Pandamunk — KND Next Gen. Siblings

Published: 2008-09-21 08:12:08 +0000 UTC; Views: 1893; Favourites: 16; Downloads: 3
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Description So, you likee? On the left, the two kids are:

Numbuh 12
Taylor Gilligan
Age: 10
2x4 technologist and Pilot
Relation: Hoagie Gilligan (dad), Abigail Gilligan (mom), H.P. Gilligan (twin brother)
Personality: Taylor acts sort of Tomboyish due to her love of machinery. She likes to build things, which ususally plan to revolt against her, or at least fly other machines. Although she hangs out with her mom most of the time, Hoagie can tell that his 'charms' had passed on down to her...and the fact that they both have the same sense of humor.
Reason for Numbuh: Zachary Taylor was the 12th U.S. President...and since abby was numbuh 5 because of Lincoln...presidents run in the family!

Numbuh 11
Hoagie (H.P.) P. Gilligan III
Age: 10
Stealth Specialist
Relation: Haogie Gilligan (dad, duh.) Abigail Gilligan(mom), Taylor Gilligan {twin sister....older by 3 minutes)
Personality: He's really quiet, but never one at a loss when it comes to putting his two cents in a conversation. He and his dad like going on outings together, although he acts a bit more like his level-headed mother...which is probably the other reason why he doesn't really care for, or get his younger-by-3-minutes sister's jokes, let alone his own dad's.
Reason for Numbuh: Originally, he was going to be numbuh 3...be like the new numbuhs 1-5...but then I changed it. So...the roman numerals kinda look like a 3-pronged 11.

Then on the right are the Beetles...or is it Beatles?

Numbuh 10
Virginia (Ginny) Beatles
Age: 9 1/2
Hand-to-Hand Combat Specialist and Second-in-command.
Personality: She's very cute and sort of distracting, but she's one heck of fighter. She'll either punch with her fists, or use her overly large hoodie sleeves to slap adults/teens...and fan boys silly. She can be passive-agressive as well.
Reason for Numbuh: Virginia was the 10th State Ratified in the Colonies.

Numbuh Unknown
Tai Beatles
Age: 6
Artic Base Cadet
Personality: Tai is really sensitive, and is usually trying to hide behind his older sister. Where the shyness came, we don't know, but hints point to wally. Now, he's determined to get through KND-Cadet training so he won't have to rely on dear ol' sis to help him out, because he feels like he is a nuisance..he is also very more mature than she is though, where as Ginny can be Naive on some things.

And there you have it! Do you think I should color it?

Oh, and I didn't know that numbuh 23's name was Virgina..so...I guess that's where Kuki picked the name from ^_^

And...I'm trying to draw them in the regular style, but i still need to work on it..
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Comments: 2

gamewizard-2008 [2013-08-01 18:59:25 +0000 UTC]

Hehe, they look like my friend's characters! ^w^

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lakin5 [2009-11-12 05:19:30 +0000 UTC]


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