a renewed sheet is here, this is in progress
more notes on new sheet, updates, etc:
- Her actual name is Thalia. don't take the name Ram to heart. it is not her name, it is more a temporary nickname
-her throat is deeply scarred, this is how she died in her human life and the scar is still visible on this creature which is the metaphorical visualization of her ghost
-I added more contrast in the shape design though when i have time i will update this to take it even further so it is still to be changed a bit. i did not like the dull consistency on her entire body just being thin all over
-the texture of her skin is either like human skin, or not physical at all: appearning somewhat see-through and you can reach through it; when putting your hand on her ghostly form your hand might pass through and you will feel a slight feeling of either warmth, or cold depending on her mood.
-a note that she turns her head the way goats do
- you will most likely find her in pine forest areas, mountain areas, and there will very probably be lots of mist and atmosphericness.
she loves butterflies and moths too
yeah it's Ram's new ref c:
She is trapped between the physical and the non-physical; in a way that she has already died, yet has not seen the light. She used to be unaware of her death and lived as a ghost, but has learned of this, and knows now that she must fulfill another life: she must return to live again as a flesh mortal, and die knowingly so she can move on.
While she was unaware of her death time as she knew it 'changed' -or became nonexistent-, and she slowly wandered and decayed over the decades (unaware). during this time parts of her essence were lost in the unknowing years of wandering, and she searches for these parts in order to move on, and one day be fully reinited with the astral realm, and leaving her physical life behind
she used to be a human, but consider this form to be her 'spirit creature' visualization
- existential nihilism
- the wound in her chest is like a spreading corruption from her either dying or completely missing heart. inside the wound is like an empty void of numb emptiness that is slowly tearing her apart from within
- her third eye can rotate in any way, it can also close
- her presence can invoke overwhelming feelings of impending doom, a feeling as if time stopped existing and you are standing in front of the doors of death with no chance to look away, as you are being dragged closer and closer with no escape
- can grow eyes everywhere... including her environment (and she can also see through them). but ironically despite all the eyes, her eyesight itself is somehow very bad. she can see, but it takes effort to focus. in bright daylight she is nearly blind
- her form can appear transparent, or as if skin texture is not solid; but instead it looks like fog
- Ram's entire form is created by some kind of unknown organic material than assembles / organizes itself in such a way that the structure ATTEMPTS to resemble what an earthly creature looks like. each time she moves, the material moves and re-assembles itself, and this results into her movements sometimes looking unnatural, twisted and as if the body constantly needs to be snapped and broken in order to move
- she can speak through telepathy, and she can make sounds but those are more like a low purr mixed with a growl and as if a large sea creature makes them, or it sounds like an unearthly growl that has been partially muted by thick fog
--- when enraged or lots of pain the roaring or screaming she makes is like a human scream, but with a deafening high pitched scream though it that is not human nor animal and it is filled with pain. it is said to run a chill down your spine and paralyze you and you are left hollow with no emotions except with the most fear and sorrow you've ever felt
more info:
Ram ref info document - NEWA strange ghost-like creature said to live in her own otherworldly dimension of which the construction is controlled by her own mind. She searches for the fragments of her shattered, missing spirit
She used to live a mortal life as human, but she got so lost, hopeless and empty inside (mentally) that she slowly decayed, forgot herself and died. yet she had already died long ago, before her actual physical death: during her fading life fragments of her soul and spirit were slowly left behind piece by piece, and at the time of her physical death there was so little left of her that her soul could not move on to live, further into the astral realm. 'she has died, yet has not seen the light which passes her soul on into this realm'. because of this, she is caught between life and death, wandering eternally unaware of her death, unaware of anything at all: she lived as a fading ghost.
She eventually, somehow mana