Toy Chica’s servos purred with excitement as she entered the opening to Kids cove. This was her first time setting foot into this part of the Pizzeria. She straightened her bib that had the words “Lets Party!” in a anxious fashion. She had heard from the others that there was an animatronic that lived back here that she had never met before. “The Mangle” that's what the employees and the other animatronics called her. However only two animatronic have actually met Mangle, they were Toy Freddy and Billy the Balloon boy. Toy Freddy was reluctant to talk about Mangle the only thing he told her about was that Mangle was a mess. As for Billy, Toy Chica found being dismantled more appealing than talking to that annoying little brat.
Toy Chica glanced around Kids cove. There were large gift boxes and kids drawing on the wall. She spotted a white animatronic head in the corner of the room peering over some of the gift boxes. Instantly the animatronic ducked out of view behind the large pile of presents.
‘That must be her.’ Toy Chica thought to herself.
“Wait Mangle” She called out “Don’t be afraid, I don’t mean you any harm.”
Toy Chica waited for a response, the only sound that could be heard was the faint melody from the music box in the room over. Mangle's head slowly peered over the top of the presents, her ears drooped. Toy Chica could see that she was a white fox with a pink muzzle and rosy red cheeks. She was missing an eye but the one that she had was a lovely hazel color.
“How do yo-ou know my na-ame?” Mangle asked.
Her speaker sounded faulty, her voice had a lot of static noise and it sounded like her speakers cut out randomly from a bad connection.
“I-I heard about you from the others and so I came here to meet you”. Toy Chica stumbled a bit with her words.
Mangle frowned and raised her head further up to show sharp teeth. This startled Toy Chica, she was reminded of Foxy’s sharp teeth. Come to think of it Mangle looked like a female version Foxy
“Wha-at for?! So that you can ma-ake fu-un of me?!” Mangle growled gritting her teeth
“N-NO!!” Toy Chica Exclaimed “I only wanted to talk. But I guess you don’t want company. Sorry to bother you.”
She turned around and started to walk out of Kids cove when she heard Mangle call out.
“Wa-ait!! Do-on’t go!”
Toy Chica turned around to look at Mangle who had her head down but her eye was looking at her.
“Plea-ase forgive me for lo-osing my tem-mper. Most of the ani-imatronics ju-ust pick on me.” Mangle said. “I ju-ust exp-pect it fro-om everyone I me-eet.”
“Well maybe you’ve just meet the wrong animatronics” Chica smiled “I’m Toy Chica by the way”
Mangle ears perked up and she smiled.
“Ni-ice to me-eet you.” Mangle said as Toy Chica walked back in. However when Toy Chica tried to get closer to Mangle, she heard her shout
“STOP!! Don’t co-ome any cl-loser.”
Toy Chica frozen in place.
“W-Why not?” She asked
“Ju-ust do-on’t.” Mangle stuttered hiding the bottom half of her face behind the presents.
Toy Chica realized that Mangle might be uncomfortable around others. It was something she could relate to.
“Ok I understand” Toy Chica Nodded.
“Th-hanks!” Mangle smiled as she raised her head over the top of the presents. “Your ve-ery nice.”
Toy Chica returned the compliment with a smile of her own. She began to ponder why the other animatronics avoided Mangle. Mangle did have an sporadic temper that made Toy Chica feel uneasy, but underneath that anger she could see a lonely animatronic who just wanted a friend.
“I've se-een you perform on sta-age before. You have su-uch a be-eautiful voice.” Mangle added sadly “Much better th-han mine.”
Toy Chica was touched by the complement.
“Thank you, but your voice is beautiful too.” Toy Chica complemented her.
However Mangle didn’t seem to take it very well, she looked angry.
“Don’t li-ie to me!!” Mangle snapped her voice crackling “My voice is ho-orrid!! I ha-ate liers!!”
Toy Chica stumbled back in shock and fell on the hard tile floor.
“Ok-ok, so its not beautiful!” Chica exclaimed “But honestly your voice doesn't bother me!”
Mangle’s anger quickly evaporated giving way to confusion.
“I-It dos-sen’t?” She asked. Toy Chica shook her head and stood up again.
“No, I would rather you have a bad voice than a bad personality.” Toy Chica said
“You me-ean like Foxy?” Mangle inquired
“Foxy!? What makes you say that?” Toy Chica asked looking shocked.
“He came ba-arging into ki-id’s cove shou-ting ‘Hey Mangle!’ as so-oon as he sa-aw me he ran away scream-ming ‘Holy fudge’” Mangle exclaimed.
“Don’t take it personally” Toy Chica reassured her “He did the same thing when he saw me.”
Mangle looked astonished to hear this as Toy Chica continued.
“Yeah, I tried to introduce myself to him but he ran away to the maintenance room as soon as he saw me. To be honest I think he’s scared of us toy animatronics.”
“Sca-ared of us?” Mangled giggled her speakers were buzzing and crackling “I would ha-ave never guessed t-that. I won-nder why he’s scared o-of us? ”
“Well he was brought from an old location of Freddy Fazzbear’s Pizza along with the other originals. They were taken offline for a long time, so imagine how Foxy must feel to be in a brand new place with unfamiliar animatronics.” Toy Chica explained
“Not to men-ntion he must feel neg-glected” Mangle added sadly “Poor g-guy, I know h-how he feels.”
“Perhaps when he settles in we could try talking to him again. Maybe we could be friends with him” Toy Chica suggested
Mangles ears drooped and she looked down. “I-I-I’m not so go-ood at making frie-ends.” She muttered
“I don’t know about that, you’re already my friend.” Toy Chica said softly
“Yeah b-but I-I-I...wait, I-I a-am!?” Mangle’s ears perked up as she saw Toy Chica nod.
