Category: MYO
First Artist: UNIFRAP
First Designer: UNIFRAP
Current Owner: CrazyQuilman157
Owner History:
UNIFRAP purchased a Very Rare MYO Pillowing Slot from CloverCoin
UNIFRAP resold to LiversOnTheMoon
LiversOnTheMoon gifted to CrazyQuilman157
Very Rare Large Size
Rare Perky Long Ears
Rare Open Eyes with One Very Rare Shaped Pupil (X)
Rare Forked Tongue
Very Rare Fangs
Common Padding Paws
Very Rare Claws
Very Rare Bob Tail with Rare Wide Width, Sealed Case
Common Stitching
Very Rare Sheer (Pumpkin Leaves)
Common Hat
[ Resale: Yes / Trades: Yes / Gifts: Yes ]
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