UGH photoshop why is your outlining so messyyyy wEEPS
HERE you can find his kinda reference sheet thing
i've still got tonnes of things to do aka icons, more apps secretsanta yesi'mthatdodgy and other thing s
I hope you all don't cry, this idiot is the l0ser who got your fine children here in the first place
also these codes are reall y annoying me so i'll fix them later yeah //sHIMMIES OUT
Basics Name
Wrinkles, aka 29 years old
oooohhhh he oooolllldddd
11th of October
Pee Pee
andapparrentlysmallerthanHeliumbutyouknow that's justprobablyafalsefact
Hair colour
A Dusty red colour transitioning to a slightly lighter and brighter colour at the tips, its not very noticeable though
Eye colour
Dusty blue, he needs to be swept he's so dusty wow
180cm [5'11"]
Weight: 0.0000-----1
Virtually nothing, some removable parts of his clothes are weighted however, to keep him completely grounded.
his bones and all his organs are much much lighter than a normal human beings now, which means they are also very brittle, making him very prone to bone injuries.
because of this new bodily weakness he has, he is seen in the gym more than the lab because he doesn't want to become decrepit and wheelchair bound or anything.
that and his powers suck
His weight before he became an element hybrid was much lighter than he would be now if he was normal with all that training he's doing ((heliftsyo))
but if he was a normal person he would appear to weigh 78kg
His Element
Atomic number and Symbol
Atomic number
[tattoo located on right thigh ]
[tattoo located on left thigh ]
Liquid form ( -252.87oC )
His powers are more effective when he combines his with someone else's.
When he becomes a compound with oxygen his powers become water type [ Hy is the best Pokémon out kids ]
Only then he can 'bend' water and create it.
If he was ever in extreme cold conditions ( possibly if he got captured for an experiment ) his actual body itself would turn into water.
If he comes in contact with water, he can merge with it, which can be a good tactic for escaping tight situations.
If he does turn into water, however, he can only wear skin tight clothing, if it isn't skin tight, then when he returns to his normal form he'll pretty much be naked.
splash him with water when he's wearing loose clothing and you'll get a prize
Gas ( Pure and natural state )
He can use powers which basically help himself, and does not necessarily comply to self defence
Some of them being that he can survive in water without running out of breath or he can float like a balloon if he takes off his weights.
His breath is completely hydrogen, so If he breathed into a balloon it would float.
He is also odourless, and combining this with how light he is, he is great at escapes.
When he is near a flame, he is easily ignited, hence his fear of fire.
Though through the process of burning, he can ignite such a flame that can even ignite rockets.
He will never burn himself for the use of fuel powers unless any member of 118 is in danger.
He is willing to loose an arm or two setting it on fire, just to defend anyone from 118
If he sets himself on fire there is no going back, whatever part of him that is on fire will instantly explode and destroy everything around him.
In his everyday life, he can always feel a slight burning sensation, due to the fact Hydrogen itself can burn in the air, but it doesn’t bother him too much.
He's normally seen with a parasol if he's outside, to protect the parts of him which aren't covered.
Basically he's only good at escaping and his powerful moves involve suicide or self harm wow we have a genuine l0ser here kids
Likes and Dislikes
+ Risking his life and taking stupid measures
+ Worrying ( okay he just does it a lot he doesn’t like it eheue )
+ Control, organisation and knowledge of safety
+ Water
+ inventing
-----✄ --
✄ When his beloved members of 118 are in danger
✄ Fire or heat
✄ Scientists ( even though he is one, he kind of hates what he is in a way )
✄ Inability to go outside without a parasol / protective clothes ( #Elementlyfe )
p e r s o n a l i t y
Too strict and constantly worried to show he is truly affectionate.
He has very high expectations, and despite wanting the best and sympathising for every single person in 118, he definitely rarely shows those feelings on the outside and dismisses them like he has no feelings for you guys at all.
He normally says things like 'if you don’t do this you'll be punished' or 'do what you're told and do it well or else.'
Leader like approach and generally serious
Generally nice and pleasant to be around when you talk to him individually [ despite the awkwardness if you can deal with that ], but when he talks to you while you are in a group of people, he gets his leader mode on.
He can make amazing speeches and convince even the government to look at his point of view as the 'right AND only ' respectable point of view, hence the reason why the governments have agreed to collaborate in making organisation 118 happen.
So He sucks at telling you what to do individually, but he feels comfortable in being dead serious and strict with a group of people.
Awkward / terrible socialiser
He can also get a little awkward when he pushes himself to have 'normal' conversations, he doesn’t really stutter, he just sounds kind of monotone and he won't know what to say
Famous for making long awkward silences
Way too devoted
Once he is devoted to doing something, he will not ever stop thinking about it and he will forget about EVERYTHING to get it done. So he is extremely devoted to his work.
This is shown when he spent an entire week trying to discover the secrets of the periodic plague and did not do ANYTHING but focus on the plague, no sleep, eating or even showering
When he becomes dangerously devoted he becomes very dependent and ignores everything around him, it causes him to forget what happened before he got devoted. --- like he will forget simple things--- simple things like forgetting to wear pants W I N K W O N K
Hidden and very lame sense of humour
He actually likes to make lame jokes and puns, ( that’s when he tries to prove he's not /that/ serious and devoted, and he can also be "funny" stoptryingHybeyoself)
but they sound even worse because of his serious personality and tone.
Its almost worse than an 'embarrassing dad' at a kids birthday party ehuehuhee.
Just hearing him make puns makes you want to tell him to stop and cry a little on the inside.
