This little bugger has been ages in the making, but finally, the tonpurry is complete! He stands at about 9 inches tall, 6-ish inches wide from arm to arm when they're at his sides. Designing him went easier than expected, to be honest, except for the coat, I usually start out with a vague idea of the stitches I'll need to get the shape I want, but the coat refused to compute for some reason. It turned out pretty well all things considered; my biggest aim other than shaping was making sure it was fully removable for ease of washing, and I achieved that, so I'll call it a win. The hood's top edge is a little wonk to me, though, if I were to do it over I'd probably have started it out a bit wider so the last row wouldn't have left that weird Assassin's Creed-ish hood "beak." It's not super noticeable, but I know it's there, and that's enough to bug me, haha~ I considered embroidering more facial details, but I really love the creepy-cute vibe the blank, soulless stare gives.
Fully patterned myself, stuffed with poly-fil, yarns used are Red Heart Super Saver in paddy green, bright yellow, cafe latte, and coffee.