haven't faved this yet. I keep looking back at it.

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dstears [2011-06-04 03:02:21 +0000 UTC]

This is great!

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Timishayd [2011-06-01 22:18:47 +0000 UTC]

I never had this ending xD And never wanted to have it.
But I only discovered Chrono Trigger like 5 years ago (I'm 22).
Nice drawing by the way! Never imagined Madoka Magica and Chrono Trigger together!

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Zakioka [2011-05-26 07:38:50 +0000 UTC]

Got one without the URL across the top? Would love to use it as a wallpaper!

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rhymes-with-Orange [2011-05-25 02:37:34 +0000 UTC]


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realarmed [2011-05-14 04:44:33 +0000 UTC]

O_o Β‘Genial!

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impulsivelyliving [2011-05-14 03:38:51 +0000 UTC]

Oh please, PLEASE, let their be more "endings!"

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Maksn [2011-05-08 12:24:47 +0000 UTC]

You got me to watch Madoka. The ending was sooo saaaadddd Q____Q great art as always man :> i love the textures and detailing

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overtninja [2011-05-04 22:53:36 +0000 UTC]

the lavos scream is one of the most terrifying sounds in all of video games. when i got that game over for the first time, i vowed never to see it again, and leveled everyone to like 70+ before i even took a swing at lavos for reals. luminaire all up in his face.

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RobotMaster3 [2011-04-22 19:33:35 +0000 UTC]

"And to think.....to think that they believe that I exist on merely this plane of existence...huhuhuhuu~..

They have no idea about my more 'monstrous' form in another world....

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White-pine [2011-04-14 03:11:03 +0000 UTC]

Fantastic job on Homura's hair! *o*

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RLinksoul [2011-04-11 23:14:46 +0000 UTC]

Awesome and beautiful pic. Much love for it and Chrono Trigger. <3

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Nobiri [2011-04-08 06:07:17 +0000 UTC]

Look at all that detail... whew crap homie. CRAZZZZZY

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Darkspace244 [2011-04-08 04:25:28 +0000 UTC]

wow, they really rubbed it in.

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SHizukA-Shi [2011-04-08 03:51:30 +0000 UTC]

This wonderful piece of art will cause flashbacks, reoccuring nightmares nostalgia and inspiration. Its just beautiful and Full of Emotion really makes you feel for the characters and their Friends.

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Miyazawa-Lulu [2011-04-01 00:35:54 +0000 UTC]

I love you SO MUCH for doing this crossover! I love both CT and Madoka and this made me so happy >3< The expression on Homura's and Crono's faces are superb, and I remember both myself and my boyfriend saying that line when we watched episode 10 XD

Seriously, you're made of win *_____*

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LegacyCrono [2011-03-31 04:43:33 +0000 UTC]

Damn... nice job. That's a really great drawing!
By the way, did you notice the similarities between Kyuubey and Lavos? Both are extraterrestrial beings capable of using magic, they brought magic to humans, Lavos with Frozen Flame and Kyuubey with the Soul gems and bred mankind for their own goals. SPOOKY!!!

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TheCuttlefishCaptain [2011-03-31 00:30:34 +0000 UTC]

By far the worst ending, in my opinion, is when you beat the game without reviving Crono. Marle is all like "We can still go back and save him!" and everyone else just leaves ;;

But this is a great picture~

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Crono8 [2011-03-30 21:11:11 +0000 UTC]

Pity I don't know the girl, but the pic's powerful @u@ Love the CT part!

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SycrosD4 [2011-03-30 19:56:52 +0000 UTC]


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germangirl33 [2011-03-28 23:34:06 +0000 UTC]

I cried when I got the bad ending. But then I got a happy ending, and it made up for it. Still can't get that ending out of my head, and you did a great job on capturing the end.

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karin-lee [2011-03-28 22:30:25 +0000 UTC]


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Blackismycolor [2011-03-27 06:51:30 +0000 UTC]

i've alway's wanted to play this but i haven't had the time to play it or money to buy it.

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Threvlin [2011-03-27 05:44:25 +0000 UTC]

So so very true, and awesome, and true. Can't wait till the next episode of Madoka Magica, and also I now need to go play more Chrono Trigger...

Also: lol at the commenters who didn't read the artist comments

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fishy-kun [2011-03-27 02:16:33 +0000 UTC]

I like this a lot. I like this so much.

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Boldo [2011-03-26 11:49:38 +0000 UTC]

looks amazing

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Kandoken [2011-03-26 03:20:33 +0000 UTC]

I love you..

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konami25 [2011-03-26 00:29:06 +0000 UTC]

omg awesome

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