His bio is waaaaaayyyy y y too long so I'm just going to put his some of his adolescent years to his adulthood here
By this time he was at his happiest, everything was great, he had earned back the respect and trust of his parents , his math and science grades where flawless and everything couldn’t be better.
He had by this time created his own original and weird experiments only at home, and only showed his intelligence privately in tests.
He graduated with everything going right, one of his experiments he made when he was a senior had earned his parents and himself quite a lot of money, and every day his reputation in 'the science world' was going up little by little.
When he was about 20 he had heard news that one of the experiments he did was actually quite ground breaking and extremely imperative to learn some important news and maybe change the medical world altogether.
Because of this, he received a letter in the mail one day, it was regarding an award for this discovery he had made.
He was so excited when he got this, he was jumping around and crying while hugging his parents.
That day was possibly the best day of his life, his scientific break through was credible and had gotten so much attention that he was going to receive a Nobel Prize.
His parents had never been more proud of their son, and that entire day was filled with excited chatter, praise and tears of joy.
He woke up the next morning and realised how much this would change his life, he would probably have to move away from his parents now, away from Norway and probably Europe altogether, it made him scared, but excited at the same time.
He liked his life how it was, and was afraid becoming a big figure in the science world would change that.
After about 2 years, he had gotten his prize, and like he predicted he had moved away, but not permanently like he feared, and he even came back home now and then.
But something was going to change his life forever.
Periodic plague stuff happens here
Several years passed since that second collaboration and he had changed again, he was constantly nervous everyday, what if this thing he created would harm humanity? What is going to happen??? He couldn’t sleep, he couldn’t talk properly, he was constantly jumpy and scared. Gone was the happy and easy going person he was. Stress had turned him into a true adult, a strict, awkward mess.
The only people he could go to, to worry and cry about this was his parents, but they always said its going to be okay.
He just knew it wasn’t though, it wasn’t okay, something with the potential to change humanity had been released and he needed to change it now.
On the year of the peak of the experiments power, he researched for a whole week, he could feel it, the plague has the potential for being dangerous and he needed to find some sort of prevention to this experiment NOW.
But he left it too late, the plague was inside himself, from head to toe. And weakening himself to the point of starvation didn’t make things better.
He sat there for so long, only drinking water, no sleep, no food.
He was exhausted and confused but he would not take a break. He needed the answer.
But this was the worst mistake. The his body had started to fuse with the hydrogen in the water, the plague was taking him over.
He felt a piercing grind in his legs, and his stomach felt like it had been shot. This was such a sudden pain and had taken him by surprise. He screamed out to the scientists upstairs who owned the lab he was researching in, but they weren't there. Nobody was in the lab but him.
He collapsed onto the ground in agonising pain, he really thought he was going to die. And on the ground in the state he was in, he realised what was going on. He knew straight away.
The plague has the potential to turn people into the element they consume.
And this was all his fault.
[ Full bio docs.google.com/document/d/1kU… ]
+He says sorry way too much, like he is seriously sorry for everything.
+ He has the Tendancy to make up rules as he goes along, seriously, he would make a great dictator
+he might be bisexual you never know //whistles
+ he's pretty much a tsundere
+ he was used to quite fun and happy all the time but now he acts like the word fun does t even exist. He's the king of party poopers
+He thinks he needs to repay everyone in 118 for the plague, and is still trying to 'make it up' to everyone, even after building the HQ with his own two hands
+His 'small hobby' is inventing things, he does not have the money to make the things he designs,
+[ he has loads of money, but his inventions are hella expensive ] but he gets pleasure from thinking of new things constantly
+His skin ignites from long exposure to the naked sun, like at the beach, he will literally cook FRIED RED HEAD FOR ALLLLLL!!!! BETTER THAN CHICKEN !!11!!!1!!!!11!!!!!1!
+He considers himself 'weak' in comparison to everyone else, since his element has only provided him with powers that don’t do anything in terms of self defence
+ He has wanted to tell everyone in the org that he really appreciates them and loves them all but, he can't find the right words.
He's too scared to say his kokoro goes doki doki for you guys
+He doesn’t mind if you figure out what his name is, but he definitely will NOT tell you what it is straight up.
Even if you do figure it out, you would be the first to know other than his parents
+His name starts with a C and his surname starts with an O
+ also, if you hurt him, or insult him, he will most likely not react, since he believes he TRUELY deserves whatever people do to him for what he did to them (the plague )
BUT that's not always the case, and sometimes he will react when you do something to him he wont like, like if you splash wATER ON LITHIUM HE WILL SMACK YOU DON'TDOIT
“how would you like a nice day outside. in the rain, with the door locked. while I watch from inside incase you die by accident”
( yea basically Helium is the only one he doesn’t show how worried he is about him when he goes outside or does something risky. love hate kinda thing, with 1% love and mostly hate, well not hate, more like, ‘ he’s fun to pick on’ )
“ I-- she’s great but she----just please don’t go near water Li.”
( he pretty much senses that she hates him for kidnapping her and basically removing the life she used to have bUT WHAT ELSE WAS HE SUPPOSED TO DO?? hedeserveseverydropofwatershetouches.
I hope she doesn’t find out Hy kinda was involved with the reason why she has her element powers. )
Platinum / Nyums
“ okay a few rules, don’t eat in the lab, the training equipment is not edible and my lab coat is not a toy. I hope you remember this time, I think that’s the 12th time I told you”
( he’s just worried that Platinum is going to get himself killed some day namida )
“ oxy-chan-sannnn~!! make water with me hh h h hh~~~ <333 “ //KICKED IDK WH AT HE THINKS ABOUT HIM YET LMFAO i’M OUTIE