Mangle was buzzing with joy when she heard these words and let out joyous squeal. Meanwhile Toy chica felt a strange sensation. Her circuits buzzed and tingled almost like she was short circuiting. But this sensation was pleasant. Why was she feeling this way?
“You-u’re so lucky to be on st-tage perform-ming for so many peo-ople.” Mangle’s complement interrupted her thoughts.
“Lucky!?” Toy Chica was irritated to be reminded of the stage.
Mangle’s eyes widened in surprise “You mean you do-on’t like it?”
“I hate it!” Toy Chica folded her arms. “It’s the teenage boys, they look at me like some kind of Sex toy! I mean it's a kids restaurant for crying out loud!”
Mangle’s eyes narrowed in anger.
“What perv-verts!” She roared “How could they trea-at someone as ni-ice as you so hor-rribly!?”
‘Finally, someone understands my discomfort!’ Toy Chica thought to herself, she felt as though a giant weight had been taken off her shoulders. She felt free for the first time since she was activated.
“The ne-ext time any boys gi-ive you tro-ouble, I’ll bite the-em for you!!” Mangle continued, she was violently thrashing about.
“Mangle please calm down!” Toy Chica pleaded “You're over reacting just a bit!”
Chica’s servos locked up as she heard a sickening snap and a metallic clang coming from Mangle. Mangle stuttered and let out a piercing screech, she didn’t need to ask she knew that Mangle had hurt herself badly. Chica rushed over to help her friend.
“Don’t come closeeeeeeeeeeeeeer!” Mangle screeched her voice crackling.
Toy Chica didn’t listen, her friend’s condition was more important. She peered around the presents and was startled by what she saw. Mangle was a mess of animatronic part put together haphazardly and without any costume covering. She even had a second endoskeleton head attached to her. On the floor was the part that had broken off is was her arm, or at least that's what it looked like. Mangle shuddered violently.
“You were hurt, I couldn’t bear to see my friend be in pain.” Toy Chica insisted
Toy Chica now understood why Mangle was so reluctant to have her come close. She was ashamed of her appearance, but Toy Chica wasn’t bothered by it. If anything she was more concerned how Mangle ended up like this.
“What happened to you?” She asked softly
Mangle hung her head and shuddered, Toy Chica waited patiently in silence. She saw drops of oil leak down Mangle’s face, she was crying.
“The tod-dlers! They did th-his to me-e!” Mangle sobbed
“The toddlers!?” Chica gasped.
“Yes, The-ey kept tear-ring me ap-ppart. The sta-aff gave up try-ying to put me back tog-gether and ma-ade me into a build your own anim-matr-ronic for the kids. They have rear-rranged me so ma-any times I can’t even reme-ember what I used to look like. I’m ju-ust a hideous ch-hild’s playthi-ing now!” Mangle cried.
Toy Chica felt as if she was also going to cry. She understood now what Freddy meant when he said Mangle was a mess. She hated to see her new friend in such pain. But what could she say or do that would cheer Mangle up? At that moment she realized that she was holding her beak in her hand. ‘I must have taken it off without realizing it, not that it matters it alway.’ Toy Chica thought to herself ‘Wait that’s it!!’
Toy Chica pulled out her animatronic eyes leaving her endoskeleton eyes in place. A small serge went through her entire body, it was felt exhilarating.
“Mangle?” Toy Chica spoke softly. Mangle slowly looked up a Toy Chica oil still trickling down her face. Mangle gasped when she saw Chica had removed her beak and eyes.
“You-ur’e beak and eyes! You remo-oved the-em?!” Mangle’s voice crackled in surprize.
“That’s right I did.” Toy Chica nodded.
“B-but w-why!?” Mangle inquired
“Looks aren’t everything Mangle.” Toy Chica answered softly “Believe it or not I know what it’s like to hide who you are from others.”
Mangle was flabbergasted by Chica’s words the only word that Mangle could manage to muster was: “H-o-w?”
“I wear these eyes and beak because I’m afraid of how the other animatronics would treat me. In doing so I pretend to be someone I’m not.” Toy Chica smiled.
She picked up Mangle’s arm off the floor and moved closer to her until they were a few feet apart. Mangle cringed slightly as Toy Chica reattached her arm. Finally the part clicked into place and mangle moved her arm. “Better?” Toy Chica asked and Mangle nodded. Toy Chica removed her bib and moved even closer. With one hand she held Mangle’s head near her cheek and with the other she used the bib to wipe the oil off of Mangles face. Toy Chica looked deeply into Mangle’s hazel eyes and whispered:
“I love you the way you are Mangle.”
More oil welled up in Mangle’s eyes and she touched the tip of her nose to Toy Chica’s nonexistent nose. The endoskeleton head nuzzled Toy Chica’s cheek. As they nuzzled they put her arms around each other in a loving embrace. Toy Chica was feeling her circuits buzzing again. The sensation that made her feel blissful.
“I’m glad yo-ou cam-me to kid-ds cove. You're a on-ne of a kind fri-iend.” Mangle whispered
“Im glad I came too.” Toy Chica whispered back
“To-oy Chi-ica? Do you think you wo-ould come back to see me tom-morrow night?.” Mangle asked.
“Of course I would, in fact I’ll come back every night to see you.” Toy Chica smiled
She could feel Mangle squeeze her tighter. Looking into her eyes Toy Chica could tell how grateful she was. Toy Chica knew that eventually she would have to go back to the stage come morning, but for tonight she was free. She only wished that this night could last forever.