owner: @/hannamii
Broken doll
belongs to me~
Payment via paypal
After the payment, you will receive full, unwatermarked version of this character and from that moment, she will belong to you
But if you would like to resell the desing later, you may do it only for the price you've bought it (+ the amount of money you've spent on the art for this character). And let me know, if the desing change its owner~!
Please, credit me under the first art / story / other with this character. I would love to see it!
Comment or note me to claim
Only for non-commercial use!
Aah, porcelain really inspires me! ;v; I love that motive and I really love drawing dresses like those, with a lot of details and small paintings on it! even if it takes me hours and my hand is dying!
Hope you'll enjoy those two smol ladies ;v;
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