Comments: 34
GhangUhs [2022-04-29 12:52:05 +0000 UTC]
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GhangUhs [2022-01-04 15:01:44 +0000 UTC]
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oursin-vert [2010-05-11 12:05:33 +0000 UTC]
Très beau portrait ... j'aime bien le traitement que tu as ajouté, ça donne un côté intemporel tout en renforçant le mouvement. Bravo ...
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picturebyclay In reply to oursin-vert [2010-05-11 12:24:11 +0000 UTC]
Merci Vincent,
A l'origine elle était ratée, trop de flou de bougé, mais en noir et blanc très dur ça passe !!!!!
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Philaeria [2010-03-27 06:14:16 +0000 UTC]
Very romantic and beauty
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picturebyclay In reply to Philaeria [2010-03-30 14:13:07 +0000 UTC]
Though it is not the most romantic shoot here, I really appreciate your nice comment !!!
Thanks again
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Tuuj [2010-01-08 23:46:14 +0000 UTC]
just beautiful
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picturebyclay In reply to Tuuj [2010-01-10 07:10:11 +0000 UTC]
Thanks for the compliment !!!
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eyenoticed [2009-12-23 23:55:48 +0000 UTC]
I love this!!!
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mankoneko [2009-12-16 16:46:11 +0000 UTC]
love it. it looks very spontaneous. she seems to be thinking "gee, why are you taking a picture of me" which makes it more genuinely pretty, if you know what i mean.
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picturebyclay In reply to mankoneko [2009-12-17 08:35:50 +0000 UTC]
yes I ffully understand what you mean...
And you exactely point it out...
She was in fact refusing to be shot, and it is a kind of stolen picture !!!!
And as I never ask people to pose, lots of my portrait are spontaneous !!!!
Thanks for the comment, and the fav !!
Also please say thank you to Sublimebudd for the feature, thanks to him, my photos reached you !!!
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picturebyclay In reply to mankoneko [2009-12-19 16:16:50 +0000 UTC]
Speaking of taking people portrait in the street, do you know that here in Europe, or maybe just in France (????), photographers are supposed to have a signed authorization contract for using their image !!!!!!
Legally it is not possible to catch people faces without their official permission !!!!!!!!!
I wander what "Doisneau" would have done then !!!!!!!!
Andbtw you are really too kind about my photography !!!!
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picturebyclay In reply to mankoneko [2009-12-22 10:24:18 +0000 UTC]
Sorry I forgot you are in Iceland !!!!!!!
Never heard about that UK insanity !!!!! Really scary as you said !!!!!
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mankoneko In reply to picturebyclay [2009-12-23 11:00:45 +0000 UTC]
heh heh heh... well, we're in the middle of nowhere. nobody ever remembers we exist. except when bjΓΆrk is on the news. XP
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picturebyclay In reply to mankoneko [2009-12-24 12:04:19 +0000 UTC]
Common, this is not fair !!!!!!
A lot of people have heard about Iceland !!!!
They just don't know that there are people living there !!!!!!! LOL
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picturebyclay In reply to mankoneko [2009-12-29 07:47:39 +0000 UTC]
in my pov, Iceland is a great place to be !
Ok the weather is pretty hard to stand, the nights are pretty long, but the beauty of the land is awesome, the creativity of artists is stunning, also you have one of the most difficult language to learn in the world !!!!
Maybe is it because of all those things that I wish one day to discover your island !!!!
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picturebyclay In reply to mankoneko [2009-12-29 10:16:05 +0000 UTC]
I really love the way you are speaking (writing in fact !!) of your country....
within the humour i can feel the tenderness you feel for it !!!!
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picturebyclay In reply to mankoneko [2009-12-31 09:50:30 +0000 UTC]
I almost feel the same for mine, actually !!!!
Always being stretch between two different languages !!!!!!!
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picturebyclay In reply to mankoneko [2010-01-01 22:07:24 +0000 UTC]
You are not going to tell me that I am busy for days now trying to express myself in english, while you are perfectly speaking, writing and thinking in French !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ????????????????????????????
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mankoneko In reply to picturebyclay [2010-01-04 09:59:47 +0000 UTC]
well, no. not french. well, i speak french a bit but i'm not that fluent. however, icelandic is my first language, english second, then danish and german and i'm pretty much fluent in them as well, and then i'm pretty good at swedish. i can also manage in finnish and sign language.
i have had the, in my opinion, strange experience of having to explain shakespeare to an english speaking person which is seems a weird thing to have to do.
i've also dabbled in japanese, irish gaelic, welsh, yiddish, thai, chinese and some others. mostly for comparative linguistics purposes.
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picturebyclay In reply to mankoneko [2010-01-04 10:04:03 +0000 UTC]
I always knew Icelandic people are really special !!!!!!
You must be an interpreter to play with languages like you do !!!!
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picturebyclay [2009-11-18 19:14:14 +0000 UTC]
Thnk you so much, coming from you, That really means something to me !!
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impatienss [2009-11-18 17:23:01 +0000 UTC]
great portrait I really like the light!
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