"The Arrival of Queen Maev" (Or Maeb, Maeve, etc. There many spellings.) is my interpretation of the Queen of the Faerie Kingdom. As per the rules of the stock account from which I derived both the pose and the style of dress, I am linking ( ). This was a combination of over 60 layers, produced in Paint Tool Sai, Corel Painter and Photoshop. I also used a Artrage for the initial paint layers which proves to give a more dramatic effect. I used red and purple because I felt they really made Her pop from the background.
Queen Maev is also known as the Warrior Queen of Connacht from Ireland. She has been working with me on my altar for a few months now. During Paganicon some of you saw me pick up a beautiful statue. I've always had what I would call an "interesting" relationship with faeries and some of you even know the story of why. I won't go into it here, though. Since working with the Queen, I have been making daily offerings to Her for some help with personal challenges and spiritual growth. This was based on a vision I had while dreaming. When Queen Maev arrives, it's no joking matter. Often She will send a follower to pass on Her messages in the form of a frog, rabbit, chipmunk (Oh Wade! lol) or a Boreal Chickadee (this is the form I usually see by Grandmother Apple during spiritual work.) This time, the Queen comes personally to deliver a message.
Thank you for looking! I am working on many more like this! I have 60 .psd files from last year that I am reworking for you guys to bring you education and enjoyment! Why is the Moon on top of the trees? BECAUSE THE QUEEN WILLED IT SO. I don't argue, I just draw.
These are all completely digital paintings with textures, filters, brushes used in conjunction with the aid of a mouse and Wacom board. They are both simple and complex with varying amounts of time dedicated to each painting. I use only "Creative Commons Zero Attribute" references unless specified otherwise. If you're confused what this means, please use Google to answer your own questions. If anything has been used in error, then please don't hesitate to let me know so that I may rectify the issue. I encourage and desire all constructive criticism but will not tolerate stupidity. Thanks for looking. Blessed Be!