PrincipeFenice — Eldar Guardian #5

#citadel #collecting #craftworld #eldar #gamesworkshop #guardian #miniatures #painting #toysoldiers #wargaming #warhammer40k #eldarguardians #eldarpirates
Published: 2020-04-10 16:53:27 +0000 UTC; Views: 872; Favourites: 9; Downloads: 0
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This is one of those models that I started to work on and never finished. I painted the base colours for the armour and the loincloth and that was it. I really did lack focus when I was a kid.

Citadel Colours used:

Armour: Naggaroth Night, Druchii Violet, Xereus Purple, Genestealer Purple, Phoenician Purple, Dechala Lilac.

Loincloth, sash and helmet: Warpfiend Grey, White Scar.

Ribbon: Caliban Green, Warpstone Glow, Moot Green, Screaming Skull.

Shuriken catapult: Rakarth Flesh, Karak Stone, Graveyard Earth, Screaming Skull.

Holster and ammo pouches: Rhinox Hide, Agrax Earthshade, Gorthor Brown, Baneblade Brown.

Spirit stone, gem and lenses: Abaddon Black, Caliban Green, Warpstone Glow, Moot Green, Screaming Skull, White Scar.

Base: Agrellan Earth, Gryphonne Sepia (Wash), Screaming Skull, Dryad Bark.

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Comments: 6

JD20mg [2020-04-13 17:00:27 +0000 UTC]

Pan-fed shuriken catapults were a thing once.  I have a couple of old guardians from that era with laser rifles, I have yet to post (buried somewhere in my collection).

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PrincipeFenice In reply to JD20mg [2020-04-13 17:19:21 +0000 UTC]

Yep, It was a less elegant way to feed ammo, but then again the shuriken catapult in the beginning was not Eldar exclusive.

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JD20mg In reply to PrincipeFenice [2020-04-13 22:11:27 +0000 UTC]

Yeah, if i remember correctly, there were a (very) few minis of beaky marines that had them also.  I just assumed they were used as captured enemy weapons.

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PrincipeFenice In reply to JD20mg [2020-04-14 09:10:35 +0000 UTC]

I checked out of curiosity and there were two. A MKVI Marine and a Scout. I have a Nurgle Champion on Palaquin with SC too.

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JD20mg In reply to PrincipeFenice [2020-04-14 16:51:17 +0000 UTC]

Never seen that Nurgle champion mini before.  Wow they really went thru a lot of trouble designing metal minis back then.  And its a fairly complicated assembly (Reminds me of the Thorgrim Grudgebearer minis).  You needed a sturdy table to support game armies back then.

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PrincipeFenice In reply to JD20mg [2020-04-14 18:10:07 +0000 UTC]

One thing that can be said about GW is that they always pushed the envelope.

Actually back then armies were smaller, especially 40K ones. I remember never being able to field eanch and every unit I liked.

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